Happy New Moon In Virgo, Miracles Appear

Lia's picture

Virgo New Moon~ A very big story is unfolding within you and among us all. More than than any other energy in the Universe, Virgo knows that everything is connected.   This New Moon is  carrying the future in its arms – yours, mine, and everyone else’s. It’s cosmic and revelatory.  And it's completely grounded, utterly practical, and deeply healing. 

Join the Earth Allies Live today for 5d Chat Sessions http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

Table of Contents

Accelerated Movement ~Message from Archangel Gabriel



Greetings, Dear Ones! What intrepid souls you all are. We have been anxious to bring forth this transmission to you. We are pleased and honoured to be here to assist you in your understanding and to energetically support you in moving forward during these very accelerated, very exciting, unprecedented energetic times on your beloved planet.


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75: Karangetang volcano (Siau Island, Indonesia): incandescent lava at summit, alert raised


TheExtinctionProtocol-Sept 5,2013


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Healing with the Angels Chat Session This Afternoon



Come and join us today for our chat session on healing yourself and connecting with your angels with MomT, LoveEddie, and Doreen.  All are welcome!!

Topics being discussed:

Sharing our experiences with healing and angels


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Re~ Hearter: Chat Session Now! ALL Are Welcome


Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.





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New Virgo Moon~the Energy of Alchemy!


Love/Light Message from the celestial team

Hello again, Beloved!

My goodness! Everytime we tune into your energy field, it is fuller, busier, BIGGER…You are in the midst of the “Master’s work,” indeed! However You may experience that–be it as an athlete who is finally participating IN the Olympic event that h/she has been practicing for, or as a mother IN the midst of birthing the child she has been carrying within her, or as a god IN awakening to his/her own divine power—all of those perspectives apply.


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Selacia ~ New Moon Heart Process ~ 5 September 2013



SelaciaNew Moon Heart Process
by Selacia   

The new moon on the 5th offers an expanded opportunity to get a fresh start in your life.

Relationships and conscious relating are the watchwords for your fresh start – whether you want more career success, more confidence expressing yourself, more harmony with others, or more financial abundance. You will have more of everything you want – including love – as you address how you relate to yourself, others, and the world.


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Virgo New Moon, Miracles Happen!


In a world on the brink of yet another war, the Sun and Moon will soon come together to merge their vibrations. In the ancient, sacred sign of the Goddess -- Virgo -- seed energy is already beginning to form. It's calling you home, to your ancient, timeless, and completely unique place in the Universe.  Can you hear it? Over the drums of war, the syncopated chatter of schedules and traffic, and the global cacophony of the internet, can you hear the call of the life you were created to live?


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The manuscript of survival - part 350 . 05:09:2013









The manuscript of survival – part 350



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Blue StarShip-UFO Report ~ September 5, 2013



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September 2013 Energy Forecast with Lee Harris

Video Link

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Beauty comes to a New Mexico burn area


Earthsky.org - 9/5/13, Deborah Byrd

View larger. | The amazing beauty in an older burn area in the Valle Vidal Unit of the Carson National Forest, in New Mexico, this week.  Photo by EarthSky Facebook friend Geraint Smith Photography.  See more of Geraint's photos here.



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Patricia Cota-Robles ~ A Victorious Shift Of Consciousness


Shiftfrequency.com, By: Eraofpeace.org, 09/04/2013


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Heavenletter #4668 ~ Begin Somewhere


By: Heavenletters.org,  09/05/2013

God said:



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The Oracle Report for Thursday, September 5, 2013


By: Oraclereport.com, 09/05/2013

New Moon Phase: beginning, projection, emergence, intention


Moon: Virgo


Ruling Mahavidya:  Shodashi



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KRYON Mini Channelling August 10, 2013 - Lee Carroll

Video Link

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The Psychiatric Drug Crisis


Newyorker.com, By: Gary Greenberg, 09/03/2013




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South African gold miners strike over ‘slave wages in white man’s economy’



The Raw Story - 9/04/13, David Smith, The Guardian


Striking S. African Gold Fields mine workers march on September 11 file photo via AFP

80,000 miners walk out in industrial action that will cost country £22m a day as government admits it can only plead for solution


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Winston Churchill's shocking use of chemical weapons



The Guardian - Giles Milton, 9/01/13

The use of chemical weapons in Syria has outraged the world. But it is easy to forget that Britain has used them – and that Winston Churchill was a powerful advocate for them


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Astrology Forecast for September 4, 2013

Video Link


Published on Sep 4, 2013


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Canadian Banking System Exposed - Bill Abram

Video Link



Uploaded on Oct 14, 2011 by acfacts




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APOLLO 16 - The Untold Story - The Moon, Men and Memories

Video Link


UFOTV® Presents : APOLLO 16 - The Untold Story - The Moon, Men and Memories - FREE MOVIE

Published on May 22, 2013 by UFOTVstudios



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3MIN News September 5, 2013: Who Can See ISON? Coronal Holes

Video Link


Published on Sep 5, 2013


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Clifford Mahooty with J Tyberonn: Earth-Keeper Wesak 2013

Video Link



Published on Jul 29, 2013 by EarthKeeperVideo





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Come Sail Away

Video Link



Come Sail Away ~ Styx




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Re~Hearter. Chat Session This Afternoon ~ ALL are welcome. Join us!


 Please join us this afternoon! ALL are welcome.





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Ancient Sacred Sites Aligned to the Autumn Equinox



September 5, 2013


This article is an extract taken from the eBook called The Path of the Spiritual Sun, which you can download free here.



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Astonishing effects – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn



September 04, 2013  



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The Creator Writings - Divine Spark



The Creator Writings



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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Magic



Wednesday, September 4, 2013  Angel Wisdom

Create some Magic 


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~Love Party~ Join the Love VIBES~ Lets Move this energy


Greetings Love Beings, We have an Update which will be released in the next 24 Hours about whats happening Energetically on the Planet and there is LOTS!!!!. We are Heating Up from All directions! In the Meantime, We are Partying It Up IN the 5d Frequency Love Room this Evening to Move this Energy Into More Love Energy. You can Join the Earth Allies Live Beginning Right Now 5:30pm Pacific at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

See You There, Love The Earth Allies



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Eleanor Longden: The voices in my head

Video Link


Eleanor Longden was diagnosed with schizophrenia and in her struggle she discovered truth and realized she could help others.


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9/4/2013 -- Global Earthquake Overview -- Major unrest over past few weeks

Video Link

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Ticking time bomb: Japan’s Sakurajima volcano rocked by another large explosion- damages cars


TheExtinctionProtocol-Sept 4,2013


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Earthquake Report for 09/04/2013




37 earthquakes


    2.5 21km SSE of Gardnerville Ranchos, Nevada 2013-09-04 10:08:06 UTC-04:00 0.9 km

    4.8 35km SW of Brooklyn, New Zealand 2013-09-04 08:04:10 UTC-04:00 20.3 km

    4.2 76km SE of Akutan, Alaska 2013-09-04 07:14:18 UTC-04:00 36.5 km

    4.9 83km SE of Akutan, Alaska 2013-09-04 06:41:40 UTC-04:00 10.3 km


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Short Update~ Whats Really Going On, On Planet Earth=Heart? Shaking It Up


Join us Live Today in the 5D Frequency Room Beginning at 10:30am Pacific at this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

Greetings Love Beings, As Anticipated We are Currently in More Intense Energies which are shaking it all Up! Ego's last stand and Love Wins! We are In Incredible Moments On this Planet and we are getting reports of Increased anticipation, Increased Joy, and feeling something collectively big is arriving to Us! So much is happening from All directions! You can Join us Today Discuss What is Really Happening On this Planet! Victory for the Light and Love Wins!


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Doctors With Reiki: The Mass Awakening Is Starting Now, Unlimited Joy!--Emergence From An Anesthetic



People are starting to wake up from the hypnotic actions of the Mithraic, ever-controlling Cabal and Illuminati! I saw it in my dream last night.

The 'higher sense' of people, no matter how deeply asleep they are, is starting to 'move'.



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Chakras ~ Humans ~ Domesticated Animals ~ Gaia #2

Video Link


Come and join us today for our chat session on healing yourself and connecting with your angels with MomT, LoveEddie and Doreen.  All are welcome!!

Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 4 to 6 pm Eastern
(1pm to 3 pm Pacific)

All individual pictures will be posted on our website later

Join us in our chat room


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Bizarre Alignment Observed In Butterfly-Shaped Nebulae


Redorbit.com - 9/4/13

Image Caption: This mosaic shows a selection of stunning images of bipolar planetary nebulae taken by Hubble. (Upper row from left) NGC 6302, NGC 6881, NGC 5189. (Lower row from left) M2-9, Hen 3-1475, Hubble 5. Credit: ESA/NASA/Hubble Space Telescope


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