~ Energies are Rising~

Lia's picture

Join us Beginning at 11:30am Pacific IN the 5d Room For a Pre~ Party Pop Up Video[ dance Music] and Then The Galactic Love Party begins At 1:30Pm Pacific See You There for An Intense Energy DAY N The 5D ROOM! All Live at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

Greetings Love Beings, Another Day IN the Energies RISING!!!! As these Energies rise so does the unconsciousness or denser energy!  We are In Intense TIMES Everyone On this Last day of August! These Past few days energies plus and incoming CME and Solar Wind Stream Will be Blasting us Off Energetically Into September! The Sun is already preparing for the Reversal and the Affects we are already seeing! This will Increase Significantly in the next couple of Months... People will be flipping out or in!  We Prefer People Flipping Into Love and Awakening!! WINK Join us Live today, We will Have Some extra energy Incoming, Beaming from the Ships Into the 5d Room!

Love The Earth Allies

Table of Contents

Aurigid meteor shower peaks before dawn September 1


Earthsky.org, 8/31/13, Deborah Byrd

Meteors are also called shooting stars.  But meteors in annual showers, like the Aurigids, are bits of debris left  behind in the orbits of comets.  Image via NASA.

Meteors are also called shooting stars. But meteors in annual showers, like the Aurigids, are bits of debris left behind in the orbits of comets. Image via NASA.


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Short Update~ Galactic Love Party ALL DAY~


Join us Beginning at 11:30am Pacific IN the 5d Room For a Pre~ Party Pop Up Video[ dance Music] and Then The Galactic Love Party begins At 1:30Pm Pacific See You There for An Intense Energy DAY N The 5D ROOM! All Live at this Link:



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50 kg meteor explodes and illuminates sky over southeastern USA


The Watchers-8/30/13, Adonai


A meteor with estimated mass of over 50 kg exploded over Tennessee, USA, around 07:27 UTC on August 28, 2013 (02:27 local time). Head of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office, Bill Cook, said the fireball reached a peak magnitude of -13. It was brighter than a full moon, and casted shadows on the ground. This indicated that the meteor had a mass of over 50 kg (110 lbs) and was about 40 cm (16 inches) in diameter.


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China Earthquake: At Least 5 Dead


Wunderground.com - 8/31/13


BEIJING -- An earthquake hit a mountainous area of southwestern China on Saturday, killing at least five people, destroying hundreds of residences and forcing thousands of people to relocate, the government and state media said.


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John Smallman ~ Who You Truly Are Is Magnificence Impossible To Describe Adequately


JesusThroughJohn  August 30 2013


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Oracle Report ~ Saturday, August 31, 2013


Oracle Report Third Moon Phase in Cancer: re-alignment, revision, re-orientation

Ruling Mahavidya: Bhairavi

I will post daily reports this weekend, instead of one post for both days. Things are happening quickly and wise owls are called upon to remain firmly grounded while simultaneously squeezing some joy out of life.


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Marilyn Raffaele ~ The Arcturian Group ~ 31 August 2013



Greetings dear ones. Again we come to bring hope and the light of guidance for all is proceeding according to plan. Try not to simply turn away when you hear this, for we know you hear words of change coming from many channels and yet nothing appears to change. It is important to let go of any concepts you may still hold with regard to how world change must manifest for in holding specific ideas of change you look out through the lens of third dimensional concepts and see third dimensional appearances. It is time to move into trust and the practice of truth.


We see change in the hearts of many who previously lived lives of anger and resentment as the higher resonating energies pour to earth at this time allowing more and more people to open to the experience of compassion regardless of any previously held prejudices. Every unfolding awareness adds another spark of unconditional love to universal world consciousness and helps to bring about the changes you all seek.


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Beryl Thomas ~ Talking ‘Bout A Revolution


WiredForSuccess  August 30 2013 (Thanks, Beryl)

The world is on the brink of Massive Change, a Revolution no less.


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Méline Lafont ~ The New Body And New Reality Is All About The Re-Embodiment Of A Specimen Or Fractal Of Your True Self




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Henry Seltzer ~ September Promises A Powerful Dose Of Radical Revolution


Astrograph August 30 2013

Deviant Art ~ Chiron

Deviant Art ~ Chiron


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Archangel Raphael ~ “Dear ones, I am talking to you that now is your moment”


 (English) by Gabriel Raio Lunar

Dear ones, before you start reading the message that I received from Raphael, he asked me to put the link of this music so you can listen while reading or when you wish.
I also love you.


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~ Space Weather Update~ Incoming CME, Upgraded Fireball


INCOMING CME: A coronal mass ejection (CME, movie) is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field on Sept. 1st, sparking minor to moderate geomagnetic storms around the poles. The CME was propelled toward Earth by a C8-class flare from sunspot AR1836 on August 30th. High-latitude sky watchers, be alert for auroras! Aurora alerts: text, voice.


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Volcanoes Today, 31 Aug 2013: Veniaminof


volcanodiscovery Aug 31. 2013

Ash plume rising from Veniaminof earlier today (Perryville webcam, FAA)


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Choice Matters, Especially Now


It seems to me the greatest power we’ve been granted is freewill choice. We can choose to be life affirming and uplift humanity via our thoughts, words and actions. Or we can choose to let a mostly self-elected governing class decide what’s what for the collective and ignore all evidence signaling  “Elite Trap Ahead. Proceed Only If Mind Controlled.”

Loss of freewill choice is the primary reason humanity finds itself virtually imprisoned in its planetary experience and, for all practical purposes, stripped of the desire to actualize life-affirming interdependencies.


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73: Ash plume eruption reported at Dukono volcano (Halmahera Island, Indonesia)




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Top 12 Right-to-Know Grocers on the Non GMO Frontline


Realfarmacy, By: Justin Gardener, 08/29/2013


It is clear that government, food corporations, and industrial agriculture are not interested in informing the public about genetically modified food.  Even the ability to perform independent scientific research is stifled by these entities.



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Is There Scientific Evidence for Spirituality?


Source: Stillness in the Storm - 8/30/13


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ADHD Drug Emergencies Quadrupled in 6 Years


By: Dr. Mercola, 08/29/2013


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Ronna Herman ~ The Path Of Ascension Is The Path To Freedom ~ AA Michael


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-09-2013
Beloved masters, after you came into your individualized consciousness, realizing that you were a Divine Spark of the Supreme Creator, the ALL THAT IS, you were programmed with the knowledge that you were predestined to journey forth into the great unmanifested void as an emissary of Light. Your Divine Mission was encoded deep within your Immortal Soul-self, as well as within your Sacred Heart Seed Atom. You, along with all the other “awakened Sparks of Self-awareness,” were destined to experience all the wondrous diversity of creation for the Creator, our Father/Mother God, and all the great Beings of Light, whose predetermined mission mandated that they would remain in the higher, rarified realms of Light.
We tell you this because we wish to impress upon you how ancient and complex you are. You came into this lifetime with a wealth of knowledge and a rich, composite lineage encoded within your DNA, your cellular structure, your mental and emotional bodies, as well as an extensive chakra system of virtues, qualities and talents. You may have wondered why the members of some families can be so different physically, mentally and emotionally when, from an earthly point-of-view, they came from the same parents and lineage. The lineage of your physical family in this lifetime is only a minuscule portion of your vast history and priceless heritage–of who you truly are.


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Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine Finally Linked to Autism in Multiple Court Cases


Naturalsociety, By: Christina Sarich, 08/30/2013

vaccineneedledrip 263x164 Measles Mumps Rubella Vaccine Finally Linked to Autism in Multiple Court Cases


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Diana, that SAS murder claim and why it may not be as mad as you think



Diana, that SAS murder claim and why it may not be as mad as you think: 16 years on, the conspiracy theories won't go away.
Sue Reid, who's studied all the evidence, found tantalising new clues

Mail Online - 8/30/13, Sue Reid


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The Best of George Carlin: Exposing our government and fall of humanity one joke at a time

Video Link



Published on Feb 28, 2013 by BrainFeed.ca



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Blue Room (The Orb Song)





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Undercover at the Tar Sands: What It's Really Like Working for Big Oil



Rolling Stone - 8/28/13


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4MIN News August 31 2013: 7.0 Alaska, CME Earth-Directed

Video Link


Published on Aug 31, 2013


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Giant Canyon Discovered Under Greenland Ice Sheet


National Geographic - Jaclyn Skurie, 8/29/13

Summer meltwater has drained through a snow-covered channel in Greenland.

Summer meltwater has drained through a snow-covered channel in Greenland. Scientists say that the Greenland Ice Sheet sits atop a canyon twice as long as the Grand Canyon. Photograph by James Balog, National Geographic



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Earth Allies Pop-Up Video Party ~ Today!




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Divine Intervention & Miracles: Can We Open Our Mind to Accept Their Reality?


Source: Collective-Evolution.com - by



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How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up



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Brzezinski: ‘Global Political Awakening’ Making Syrian War Difficult


Storyleak - Michael Thelan, 8/29/13


During a short interview with Germany’s DW News last Monday, former US National Security Adviser and Trilateral Commission co-founder Zbigniew Brzezinski commented on the growing inefficiency of war due to the increased political knowledge of the public.


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Scientist Invents Street Light Powered by Microalgae that Feeds on C02

Video Link


By: Realfarmacy.com, 08/29/2013


French Bio-chemist Pierre Calleja works for the startup company, Fermentalg.  Fermentalg is a cleantech company that specializes in the development of sustainable solutions through exploiting the properties of microalgae.


For more on this story visit www.realfarmacy.com


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Be Happy



Friday, August 30, 2013  Angel Wisdom

This is an exciting time


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WakingTimes – Quantum Physics Has Confirmed It – The Universe is Comprised Of Information: Here’s What It Means – 30 August 2013



August 29, 2013 | By 

Zach C. Miller, Natural News



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Our conversation – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn August 30, 2013






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Ann Kreilkamp - Now that we’ve awakened, what are we waiting for?

Video Link


 Ann Kreilkamp  August 30. 2013

See last post for the crossroads choice that each of us faces once we awaken: Wargasm, or Dance?


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Snow Blanketing South America Kills 250,000 Alpacas, at Least 5 People Dead


Natureworldnews.com -8/29/13, James A. Foley


A man clears snow on La Cumbre, some 30 km (18.6 miles) near La Paz, August 28, 2013. Unusually heavy snowfall has been reported on the highlands in Bolivia, according to local media


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Gaia Portal Update~Gaia Higher Vibrationals Currently Call for Hue-manity Collaboration


31 Aug

gaia_energy1Gaia Higher Vibrationals currently call for Hue-manity Collaboration in refinement of grid points connections along all channels of resistance. Such channels of resistance have served their function and are resisting change in paradigm.


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Laura Bruno – Sentient Weeds – 30 August 2013



August 30, 2013 by laurabruno 



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The Creator Writings - Grace Awaits



The Creator Writings



art of the reason you choose not to shed your ‘old layers’ is because you know not what you will become. Just breathe, my love, and embrace this thought; you will become nothing less than what you are now and only a deep understanding of The Universe and its grace await you. ~ Creator


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Awakening Awarness Mission Selected Segments of August 29, 2013


Awakening Awareness Mission

Thursday  7:30 PM Eastern



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Focus & Commitment



A Message From Archangel Michael

  Channeled and Scribed by Jeff Fasano



                                            Focus and Commitment


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~ Join us For Friday Family Movie Night~ Beginning at 4:00pm Pacific


Greetings Love Beings, We Just got back from an Eventful 3 Days In Nature!!!! We had Ships Everywhere It was truly amazing!!! We Increased the Love Vibrations on the Planet~ Yeehaw! You can Join us This Evening for Friday Family Movie Night in the 5d Room!!!

We Will Host a Double Feature First Movie Begins at 4:00PM Pacific At this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress


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Earthquake Report for 08/30/2013




40 earthquakes


    4.9 91km SSW of Atka, Alaska 2013-08-30 16:09:34 UTC-04:00 34.5 km

    2.7 50km NNW of Talkeetna, Alaska 2013-08-30 15:30:07 UTC-04:00 46.5 km

    2.7 4km NNW of The Geysers, California 2013-08-30 15:28:21 UTC-04:00 3.6 km

    2.9 37km S of Ester, Alaska 2013-08-30 15:17:52 UTC-04:00 2.5 km


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Wes Annac ~ The Hathors : Karmic Acceleration, Exposure Of Tyranny And Understanding Channels


Commentary from The GFP~ Wes Talsk about Karma Here, All Karma was Dissolved in 2009, s we had to dissolve the astral realm to end The cycle of reincarnation. All Humanity has now are their current projections. Love The Earth Allies

wes-annac-300x229-through Wes Annac-

The minds and hearts of the awakening humanity are expanding more rapidly than we could possibly communicate, though of course, despite the rapid nature of your ascension it’s still a progressive and steady one that sees you grow and learn in increments, which have been discussed by other sources.


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Heartfulness Meditation: The Seven Steps


By Bruce Davis, Ph.D. | Huffington Post | Silent Stay


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~ Space Weather Update~ Chance for M Class~ Spy Satellite?~ Fireball


WEEKEND AURORA WATCH: NOAA forecasters estimate a 60% chance of polar geomagnetic storms this weekend when a solar wind stream is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field. High-latitude sky watchers, especially those located around the darkening Arctic Circle, should be alert for auroras. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


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KP's Mission ~ Final Ceremony of Completion and Connection [at Keuka Lake]

Video Link


[Kp note: performed at 8:08 AM. On the 8-30-2013, an '8' day.]

Now I’m off on the next phase of “The Journey”. Thank you to all who have offered places to stay, or meet for coffee, especially those in this region. We may meet again.

Aloha, KP

PS… And most important, a Grand Mahalo Nui Loa (Thank You Very Much) to Suzan for calling me into her house and property here at Keuka Lake. It is now finished. The New Light has been seeded. It is growing as we write.


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Selacia: Coming Ashore With an Open Heart



Friday, 30 August, 2013

Feeling the aftermath of August’s wild energy wave and wondering how to come ashore gently, with an open heart? Know that you are in good company. Many people across the world have been challenged more than usual lately – naturally seeking to find a new sense of balance and clarity.


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The Urgency of… Trusting!



Free-FALL of trust


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24 Apple Cider Vinegar Cures




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Ginger: Truly Among the Great Medicines of the World


Christina Sarich


Updated 08/29/2013 at 9:21 am


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SaLuSa ~“Expansion of Consciousness” ~ (English) by Gabriel Raio Lunar




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Five Essential ‘Super Foods’ for Radiant Health of Your ...[Heart], Body and Spirit



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Dana Mrkich ~ Instant Clarity Coming Now


It feels like someone has thrown us in the middle of that card game Memory or Concentration. You know the one – where all the cards are laying face down. You pick up a card and it has a picture of an apple on the other side, then you have to remember where the matching card is among all the other cards on the table. Only this particular game of Memory has a Life Review theme, the matching cards are turning over all on their own with hardly any (or even any) effort on our part, and the cards are representing real life actual events, conversations, insights, feelings and synchronicities that are happening to us right now, especially this week and I’m feeling there will be plenty more to come. 


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Sandra Walter ~ Transfiguration : Truth And Triggers



SandraWalterTransfiguration – the embodiment of a very high light quotient which aligns us with Divine Will, Divine Love, Divine Wisdom and Creative Intelligence for our higher purpose.



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Very strong earthquake M7.0 struck south of Atka, Alaska


Thewatchers.adorraeli.com, By: Adonai, 08/30/2013


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~ Friday Family Fun Day On the Higher Grid ~



Greetings Love Beings! We're experiencing exciting energies and lots of changes as we continue to move forward.

 Join us ON the Higher Grid Today to celebrate and participate in Family Fun Day!!

Love Is Here On Planet Earth=Heart!


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The Rise of Eco-Friendly Pearl Farming


Nationalgeographic, By: Brian Clark Howard, 08/11/2013

Pearls in an oyster shell.


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