GFP Newsletter - 2/24/2014

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 24, 2014


Beauty is not some ideal of physical perfection. It is not even some ideal of internal perfection. Beauty, true beauty, is found by recognizing the divine perfection that is present in all things, exactly as they are. Heaven on earth already exists, Dear Ones, in each and every one of you, and all around you, if only you have eyes to see. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Candlelight Meditation

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DEAR FRIENDS- Here is a Self-Loving and life-changing declaration that- when embraced with your soul's passion and your awakened mind- paves the way for the sun of self-confidence and happiness to rise in your heart.

And never set again.

The great shout of joy- five ringing words- that will set your spirit free forever are: "Who I AM- is perfect"!

Who and what you ARE- your Core and Authentic Self- IS perfect. Everything we DO isn't perfect! Like children learning to walk, then run, then dance- we all make mistakes and fall flat on our faces.

You can count on that!


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Heavenletter #4839 ~ The Presence and the Power


God said:

If you were to sit down with Me today, and you had twenty-five words or less to say to Me, what would you say?
I will tell you something. You might prepare twenty-five words, and, when your turn came, you would say something else! Because I live, shall We say, in the moment, you would be relegated to the words or no words that would come out of your mouth. You can prepare before and after, yet, at the moment with Me, only spontaneity can arise.


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Wild Dolphin "Asks" Divers to Help Free Itself from Hook

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I wonder who is the more intelligent species?


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US Federal Reserve Knew The Big Banks Were Rigging Interest Rates, Did Nothing


The US Federal Reserve knew about Libor rigging three years before the financial scandal exploded but did not take any firm action, documents have revealed.

According to newly published transcripts of the central bank’s meetings in the run-up to and immediate aftermath of the collapse of Lehman Brothers, a senior Fed official first flagged the issue at a policy meeting in April 2008.


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Is Our World real or Are We Only a Product of Some Kind of Simulation



In the late twentieth century, the Wachowski brothers offered mankind two pills. Take the blue pill and everything will remain as it is. Take the red pill and you will find out how deep the rabbit hole is. You will gain the ability to fly, dodge bullets and do anything possible. However, this applies to the world that does not yet exist. This world is just a clever trap with detailed simulation, which takes place in the depths of the incredible supercomputer which feeds on real people as its cheap source of supply.


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Aisha North ~ A short update on the energies



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It's Okay To NOT 'Fit In' With Society!


It's Okay To NOT 'Fit In' With Society!

Last updated on February 24, 2014 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News


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Jet stream shift could prompt permanent harsher winters: scientists


A warmer Arctic could permanently affect the pattern of the high-altitude polar jet stream, resulting in longer and colder winters over North America and northern Europe, US scientists say.

The jet stream, a ribbon of high altitude, high-speed wind in northern latitudes that blows from west to east, is formed when the cold Arctic air clashes with warmer air from further south.

The greater the difference in temperature, the faster the jet stream moves.


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S0 News February 24, 2014: Planetary Eruptions, Storms, Spaceweather



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Stunning Herb that Destroys 98% of Cancer Cells in Less than 24 Hours


See the link here:

Having in mind that cancer is still a disease that massacres population worldwide, scientists permanently strive to discover a cure against it. This herb is a breakthrough in medicine which, according to researchers, in just 16 hours destroys almost 98% of the cancer cells.


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The Changing Language of the New Paradigm


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Picture Maybe you have heard...there is a new paradigm dawning, a new age, a shift in consciousness. There is a just under the radar, subtlety perceptible awakening, an expanding of consciousness. This mystical, cross-cultural, mass awakening is happening in the individual and spreading across the world like a beneficent virus, an 'influenza' of raised consciousness. Just as the common flu bug genetically re-programs your cells to reproduce itself; the raised consciousness flu re-programs your feelings and thoughts to re-member who you are, your mystical divinity...your esoteric connection to all things, that your are the Universe experiencing itself in a human body.

This awakening consciousness condition comes with its own symptoms; such as increased, sometimes uncomfortable emotions, disrupted sleep patterns, melancholy, along with with blissful feelings for no apparent reason, enhanced senses, a new found comfort with being alone...among many, many others. You are changing the way you relate to your own living, your experience of your relationship to others, especially the way you speak to yourself and others.



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9 Ways to Begin Living From Your Heart


hellen keller feel with the heart fb 400Re-connect with Your Heart and Begin Your Life


Most people live their lives trapped within the mind, disconnected from their authentic self.


The demands of life cause most of us to live in constant mental overdrive – always thinking, analysing, organising, evaluating and planning our way through life.


In this article I would like to invite you to take a break from using your mind and to consider opening yourself to your inner heart, where your true self resides.


Re-connecting with Your Heart


Ultimately, no matter what goals people set in their lives, I believe most of us are seeking simple things in life: happiness, love, freedom. It is disheartening that most people depend on the outside world for these qualities; qualities that can already be found within us when we pursue a journey of self-discovery.


There is a common trend in our world of seeking happiness by pursuing what wethink will make us happy, instead of pursuing the feeling of happiness that already resides within the authentic self; within our hearts.



Of course, on some level we all know that material pursuits like purchasing an expensive car, dating someone successful or overindulging in food will not lead to authentic self-esteem and happiness. However, knowing this on a mind-level and pursuing your inner happiness on an experiential level are two different things.



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The Collective Evolution III: The Shift | Official Release 2014

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What is the Shift? By WakingTimes


Flickr - planets - Cyril-Rana!!


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The Book of Knowing and Worth by Paul Selig


Love & Regret, Healing together


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