Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center
The Real News and The Whole Truth
Greetings Love Beings, When We Began July We shared the Energies would Be Intense and We have not been let down. We just went through a huge amount of energy which will stir things up so to speak even more then they are already, with more intense energies INCOMING. These Next 2 Weeks are Going to Be exciting Movement for the Light and a Huge Victory for Love On Planet Earth=Heart. More Exciting Energy is indeed On the way as We enter The Third SuperMoon in Aquarius, The day Out of Time, the Lions Gate Opens and We begin The New Planetary Cycle, major shifting is underway, truth is Being Revealed and nothing can stop this momentum! As We have Shared In Previous Updates, The Signs Are Everywhere and a Intense Vibrational Upgrade is Occurring!
The chance to find the truth is everywhere. Most of what has been created in the world is not what it seems."
What is Happening on this Planet is truly Unprecedented. Light Groups Who are carrying The Activation Codes for the Vortex's are Getting into Position, LITERALY, TO LIGHTEN It All UP! Meaning Lights On! Divine Intervention has Been Activated.The Thirteenth Stargate and a Unique Solar Opening To The Soul of Mother Earth=Heart and All of Humanity is being activated July 29th By Divine Decree. Along with all Vortex Points across the Planet. What this Means is All is a Go, many Will Be Welcomed Home into 5D!
Quoted from Aluna Joy" After observing and living many months into 2012, I have come to the realization that this time we are in is so much bigger than we can realize in this moment. In the future, this time will be a historical marker that we will always refer to. We will think in terms of . . . “Before 2012” and “After 2012”; much like we think of life on Earth as BC and AD; before Christ and after Christ. Only now, this reference will be evolved to include humanity and not just a singular entity. We will think in terms of . . . before the Unified ONE (a.k.a. duality) and after the Unified ONE (Christ Collective Consciousness). The Star Elders wanted you to know the magnitude of this fact.a new world is being made ready for us. The part of us that feels just plain fuzzed out and GONE is in fact already in the next world helping with the construction . . . along with a huge army of heavenly, light family. Our wildest dreams, visions and beyond, are currently being manifested there. The Star Elders wanted you to know the magnitude of this fact as well. ...In fact, just as the Maya have predicted, 2013, by its very powerful effect it has had on humanity," end of quote
Quoted from Joseph " solar merkaba gives the potential for a universal ride, woohoo!"
Quoted from Dana Mrkich "......Hallelujah for July! Yes we’ve still got a long way to go, but something major has shifted this month. We’ve all been waiting this year for something to look and feel drastically different, for some sort of big sign that yes, we are in a completely new evolutionary cycle. We’ve seen the global protests in multiple countries and thought hmmm..yes, yes, this is a good sign! We’re witnessing a stream of whistleblowers, truth-revealers and all kinds of ‘positive change for humanity’ movements gaining momentum, rapidly increasing millions of peoples’ awareness. Fab. Yet even though we are seeing all of this, really we’ve all been waiting for something to feel drastically different. It doesn’t matter what you read, hear or even see. For anything to really ‘click’ within, we have to feel it as our own truth.
It’s as if we’ve all been pre-programmed with a ‘it’s happened’ or ‘it’s happening’ switch, (whatever ‘it’ is, and I think ‘it’ is so much bigger and greater than we can possibly consciously perceive right now). Instinctively we’d all just know when this switch clicked to green ‘it’s a go’ aka Houston Mission Control style. Last month we spoke about the carwash analogy – being in that little vehicle cubicle, going through the wash, rinse, dry cycle over and over again. Finally, finally, at the beginning of July the light went to green, and oh my godfather, it actually stayed green!!! The switch clicked, and so many of us could feel it! We may not have known exactly what happened, but from all the comments that poured in from my post that weekend everyone felt a lightness and happiness for no particular reason......
We started piling out of those cubicles and I’m getting this vision now of us all thinking “Quick, let’s get as many of us out as possible until they shut the doors again!” But here we are, mid-July and….the doors are still open!!!! This is unprecedented for anyone who has been following the energy waves of not only this year but the years and years leading up to this time. We’ve had openings before sure. Yet to have an opening that is this clear, this large, carrying this number of people through to another, higher dimension and to be staying open for this long….unprecedented.
Just a note re going up to a higher dimension – we are still here, in our physical bodies, on this Planet Earth. We are not being beamed up anywhere aka the Rapture! The Planet is moving into a higher dimension and we’re going with her. This is a vibrational upgrade just like your television went from analogue to digital. If anything, our shift is making us feel more connected to Earth, not less. Just less[ or not at all] connected to old drama’s and old ways of being here. We are feeling more love and more compassion for her and for all on her. .....
The Grand Trine is affecting us the whole of this month, and I keep receiving the message that this isn’t a contained astrological event that is only effective for this period. They are showing it to me more as a portal, an opening, allowing us to gain access to things we might put in the ‘magic and miracles’ category not just this month but from now on in, into the coming months and years. Be open to the fact that magic and miracles can and do occur. Ask for guidance. Tell the universe you are ready. Tell yourself you are ready for your next level.
.....A new template, a new potential, a new paradigm has opened, which will increasingly see us experiencing and creating things we’d formerly think of as ‘fairytales’ or ‘impossible’ as the new normal....
On July 22 we have a Full Moon at 0 Degrees Aquarius, and this feels very significant. 0 Degrees of any sign is considered a powerful point. The first 2000 years of this new 26, 000 year cycle is renowned for being the Age of Aquarius, a sign that is commonly thought of as being the ‘water-bearer’ but an informative comment on my Facebook page from Ron Laswell of let us know that Aquarius in fact represents a “downpouring of cosmic energy” which makes so much sense in light of the foundation of this ‘new age’. (It makes sense too with the visions associated with these times of ‘great waves all over the Earth’ – they are waves of high frequency energy).
Then on July 29 we have an Earth Grand Trine featuring the Moon in Taurus, Venus in Virgo and Pluto in Capricorn (9 degrees for each, if you know your chart). This is exciting to astrologers because it merges with the Water Grand Trine to form a ‘Star of David’. Now, a three-dimensional Star of David is a Merkaba, which is felt by some to be the shape of our ‘light body vehicle’. If you are unfamiliar with the Merkaba you can picture a pyramid facing up, with an upside down pyramid coming down through it. This represents the merging of Heaven and Earth – to bring the energies of ‘Heaven’ or the higher dimensions down to Earth, and for Earth to embody the higher energies of the higher dimensions.
So for the whole of July we have a series of astrological happenings supporting our shift into a very new level of divine manifestation, helping us to bring in and create our highest potential right here on Earth.
We can expect to see a continuation of ‘people power’ groups, no longer willing to accept unethical actions and decisions of governments, corporations and systems. It may seem that chaos is reigning but this is partly due to the fact that we are becoming more aware now of so much that has been going on for a long time, and partly due to the fact that awareness of something triggers a ‘fight or flight’ mentality in anything that has depended on lack of awareness for its survival. That which isn’t a match for the new, higher vibration has to collapse or transform – but some things/people/systems will go to one of these two destinations kicking and screaming first. We’ve all had kicking and screaming moments, and many of us will continue to have these sometimes – even when life is trying to expand us into a greater version of ourselves, or you could say especially when!
It can be frustrating (and scary) to see governments tightening the reins of control the more they see people awakening, but it helps to remember:’ oh okay, this is what happens to me too when a part of me awakens and another part of me feels threatened by that, not wanting to leave its comfort zone’. By all means do what you feel to do: protest, write letters, meditate, pray, vision how you want things to be, create your own movement, change your shopping habits etc. So awareness is not a suggestion to become passive as things unfold, rather it is a place from which you can respond consciously in whatever way feels best and right for you.
There is a tremendous amount of ‘fear of loss of power’ occurring everywhere now, and we can feel that with the tightening energy. When ones source of power comes from power over others that is not authentic power at all, and so what is being ‘lost’ was not ours to have in the first place when we are in that category. Of course this old power game we’ve been playing on the Earth plane is a two-way street, and power had to be handed over by someone in order for it to be used by others. Some people are claiming their power back with both arms, others are flailing around in panic, throwing it back like it’s a hot potato. Lack of power can be a comfort zone as it also comes with no need for self-responsibility.
So we are seeing this balancing thing happening with personal power, whether we’re within ourselves, in our relationships, or between governments or corporations and ‘the people’. We’re also seeing the conflict and chaos that is ensuing where power isn’t ready to be handed over or ready to be owned and received. To the best of our ability we need to be conscious now of what role we are playing with our Power – are we owning our Power consciously? Are we avoiding it and in a habit of blaming others for our situation or being dependent on others to rescue or validate us? Or do we use our energy to overpower or manipulate others? None of us are perfect and we may be surprised at how often we do any of the two extremes just in our day to day life let alone on the big world stage. What you will notice is, anytime you step out of your power these days – whether it’s going against your own true feelings and essentially letting someone else drive your soul car, or pushing against someone else’s true feelings and essentially bumping them out of their soul driver’s seat – you will feel it and more than feel it, you will usually see the consequences.
Wishing you all a powerful July, it’s certain to be one of those months that you look back on and think wow, that was a real turning point for me this year." End of Quote
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Sunspot AR1793 has a beta-gamma-delta magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares. Credit: SDO/HMI
CORONAL HOLE: Opening up like a zipper almost a million kilometers long, a vast coronal hole has appeared in the sun's northern hemisphere. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory took this picture of the UV-dark chasm on July 18th:
Coronal holes are places in the sun's upper atmosphere where the magnetic field opens up and allows solar wind to escape. A broad stream of solar wind flowing from this particular coronal hole should reach Earth on July 19-20. In addition, NOAA forecasters say a CME could hit Earth's magnetic field late on July 18th. The combined impact of the CME and the incoming solar wind stream could cause some stormy space weather around Earth in the days ahead.
Quoted from Waive Rider.....The basic problem[ right now On the Planet] is this: The vast majority of the human population still seems unable to just BE in the moment called ‘now’, live from there......My fondest hope is that you reading this[ listening to this], and ideally the rest of humanity, quickly join us here on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge to dwell in the Sacred Land that was promised to us long, long ago. Right here and now in this momentous calendar year of 2013, it appears (and feels) like we are being gently and lovingly summoned back Home. Weary travelers trudging through alien wilderness, tired and confused by our protracted journey that has lasted so long now that we’ve completely forgotten why we departed in the first place, we finally spot the beckoning light of a nighttime campfire in a nearby forest clearing. The
flames leap and dance to greet us as we approach, inviting us joyfully to return to its ancient circle of warmth, comfort and camaraderie, offering the rest and succor we long for so desperately after our horribly exhausting journey into the previously uncharted wilds of God’s Material Creation.
So who’s got the marshmallows???. . . . "
The Original Core team of Beings Are Coming Together to Ignite the First Light City On Planet Earth Equal Heart. They are not only Physically accomplishing this, but also in their respectful Places Across The Planet Earth=Heart as they anchor in Love Returning and the Family of Heaven and and The Family of Earth Become ONE, A Family of One, after a Journey Spanning 19 Billions Years. Its All Happening as Decreed! The Magnitude of what is Actually Unfolding On the Planet is going to become Clear for those With eyes to See, and Hearts to Feel! Truly what many thought to be impossible just a few years ago are changing their tune to see that In fact all things are Possible and A Complete Planetary Awakening is Underway on the Planet and is Truly becoming apparent.
Quoted from KP's Blog...."Star beings are presenting themselves quite publicly at the moment. Those with the “Higher Eyes” will recognize them, instantly. Energies upon Planet Earth are sufficiently raised to ‘allow’ and encourage such Beings to appear in public, even though their “Star-Being-ness” is not stated in words.
Current planetary consciousness energies are aligned with “full disclosure of all that is hidden”, and “full disclosure of all that is here.” Once the energies are “aligned”, they form a grid which brings the Higher Structures into 3D manifestation.
It “feels” as if “all is ready”. End of quote
We anticipate Huge Movement in these next 2 weeks which will also Intensify the Energies On the Higher Grid. This Exciting energy will extend through August and into September! Its Only Going to Get Better and Grander from Here for those who are flowing In the oneness energies.
Quoted from Waive Rider".....Soon, very soon now, the masses of previously uninformed humanity shall be presented with lots of truly fantastic joyful revelations that will come flooding in from all directions! "
Currently the 5d Frequencies are putting intense pressure on the denser energies, we share this each time in our messages so that you can clearly see the illusion simply cannot withstand the amount of truth and Love On this Planet and will Only Increase intensley. This is breaking through the old matrix as Divine Intelligience Energy overrides and thus dissolves all energies which are not in alignment with the Pure Consciousness Energy of Unified energy of Love. Much Is Now Happening as a result . This will appear as choas for Some, however this is assisting us in clearing the space for some Very Intense Energies to arrive.
Quoted from Marilyn Raffaele...."All is proceeding according to plan so try not to accept appearances that say nothing is happening. Any concepts still held as what the change must look like will simply result in doubt and confusion. Some changes will appear as expected, but at others will not. Much is taking place on levels you cannot see with your human eyes especially if you are expecting to see it through popular media. Chaos is a sign of great energy release and change. Allow the process to unfold while staying in the highest light and truth you know and sending Light to the world. This is all about moving beyond duality and into the realization that all is One and it begins within the heart–unfolding within individuals who have been on a spiritual path for many years as well as within those who have never before given any thought to living differently....
As We shared, July was going to be an intense acceleration and The Light and Truth, got the Go Ahead to Go Viral. With these Energies Supporting the Truth will begin spreading Like Wildfire. Love Is Indeed On this Planet to Stay!!! The Light Is Ready To Step Forward On Planet Earth=Heart and Into Physical Manifestation and Indeed this Process is Well Under way. The New Earth is Manifesting! The Energetic Space is being cleared at this time and will Open Up for An Unprecedented Amount of Light to Arrive for this Planet.
Quoted from Waive Rider ......"The New Earth awaits us! She’s emerging right now! Just got to ignore those pesky distractions From both within and without. We have lots of help in this venture As True Masters abound For those just waking up to the trickery of ages Lots of assistance can be easily found If we hold fast to the Truth, Our New Reality, Divinity Rising. The distractors can’t sway us, From manifesting NOW the Golden Age of Gaia So buckle up, people, The Great Transition has begun. As we leave the distractions behind
. . . . And dive into the FUN!" End of quote
The Light Is Going Viral! The Grid is Ready and Prepared for Everyone to Walk through. The Next Evolutionary Cycle is Moving Up!
"Decreed by Heaven~ Love is Here to Stay, All energies are Preparing for an Unprecedented Event.- The Family of Heaven and The Family of Earth Are Preparing to Combine, Creating an Intense Amount of Light On Planet Earth=Heart and Activating All Vortex's ! This is the Divine Plan Manifesting Now On Planet Earth=Heart.
Remember Loves we are not in a time linear schedule, We are In A Divine one!
~Thank You for Spreading These Messages to Others and Keeping Your Hearts Open and Staying Tuned In~
Just Be Present and Follow the Synchronostic Events!
~End Transmission in All Love is Unconditionally, We are So In Love With Humanity~
We Love You Unconditionally~ Love, The Galactic Free Press Staff~Humanity's Earth Allies, The Company of Heaven and The First Contact Ground Crew Team.
If You missed our Last 2 Updates here are the Links:
Thank You For Keeping us Going With This Divine Mission for Planet Earth=Heart!!!!
Because of All of You, We are Able to Be A Constant Service on Behalf Of the Planet and Humanity! Thank You for Your Constant Love and Support for Humanity's Liberation Into The Real Reality and The Real Truth! We are Deeply Honored to Be of Service 24 Hours a Day in Love for All of You and Humanity. Thank You for Honoring our service and Keeping us Here with All of You!
Total July Donations 1539.77$
Total Goal 3000$
Thank You for sharing
Join us Live Every Monday and Wednesday for Whats Happening On Planet Earth, Join us On the Grid at 10:30am Pacific and for the Internet Love Party Every Saturday Beginning at 1:30pm Pacific . Participating in these, you are participating In your role in the Divine Plan To Help Bring in the Higher Energies into the Planet. These Will Continue until Our Craft Decloak~ You can Join us Via this Link:
This Room Remains Open for Support
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~ We are Stationed In Mt Shasta~
Artwork Thanks to
(Yojman Chase), Mt. Shasta is~of all Power Points here in the Northern Hemisphere~what could truly be called “Headquarters”, Mt. Shasta is many things to this planets protection and service into the Light. She is also known as Ascension Mountain.
~WE are Going Home~
Video Update:
Creating the 2013 world peace song, "The Time Has Come," by Craig Pruess and the Ganda Boys, inspired by Dolores Cannon's timely books, "The Convoluted Universe" series:
The song came to me and the Ganda Boys during a very special time shortly after we had returned from Uganda in April 2013. We had performed a big headlining concert in the presence of the Queen of Buganda and senior government ministers of Uganda and an enthusiastic crowd of 1,000 in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, East Africa. It was clear from the great celebration and dancing and open hearts created by the concert night how music can just bring people together so beautifully and create smiles on their faces and heal divisions! The energy was just so high!
And during all those weeks of rehearsal in Uganda building up to the big concert event, my wife and I were reading to each other the "Convoluted Universe" books 1 - 4, and so many references to the coming planetary shift, and how that might play out. Also, it was clear that the healing of the world had already begun, that past wrongs were coming forward into the light day -- where they could be openly and candidly acknowledged and fully revealed for the healing of the world! We are seeing all these steps in that divinely inspired process.
Many people I talk to these days are saying that it is a rocky time for them in so many ways -- relationships, money, career change, difficult decisions, health, etc... It's all because the energy is getting more intense and a higher vibration is permeating the human race -- as Dolores relates in her books: how all our cells and molecules are changing their vibrations to exist and function at a higher level. For music, it is a VERY powerful time, and it is like jumping on a great huge white horse and holding on for dear life when these songs and ideas come through! They are bursting to manifest in this world at this time. And we pray (as the volunteers which we are at this time!) that we can be the instruments of divine will and be solid enough to see through what needs to be said and bring it out into the world.
All these impressions and thoughts and ideas contributed to the opening lyric: "In a time of such change, you might shiver in the rain, keep your head when so many cry and doubt you -- hold on tight through the night, do your best to see the light, even though your heart is heavy from the violence..." And then the key line: "The change is coming."
We see what is going on around us, and it's so hard not to get pained by the suffering of so many. We long to be the change ourselves, but see how far there is to go. Hang on.... maybe we are closer than we think! Ultimately, we want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem. That's where we can help each other so much -- to be a reminder for each other: "Stand up strong, it won't be long, heaven's grace will surely come..."
So, as musicians/songwriters and co-creators in this world, our job (as the Ganda Boys and members of this great human race) is to remind everyone that "the time is coming...." We're getting closer; that there are many forces at play much bigger than what we can imagine... and then, zing, it all changes to: "The Times Has Come" -- and it's time to sing and dance, and celebrate that we got through it all together and that our world (with every breath) is becoming a more divine place, and that all our collective efforts have helped to create Heaven on Earth!