David Porter's picture

In the early stages of meditation the aspirant will notice a sense of loss, lack and emptiness, which is frequently most distressing. This is due to the fact that the focus of attention is away from the things of the senses. This indicates a sure sign of genuine progress in your meditations.


Slowly and naturally a measure of control of the mind emerges. You begin to sense the truth more clearly gaining greater compassion toward others.


Expansion of awareness, understanding, perception and emotional detachment heightens your senses, reducing stress and improving health, bringing peace, centeredness, self-discipline and a greater ability to focus. Visual imagery increases in conscious reception.


Regeneration of the physical, mental, emotional, and etheric  bodies, giving rest to the mental and emotional bodies that receive rest only during the conscious stilling of the mind, altering the process of aging.


One of the first positive effects of the meditation work is an increased efficiency in the daily life, be it home, office or any field of human endeavour.


Whether or not illumination is achieved, through the practice of meditation, the life of the individual will be greatly enriched. There will be much gained usefulness and power as a result along with an enormous increase in awareness, widening their sphere of influence.


There will come a quickening of your psychic nature. Leading to development of a new and subtle apparatus, by means of which you no longer see the vision of Divine reality as separate, but know yourself to be Divine reality.




Concentration: The act of concentrating the mind. Learning to focus the mind and so use it.


Einstein said: “All I want to know is the thoughts of God, all else is a footnote.”

And “Your Imaginations is a preview of life’s coming attractions.”


The word concentration in Latin: Con’ together or bring together.

Centrate/Centrare’: Draw to a common center of focal point. To center.


Meditation: The prolonged focusing of the attention in any direction. The steady holding of the mind on any desired idea.


Contemplation: An activity of the soul, detached from the mind, which is held in a state of quiescence.


Blaise Pacal: “All of man’s troubles stem from his inability to sit quietly in a room alone.”


Illumination: The result of the three proceeding processes, that involves carrying down into the brain the consciousness of the knowledge achieved.


Inspiration: The result of illuminations as it demonstrates in the life of service.


William Lyon Phelps said: “How essential it is to be able to live inside a mind with attractive and interesting pictures on the walls.”


Right use of the mind in meditation opens the consciousness to the beauty, truth and goodness of the soul. Through these five stages of concentration, meditation, contemplation, illumination, and inspiration, you will be lead to union with the soul, “the son of mind,” and direct knowledge of Divinity, creating an instrument of intelligence for you, the soul to use in daily life.




Your intent shapes light immediately. The reflection of light that occurs when mass is released, cellular memory, equates likened to kinetic energy, and gives way unto syntrificle force, what is called power or energy. Intelligence is in thought, thought is called electrical current, the power is in the thought.


Thomas Edison: “Any thoughts, plans, goals, or ideas continually thought upon in the conscious mind must come into existence from the supernatural world.”


Between the intellect and the intuition a gap exist until it has been consciously bridged through meditation. Meditation is sometimes defined as thinking in the heart. Correct meditation proceeds only when the heart and mind function in unison. To touch the intuition therefore, this blending of the heart and mind is a necessity. 


Parkhust P. Quimby: “What you believe will happen whether you are thinking about it or not.”


To excel in meditation the student should obtain the attitude of the observer in daily life, the onlooker or perceiver.


 Imagine yourself to be the thinker, unaffected by the feeling center in any way. Steadily guiding the thoughts received, refusing to accept unwanted thoughts to take root in your mind. Not by inhibiting or resisting, but by the method of a dynamic interest in something else.


To assist in growth, maintain close attention to your daily activities whether reading a book, making love, driving a vehicle, cleaning the home, or performing office or employment duties. Become conscious of the moment that you are in.

Clairvoyance is a word that describes someone who sees clearly, which comes from being consciously in the moment called now.


Ralph Waldo Emerson: “You become what you think about all day long.”


True ability to concentrate grows out of a concentrated thought governed life. Organize your daily life. Regulate your activities. Become focused and one-pointed in your manner of living.


Those of you who are governed by your emotions waste much time and energy, and accomplish less than the mentally focused person.


Spock: "May The Force be with you"
