Spiritual advancement

Happy trails ahead, happy entry

David Porter's picture

Even if you lack in understanding of what is coming to us just now and in the concepts of the metaphysical disiplines. You can just think of it as "Heaven on Earth" is about to anchor here, 5D (Fifth dimension). Those who are in the Highest of "vibrations" on these "Portal opening" days will receive more of these potent energies of Divine Love arriving just now.

You may not note much change in your feelings or DNA, or mind etc at first, but over the days after this great event of the change from carbon based bodies to Crystalline based, new bodies, you will become quite aware when all of a sudden you float, or move something with your thoughts and one of the new "tools" you will be blessed with is telepathy as well, this one will fall more easily into use.

The energies of these days will download your personal "Soul-Forces" (Spiritual Gifts) into your DNA/Chakra system, a merger of sorts.

The most important and powerful energy-dates heretofore known to man-kind are rapidly approaching.

You need not do a thing and all will work out,,,however if you would be so kind unto "self" as to caress self with a bit with Divine Love, (Unconditional Love) you can make this upcoming shift work for you more gracefully and effectively.

Dates of concern: 12/12/12 and 12/21/12

On these days use these Ingredients: Gratitude/appreciation and Forgiveness. Hold these in your mind/thoughts, feelings, place them in your words and act them out in all your ways on said days. "Think of the area of your body called, "HEART" as often as you can staring now, hold this "area" in MIND all day, every day through this timeline. 

"Time" is deleting quickly, get in shape now, practice, practice, practice. This implanting, intergration, activation and acceleration of Higher Energies will continue to end of month, end year, end of clycle.

I love you, love you, love you dearly, ~Happy Entry~

To Hell in a Hand Basket or Heaven in a Rowboat?

David Porter's picture

Does it matter to you? Do you care? Or do you wish to “ignore it?”

If you could assist in a major way at no charge to you, would you? To "ignore it" or being “ignor’ant” of something doesn’t make it go away.


The storms of all natures are incoming and will proceed as necessary for disposal and clearing purposes. They are not set in stone and can be altered, but that’s not in the status quo, is it? The more emphasis that the masses, which is just the wider version of you, me and all of us in this "basket," (see the hundred monkey theory) place on “To hell in a hand basket”  rather than “Heaven in a Rowboat” how bad it is, and “it comes in threes” and “could it get any worse than this,” is the very kind of thinking that sunk down to where we are to date. 


Heres a key for you. When you change you, you change your relationships, which changes the entire status quo of everything on your planet and beyond.


All you have to do to help with the fix is think. It cost nothing, it takes no energy or effort and it produces clean energy if the thoughts are clean. Allow me to elaborate.


Not only does it not require effort, but effort in thought will interfere with it’s implementation and potential manifestation. Thought doesn’t require energy, but attracts it, and directs it for use in forming or moulding the nature of it’s contents. “As a man thinketh in his hear so is he.” It’s so simple, not easy, but simple. It does take repetition. Every time you catch yourself thinking, speaking, acting or even feeling the “hell in the hand basket” scenario, stop right there on the spot and replace it.


The Unconscious Compentent...You have entered "The Danger Zone"

David Porter's picture

When you were a baby, you were unconscious and incompetent. At least, to the outer 3D environment that was new to you.


Your consciousness that, of the Higher Planes from where you just departed for your Earthly jouney was still very much with you. Not only did the “blessing” of amnesia slowly begin to set in, but other means to challenge your intellect and intuition became a major part of your exoteric circumstances as well.


There is much that is not allowed to accompany us on our Earth sojourn. There are valid reasons for this, for now, another interference of our ability to acquire and then sustain conscious living came into to the picture. Here we call it parents. And then came the in-laws, the outlaws and the teachers and all the rest of the mostly well meaning ones that did a thorough job of making you comply to their belief systems and what they thought you should do, the way you should act, the words you should use, and not use, what you should have, and not have, and the way you should present yourself in the public eye.


Back to you the baby. Dad gets up, gets ready, ties his shoes and off to work he goes. You have no idea what he’s doing, but the child always watches everything. Mommy ties your shoes every day, but so far you are an unconscious incompetent.


You grow. At around the terrific twos you have been watching this shoe-tie thing now for some time. One day you try it, whoops no good, can’t do it yet but you become conscious of it being done. You have become a conscious incompetent.


You grow. You’re now about 3, 4, you know the shoe needs to be tied, and by now you can tie a sloppy bow. You have become a conscious competent.


David Porter's picture

In the early stages of meditation the aspirant will notice a sense of loss, lack and emptiness, which is frequently most distressing. This is due to the fact that the focus of attention is away from the things of the senses. This indicates a sure sign of genuine progress in your meditations.


Slowly and naturally a measure of control of the mind emerges. You begin to sense the truth more clearly gaining greater compassion toward others.


Expansion of awareness, understanding, perception and emotional detachment heightens your senses, reducing stress and improving health, bringing peace, centeredness, self-discipline and a greater ability to focus. Visual imagery increases in conscious reception.


Regeneration of the physical, mental, emotional, and etheric  bodies, giving rest to the mental and emotional bodies that receive rest only during the conscious stilling of the mind, altering the process of aging.


One of the first positive effects of the meditation work is an increased efficiency in the daily life, be it home, office or any field of human endeavour.


Whether or not illumination is achieved, through the practice of meditation, the life of the individual will be greatly enriched. There will be much gained usefulness and power as a result along with an enormous increase in awareness, widening their sphere of influence.


There will come a quickening of your psychic nature. Leading to development of a new and subtle apparatus, by means of which you no longer see the vision of Divine reality as separate, but know yourself to be Divine reality.




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