Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center
The Real News and The Whole Truth
Greetings Love Beings, WOOHOO Love is On the Move in a Big way On this Planet and a New Beginning has Been Ignited. The Sun Is also Heating Up and will provide us some intensity in the next coming months with a reversal, who knows what could occur with all that changing energy! As We Launched Into August from our Exciting and Eventful Jul,y we began receiving reports of Amazing Energies, Amazing transformations taking place, Miracles Occurring, and Big energetic movement which is now shifting us daily. A Reset has also Occurred, meaning big changes up ahead! We have been in the Lions gate for the last 2 weeks and indeed these energies have been roaring, Energizing us with the new Planetary codes for the New Earth=Heart and all the Starships and All of Creation are Helping! WOOOHOO, Its a Family Party.
John Smallman" Saul ~ All in the spiritual realms are rejoicing, because we have missed You"
According to Cobra We have a Window of Opportunity where we could see Some Eventful Moments On this Planet, this depends on how many are awake On the Planet to assist this energy movement. Quoted from Cobra ..."The first Window of Opportunity comes within October – December timeframe. It will be triggered by the solar magnetic field reversal:
Solar magnetic field reversal comes in 11 and 22 year cycles and it usually triggers societal changes:
Quoted from Dana Mrkich ".....With the Sun in the process of its once-in-11-year magnetic pole shift, and Leo ruling the Sun, I can’t help but think that we are mirroring the Sun’s process – out with the old, in with the new and pressing reset where required. Of course that’s the general theme of our big Shift overall but our evolutionary shift is made up of many powerful mini-shifts triggering and facilitating our transformation, and the Sun is responsible for many of those.
On that note, if you’ve been feeling a sense of ‘waiting’, like a dam needs to burst, my feeling is we will feel a sense of energetic/emotional relief once the sun’s magnetic flip is done followed by a new rush of energy. No-one knows when exactly this will happen, just like no-one knows exactly when a baby will be born, but scientists are saying anytime within the next 3-4 months....." End of quote
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Sunspots AR1817 and AR1818 pose a growing threat for M-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI
On July 29th 2013, The Heart Stargate Opened And the Mission to Ignite the First Light City on the Planet was Activated. We can Say With Confidence, A New Beginning has Begun on Planet Earth and its Only Up from Here! Here We Go Everyone, these are the Energies we have been waiting for. The Transfiguration Energies for Humanity have been activated through this Lions Gate with a ROAR. The Dawn of a New day and a New Way will quickly manifest Now as Decreed! Now, We have to raise the Entire Consciousness of the Planet to Meet the starships Half Way!
Quoted from Celia Fenn....."Around the time of the Earthgate/Sextile in late July, it was as if everything intensified. The Earthgate/sextile was a star tetrahedron that focussed energy into the Earth, and it was like the focus suddenly became clearer. Literally. Imagine the lens of a camera, when you twist it until everything comes into focus. Like that! I suddenly began to see that everything was clearer and more focussed and brighter. The Earth/Planetary Holgram had intensified. The actual fabric of Reality was becoming stronger and clearer. This went together with intense pressure in the crown and brow area, and my eyes were sore and weepy for a while. Yes, the "holographic projector" that we all have in the Brow/Pituitary and Crown/Pineal area was adjusting to the "new focus". Everything is changing.
Literally!..... Can everyone see it. No I doubt it. Even those of us who have done the work are still getting there. It reminds me of the story of the South American Indians who could not see the ships until they were told they were they. And I think our expectations of what we want to see is preventing us from seeing what is really "there". So, question to Archangel Michael, why is this happening? Answer : Because the Planetary Dream has been renewed! A New Beginning!
Can you understand that this is the New Beginning. Shift camera to the Millions of Indigos around the Planet who are waking up and realizing what they are here for and that the Earth is worth standing up for and fighting for in Peaceful Ways. They are dreaming the New Dream. It is what they are here for! And as this New Dream takes hold, it connects in with the Galactic Light Codes and energizes the Planetary Hologram.
Everything is Lighter and Brighter......because it is the Dawn of the New.
It is not some event from outside that we are waiting for, it is Us and Our Dream. We are the Ones we have been Waiting For! As the Dream increases and manifests, so the actual Fabric of Reality will become Lighter, Stronger and more Miraculous!
This Dream is not Political, Religious or Economic. It is Beyond that. It is the Dream of All Humanity as One Family sharing together and living together in Peace and Love. It is seeding itself in the Middle East right now, in Turkey primarily and then in other areas around the world. As we move into August, I will be in Turkey working with this "seed energy", and I know that James Twyman will be in Egypt and Syria at the same time. I ask you to join us in focussing on the Birth of the New Dream. NOW. The more Dreamers the stronger the Dream will Become!
The Lion has roared...The Dream is Renewed!
A New Beginning!" End of quote
Quoted from Reynolds and Linda..... Message from a Ship "People of Earth ~ prepare to be participants in the restoration of this Being~Earth. Through listening to the sacredness of the water, plants and animals as well as the signs in the sky and earth, the holiness is restored and brought once again back into balance. You are key to this change. You are becoming more and more open and your vibration has been calibrated to this change. This is why things are manifesting in a more timely manner for humans at this time.
The DNA is activated and is now integrating the new human[ HIgher Self]..... It is a most exciting time as the barriers are removed and the guidance is here. Look to the sky, especially the north east (but anywhere from the north to the east) for the lights in the sky to confirm this for you. .......Much is happening on this globe and people are seeking the answers ~ which are being delivered to you at this time now. So, be actively listening, your star family is calling...." End of quote
Quoted from Jamie Price "WOW! I’m so excited about the energies of August! Over the years of reading the general Ascension energies, I’ve seen a wide range of indications, but this is THE most exciting! For days I have been given visions of ‘The Celebration of Souls,’ marking a graduation point. Finally, during the Light Language healing for the month, I was shown the halos that are seen around the Archangels, Ascended Masters and pictures of Jesus Christ (among others). Jesus represented a human evolving into an ascended state.
This is, of course, the process we are going through..... We are graduating..... Graduation is now eminent....I see the ‘Celebration of Souls’ or our graduation as an explosion of fiery Light, which will bring us a renewed sense of excitement. It will shift the path of many and it will continue to propel us in the direction of anchoring our Christ Consciousness. The work doesn’t stop here. Take a moment to receive the celebration of your graduation. Take a moment to envision the change you want to be. Your Light is brightening this world, this galaxy, in ways that may not be obvious. But your Love is obvious when you let it shine. Shine brightly, Lightworker!" End of quote
Wow, We are Really Moving fast and the Reality Right Now in our Current energies is that everyone has to catch up to themselves! The Higher Selves are coming in and the Higherself does not care about any programming or ego. The Entire Planet is On One Positive Time Line where Only the Highest Outcome can Occur! It has been a Moment since we have Given a Full Update , because we are Moving so fast! After July 29th's Alignment it feels like we got shot out of a cannon, literally speaking! Simply Amazing Moments for those flowing in the Oneness Energies, each day is more grander than the next and the excitement for those aware of what is unfolding is building! Something is going to give and its the illusion on this Planet. Mother Earth has Decreed Enough is Enough!
Quoted from Dr.Moe "It is coming to a head isn't it. I didn't believe this "wolf crying + enemies at the gate" propaganda for one minute. Not even a nanosecond. I'm staying focused on my Heart and my Guidance. No one is more powerful than the God that created us and is now guiding us through this Ascension process. No one! I'll place my bets with Source as to a most favorable outcome. There's a Light up ahead and it cannot be extinguished. The Light of Truth and Love will always prevail. Badda Bing. Badda Boom!" End of quote
The Moment has Come to Shine Our Lights Like the Morning SUN!
Quoted from Giselle Koy .." The Gift of the Lion's Gate...Yes, here in the Tuscan Valley it is easy to see my[ our] great work. For amidst the centuries of corruption and upheaval there have been splendid periods of grace and peace. Harmony has been struck and achieved artistically, despite the perversion of power. But see it as a victory for the light. For the light has won and will continue to win...... And it is the light now, reaching you at the end of its 7 year journey to you, a gift from the heavens and from my[ Our] representative, the Great Central Sun.
Light that was created to be delivered just now at this perfect time – light infused with the codes that have been missing for millennium, all part of this grand experiment. Give yourself time to absorb these new codes, just allow. ....
So feel your hearts, let them do the driving for that is how and where you will witness your continued ascension in to the light. God is with you, every step of the way and wanting all that you want in the most powerful way.....It is time. Let Go and Receive this Light!
The gift of the lion’s gate is a new energy available to us or rather surrounding us now. It is a cosmic golden glow, a field of Christ Consciousness shining us up. When you hear that this is the time to shine, do not feel the pressure of being in the spotlight with your “A” game but rather, feel your heart shine out from your being. We are Entering the Golden Glow...What is the Gold of the Golden Age?The Grand Alchemy or the Ascension of Planet Earth is the birth of the New Golden Age. The Gold is the energetic glow from the full illumination of the golden grid of Christ Consciousness, activated and well, glowing....
For the greatest news of all is that it is happening regardless of our efforts. A great gift indeed because the Universal Law Of Love states that what we want most is what is most wanted for us. This fact alone can help to relax you – to lay down your sword, your worry and allow God’s[ The Divine] Plan to unfold before your very eyes. See yourself as already having made it. Yes, there is work to be done – but take this pause, this moment to just shine the light from your heart in every moment and however that appears in your day. We don’t have to prove anything or be on center-stage but only in our great sun-sized hearts...." End of quote
Also, through our Lions Gate Energies, Many are becoming readied to breakthrough into 5d frequencies, FOR REAL. This is what our current energies are supporting! Things are Going to Be changing Here on Planet Earth=Heart and Quickly.
Quoted from Denise Le Fay "I’ve done my best in 2013 to be consciously aware of the Ascension related evolutionary shifts and changes I am going through this year. I’ve always done this, however, I really wanted to be consciously aware of this particular 2013 leg of the Ascension Journey where we’re about to ‘Break on through to the Other Side’ to borrow a great old Jim Morrison/Doors feels to me at this moment like something really big and reality-changing is about to happen in this physical dimension and physical world. I sense this whatever all it is I’m feeling now is both wondrous and horrible. Horrible because some things we’re used to in the old world are going to start disappearing very fast now and that could cause some panic, some discomfort, some anger, some fear etc. Wondrous because more of the NEW is able to manifest here now; not all the NEW mind you, but a good bit more of it.... The weird thing with this Process at this point is that the positive manifesting and the negative disappearing are happening simultaneously, which gets difficult to wrap ones brain around sometimes. The collapsing of the old patriarchal world with its corrupt, elitist, greed based, dead-end systems are falling apart simultaneously to the NEW energies physically manifesting here now...." End of Quote
As We shared, Love Energy is really On the Move since our recent events and a Huge Collective Cleansing has occurred right before we entered the 8~8 Portal. This Portal was the Energies of Humanity's Prayers of Love which Came Flowing in energetically for physical Manifestation. Dreams of Love Are Coming TRUE. This Energy could be putting many[ego's] into chaos. As the energy increases and we have only just begun, this will be continualsy effecting those in the programming. Illusion is done and 5D Is Here! As We have shared for Many Years now, we were going to arrive at an energetic Point where the ego or illusion could no longer hold on!!! This has occurred, we are in these moments.!!! We will spend the next couple of weeks integrating all of this Light,information and Upgrades! Aware or unaware everyone and everything is being impacted by our current energies, there is no where to hide and the illusion has been completely cut off and will be dissolving at a quicker rate.
THE HEADLINES ARE GETTING MORE AND MORE OUTRAGEOUS EVERY DAY — JUST AS EXPECTED The proof of mass, government surveillance is now undeniable and in-your-face for everyone — even those whose heads were most firmly buried in the sand.
The headlines are continuing to get more and more outrageous...." End of quote
Quoted from Veronica and Montague Keen" The time is fast approaching when all that was hidden will be out in the open. You are being prepared for this eventuality. Many of the Dark Ones have already accepted defeat....They knew that this day would come, no matter what they did to try to postpone it. All it needed was a good percentage of humanity to wake up, thus casting a light on all that was... corrupt. Mankind has had to wake up to its own power and the realisation that you are not on Earth to serve the few. You are all powerful beings of light who were manipulated, through education and religion, into believing you had no power. I can assure you that the overall power is yours. This, you will realise as things unfold. ....Because you are awake, we are able to intervene and give signs that you need to take note of. We are constantly watching every move that is being made to keep you[Humanity] in control in order to disrupt the Great Awakening. ... what you saw in the sky last evening, was showing you that the energy is being produced in order to speed things up. Be prepared to do whatever is asked of you. Some of you know already, what you must do. It depends on the agreements you made before you returned to Earth. Both sides of life are working on this. It will not require guns or bombs, just humanity taking back its power, peacefully and honourably. Everything that you had accepted as the norm, will change overnight. You will learn to view your world in a completely new light. All the corrupt structures will be removed and people will make their own decisions, based on love and respect for all man Humankind. You need to prepare your Hearts to welcome this. Give some thought to how each of you can benefit mankind as a whole. The production of food and energy is of paramount importance. When all the experts of the world come together, they will remove all the obstacles. They will solve any problems which the initial transition may produce. This is the greatest adventure of all time and you all have a part to play in it.....
See today as the first day of the rest of your lives. Those of you who are responsible for children, please ensure that their lives are open to truth, light and love. Prepare them for what is to come. This is your responsibility. With your love and guidance, they will be able to accept without question all that the transition will bring...The next few months are important. You will be faced with changes that you need to accept and decisions that you need to make. This is, after all, what you have been waiting for. Light and love will guide you." End of quote
More Big Energies are to Arriving to US, NOW! The Ride is Just Beginning, Up We GO! What has Occurred is that Now Humanity must catch up to their Destinies! Everything has already occurred, and the Awakening on this Planet is a done Deal!
We will Share this Again, No Matter What, The Truth is coming out and Love is Moving to Center Stage as Decreed!
"Decreed by Heaven~ All are To Move into Their Positions to Prepare for An Increase of Awakening On The Planet to make the physical transformation into Spirit, 5d Frequencies. Be Aware, Many will be leaving the Planet via physical death to make their transition Home Into The Light, and many more will awaken and Join us On a Journey which has Never occurred before In All Of Creation! Lucky For those Who Have Awakened and Have chosen Love! Prepare Yourselves for Lots of Overflowing JOY! Love Wins and Here we Go Into The Co~ Creation of The New Earth=Heart. This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.
Remember Loves we are not in a time linear schedule, We are In A Divine one!
~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~
Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
Thank You For Keeping us Going With This Divine Mission for Planet Earth=Heart!!!!
Because of All of You, We are Able to Be A Constant Service on Behalf Of the Planet and Humanity! Thank You for Your Constant Love and Support for Humanity's Liberation Into The Real Reality and The Real Truth! We are Deeply Honored to Be of Service 24 Hours a Day in Love for All of You and Humanity. Thank You for Honoring our service and Keeping us Here with All of You!
Total July Donations 877.67$
Total Goal 3000$
Thank You for sharing
Join us Live Every Monday and Wednesday for Whats Happening On Planet Earth, Join us On the Grid at 10:30am Pacific and for the Internet Love Party Every Saturday Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific . Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:
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~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~
Artwork Thanks to
(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.
~WE are Going Home~
Video Update:
Letters to The Editors: