China Food Conference Warns Against GMOs, New Zealand Takes Note of GMO Dangers

Silver's picture, By: Elizabeth Renter, 08/07/2013

gmo apple syringe 263x164 China Food Conference Warns Against GMOs, New Zealand Takes Note of GMO Dangers

At a recent conference in China, New Zealand officials took heed to warnings about the dangers of letting genetically modified crops take hold in their own country. The International Conference on Ethnic Food Cultures and Food Safety featured a broad range of topics, with much of the time spent on investigating and discussing the values and dangers of genetically modified crops.


It’s important that we keep watch of the global happenings surrounding genetically modified foods. While the U.S. is “leading” the way in using, commercializing, and supporting the corporations behind genetically modified crops, other countries seem to be taking a more cautious approach, an approach our leaders could certainly learn from. It seems nations are following Italy’s decision to ban at least some GMOs.


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New Zealand is one of the

Armesis's picture

New Zealand is one of the most agriculturally polluted countries on the planet. They put a poison called 1080 in their soil to kill small mammals, it gets into the water and destroys the DNA of any mammal ingesting it. This is due to greed, Kiwi's know this and protest its use, but many politicians have been bought and still authorize its use. New Zealand and any country with its imports will be affected. They deserve better , NZ is one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

Love and Light

Living in China, I can attest

MozartFloyd's picture

Living in China, I can attest to the pollution that has ruined most of China's water: lakes and rivers; so New Zealand is not alone in this. Most of the youth in this country are deeply upset about pollution and want things to change.  

The Chinese recently banned New Zealand's milk due to contamination.  China has accepted GMO's but there is outrage amongst the populace to rid the country of new genes in the food supply.  Unlike many Americans, the Chinese love food and they take great pleasure in eating, real, fresh food that has no need to be altered.  Unfortunately, a fascination with western and American culture has allowed junk food to enter the culture and the youth in this country relish it.  I do hope the Chinese take a further stand and decide to eliminate GMO's.  In China, the government has the power, not corporations; so there is hope things will change and GMO's will be eliminated.

Peace, love, and light!