Experiences come that your mind will say are painful, but your being will not accept this, because it is not pain, it is too much blissfulness. The problem is that you are not accustomed to so much love, so much joy; hence on the one hand you feel pain, that is the interpretation of your mind, and on the other hand you feel gratitude - that is the interpretation of your being.
Whenever there is any conflict between your mind and your being trust the being, because the being is vast and can understand experiences which the mind is incapable of. The mind is a small entity; your being is as vast as the whole universe. If you go on listening to your being and not paying attention to the mind, slowly, slowly you will see, pain has disappeared. The pain is the intensity of joy, it is too much joy, and you have to make space for it.
Hence my insistence that if you continue to meditate - and meditation and love happen together to you - there will be no pain at all. Meditation makes your consciousness wider, expands it, makes it as big as the sky. It can contain infinite love, infinite joy.
- The Only Worthwhile Investment We Ever Make - Waking Times
Monday, March 26, 2018 - 21:57 - Learning To Love You… - The Creator Writings
Monday, March 26, 2018 - 10:57 - Daily Message ~ Monday March 26, 2018 - Trinity Esoterics
Monday, March 26, 2018 - 10:57 - Before the Sun Sets - Heavenletters
Monday, March 26, 2018 - 10:56