Amethystia, the Lady Purity, Twin Flame of Archangel Zadkiel, and Mikaela, the Lady Faith, Twin Flame of Archangel Michael, team up in Soul Consciousness through their grounded aspects, Rosita Bolin in Sweden and Deborah Faith in South Africa, to bring to you an in depth view on healing your emotional wounds.
Emotional wounds can be so severe sometimes that people become so caught up in the emotional trauma that they find it difficult to overcome the hurdle.
Through their higher Consciousness, Rosita and Deborah offer guidance to help you gain a deeper and more meaningful perspective from a Spiritual point of view, on how you can move past the pain of your deepest emotional wounds. Once a deeper and Spiritual perspective and understanding is gained it becomes easier to accept the wounds and let them go so full healing can take place within the Body. The result is emotional freedom, and a light-ness in Spirit, Body and Mind.
This Online Event is Co-hosted by:

Rosita Bolin
Rosita Bolin is a highly respected Psychic presence in Sweden. She has practiced reading the Tarot for over 20 years and been actively involved in the Ascension of Planet Earth and her people since 2012. She is dedicated, along with her Counterpart, Archangel Zadkiel, in assisting humanity towards a state of Purity. “Each wound you heal is a positive step in the direction of embodying the Truth and Purity of your Being.”
Deborah Faith
Deborah Faith works side by side with her Counterpart, Archangel Michael, in helping humanity remember their Truth. She and Michael envelop you in the Purity and Love that is in the core of your Spiritual Heart, “Have faith and trust in the process and know there is a greater plan and mind at work within and around you. When you look deeper, gaze deeper, into the matter at hand, you are afforded clarity which reveals your beauty and the Truth within.”
- Please join us for this online event on Sunday, the 6th August at 3pm (GMT+1).
The event will be held via Group Skype Call and will be interactive, so you can ask questions and receive direct answers to help you in the clearing of your wounds. When wounds are cleared then your energy frequency automatically rises, which brings you closer to your Twin Flame Essence in the 5th Dimension, and closer to experiencing yourself as One within the realms of Unity Consciousness, all of which will help you immensely now during the intense Lion's Gate energy.
Thank you ~ We look forward to meeting you and assisting you in your Ascension!
Once you have paid the entrance fee, please add deborah.faith100 to your Skype contacts
Have Faith and trust the Process!
“When you walk to the edge of all the Light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for you to stand upon or you will be taught to fly.”
~ Patrick Overton