Karin Lacy – www.KarinLLightworker.com
January 2014
Living in the New Earth of 5D
Dear fellow Lightworkers;
FYI, We are Still Over 1500$ Behind in our Funding Goal with 9 Days Remaining! If You Have not made a Donation this Month and You can Share, Thanks for Honoring Our Love and Commitment to This Full Planetary Awakening http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/donate
Quoted from Today's Earth Ally Message ...Humanity is beginning to Awaken from a sleepy dream of separation and into the True Beauty of the Inner Being. Many are Being Awakened to witness and Be a Part of a New Age Emerging from the depths of the broken glass of illusion and lies, and Standing Tall On a New and True Foundation Built Upon The Truth Of Who Everyone Truly IS. A New beginning has Arrived and Planet Earth is Born into The Light of Her Destiny. Just as She makes Her Transformation, so will Humanity, As New Cosmic Beings Living in True Reality with The Foundation of Truth, Balance, Harmony, Whole Health, Miracles, Abundance, Equality and Unconditional Love.
As all the glass houses break into pieces, it takes with it the old ways of separation and fear, and absorbs those illusions that have kept Humanity prisoners and slaves. No Longer will the Truth be Hidden of Who You Truly Are. All that no longer Serves for the Highest Good of All is Dissolved Within Love. Out of the Ashes of duality, a New Balanced Being Emerges, one of compassion, understanding, Love of Self and Love for All. The Higher Self realized and Connected in human, ushers in a New Day.
This New Day is Emerging on the Planet , the Golden age is amongst us, as Humanity Awakens To All Prayers Answered. Where Every Moment is full of miracles, Abundance, True Peace, and Harmony for every one...... Heaven on Earth is Rising from out of the darkness of duality and We Are Now Ascending.
As Each Awaken You Will See Mother Earth's Abundance in Love returning the Planet into the Garden of Eden from whence she came. Humanity is in the re-discovering of their True Self, which opens the door into the Present Moment of Now, Heaven on Earth and returns Abundance back to All, so all of You may Live as Kings and Queens. Divinity is close at hand, and We say Welcome Home. Welcome to The Present Moment of Now! Can You Hear US NOW?.... To Read this Entire Post You Can Follow this Link: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/awakening-new-age-spiritualgalactic-being-0
5D Chat Session About The New Human Relationships in 5D Reality Will Be Hosted By the Earth Allies Today from Noon Pacific till 2pm Pacific Live At This Link http://tinychat.com/galacticpress
This Room Stays Open On a 24 Hour Basis for Music, Truth, Chat, Fun, Laughter and Support
By: Collective-evolution.com , 01/21/2014
Natural News, By: J.D. Heyes, 01/22/2014
(NaturalNews) A combination of vitamin E and selenium products may help reduce the toxicity of mercury from eating fish, according to a recent study involving lab rats. Scientists say that, if results can be replicated in human beings, the findings could mean that pregnant women may be able to consumer larger amounts of fish, and their children benefit more from omega-3s.
Natural News, By: Mike Adams, 01/22/2014
: Karen Doonan |
Hi Everyone,
This Is A Almine Video
Talking About The Battle Between Body And Soul
Tara Grace
We are all very well programmed into believing that ‘the sensual approach’ only targets romantic love in this day and age, and has done so for millennia.
We are also in the battle for change both on a collective level and on a personal level. It should be both; if we think they are separated awakenings we are still very profoundly at sleep.
Natural News, By: J.D. Heyes, 01/22/2014
By: Messagetoeagle.com
Image credit: EISP.ORG
MOSTLY QUIET WITH A CHANCE OF FLARES: For the past 24 hours, solar activity has been low. However, two sunspots facing Earth, AR1957 and AR1959, have 'beta-gamma' magnetic fields that harbor energy for M-class solar flares. NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% chance of M-flares on Jan. 22nd. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.
~ Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Fractal Enlightenment
www.wakingtimes.com - January 20, 2014
“Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.” ~ Miles Kington
1. You’re more in touch with your spiritual foundations through transformative meditation:
I have a special category for the use of Cannabis either for recreational use or medicinal use against several ailments. The reason is that it is a miraculous plant and it should be free to use without fearing the punishment of the Matrix.
By: Jennifer Farley, 01/22/2014
For just a few moments today; move away from your adult and revisit your child. Listen to how the wind blows, smell the sweetness of flowers, let your hands enjoy the different textures around you, look at your world through a child’s eyes. Reacquaint yourself with beauty of curiosity and arousal. It is who you were born to be and who you really are. ~ Creator
By: Chris Dolce, 01/22/2014
Winter Storm Janus spread its swath of snow from the Ohio Valley into the Northeast Urban Corridor from Jan. 21-22, 2014.
For more on this story visit www.wunderground.com
By: Cath McAloon, 01/21/2014
Next week promises to be a powerful time for energy shifts and openings – especially with the super moon January 30 ahead of Chinese New Year and the Year of the Horse officially starting the next day. These energies are auspicious and hold great potential for you on a personal level – helping you to connect with your destiny path and your true power to create as a multidimensional being of light.
With every choice I now must make,
I see just who I am.
Is it my looks, security,
Or Spirit in command?
Favored activities for this week are: Revolt! Experiment! Commit to Change! It may not be easy but somebody's got to lead the way and it is looking more and more like we have to do it ourselves..... time to bite the bullet, roll up the sleeves, and paddle that boat outa' the harbor and toward the open sea!!! Injoy!
Thanks to Matt for the music! http://mattstonehouse.com
Move forward in confidence. Move forward in joy and security. Move forward in the knowledge that All is Well.
You are safe, completely safe, regardless of the appearance of your circumstances. You are in the Hands of the Divine, now and always. Relax, and let yourself enjoy being there, safe and warm, secure and loved, very much loved.
By: Aisha North, 01/22/2014
By: Heavenletters.org, 01/22/2014
God said:
By: Oraclereport.com, 01/22/2014
Disseminating Moon Phase: communicate, share, introspect, teach, learn
Moon: Libra
Ruling Mahavidya: Kali
Published on Jan 22, 2014
HI Everyone,
This Is an Almine Video
Talking About
What It Means To Be Real
Tara Grace
: Karen Doonan |
Alternet, By: Alex Kane, 01/21/2014
Photo Credit: AFP
Karin Lacy – www.KarinLLightworker.com
January 2014
Living in the New Earth of 5D
Dear fellow Lightworkers;
By: Angels Wings and Unicorns, 01/21/2014
We understand that a great deal of you are continuing to struggle with your monetary abundance. There are a few key points we would like to address on that topic today.
By: Lilou Mace, 01/21/2014
By: Gordon G. Chang, 01/21/2014
On Friday, Chinese state media reported that China Credit Trust Co. warned investors that they may not be repaid when one of its wealth management products matures on January 31, the first day of the Year of the Horse.
We are experiencing higher than anticipated tapping of New Dimensional frequencies. Query sounds emitted and returned in perfect order. More sounds will be heard in areas where Higher frequencies are present. All systems are in place to start relay resonance codes. Pulses at higher octaves to commence chiming through Earth and into humanity's fields soon after elevation of lower frequencies . A sequence of tones will activate the Light onto all of Gaia's surface.
Just like in the last report we begin with a reminder of the work we are doing in the Cosmic Meditation for the Initial Healing of the Masculine Portion of the Collective Consciousness’ Psyche, and what our main focus for this Out-breath phase is.
If you are already familiar with this, simply scroll down to the Daily Frequency Report portion of this article.
By: Greg Hunter, 01/20/2014
By: wearechange
In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to U.S air force whistleblower Kristen Meghan about her conclusions and observations regarding the U.S military connection with chemtrails. The issue of chemtrails has been widely debated among many circles and is regarded in popular culture as a "conspiracy theory". But with whistleblowers like Kristen Meghan coming forward can it really be regarded a conspiracy theory anymore?
Oil painting by Urs Schmid (1995) of a Penrose tiling using fat and thin rhombi. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
At a fundamental level, your brain and the fabric of the universe operate in much the same way according to a recent meta-study published by world-renowned consciousness researchers Stuart Hameroff and Roger Penrose [Hameroff and Penrose (2013)].
Their theory is based off findings that quantum vibrations occur in microtubules in the brain (discovered by Anirban Bandyopadhyay). These microtubules form the basic structure of cells in our neurons, which are responsible for a wide range of consciousness-related phenomena such as the transmission of thoughts, nerve impulses, and the operation of the five senses, among other things.
By: Dahboo77
The is a complete setup folks! They say you "Have" to sign up or get fined , Thats sign up to an unprotected site provided by them! A site where anyone can now steal your info!
Important Video To Watch ! Hidden Source Code:
By: Moe, 01/21/2014
By: Andrea Germanos, 01/21/2014
33 earthquakes
2.5 12km SW of Volcano, Hawaii 2014-01-21 12:42:36 UTC-08:00 0.0 km
2.6 21km ENE of Sterling, Alaska 2014-01-21 10:38:14 UTC-08:00 40.1 km
3.1 82km N of Hatillo, Puerto Rico 2014-01-21 09:48:18 UTC-08:00 33.0 km
4.9 44km SSE of Tobelo, Indonesia 2014-01-21 08:48:47 UTC-08:00 101.0 km
Author: Karen Doonan
The Councils of Selves
We continue.
If you could see what is happening to so many others at this time, as we do, you would have a much clearer and more optimistic view of your circumstances than most of you do. You see, clearly or not so clearly, your own progress. You know of what may be happening for friends and acquaintances, perhaps. Even at that, your knowledge is limited to what you are told and your own interpretations of it.
Written by Wes Annac, Conscious Oneness
Continued from Part 1
Worldwide unity will be an aspect of our rise into a greater state of consciousness and a result of the effort we make to reintroduce awareness to the rest of society. Even if our message isn’t heard, we’ll know that we did our best to help others understand the importance of coming together to address and solve the issues we face.
By: Nicole Winfield, 01/21/2014
image credit: AP
On a salad, in a tahini hummus, or spread throughout a delicious roasted vegetable meal, sesame seeds offer a nutty depth that contrasts with other types of seeds. Not only do they taste great and are easily found for an affordable price, but these tiny seeds are also incredible for supporting bone health, longevity, and overall happiness.