Heavy rain soaks southwestern WA

Silver's picture

Weatherzone, By: Ben McBurney, 05/02/2013


Southwestern parts of Western Australia received a drenching overnight, with some places seeing their heaviest rain in years. A low pressure system just south of the state and an associated trough brought rain and isolated thunderstorms to the region from Wednesday afternoon and into this morning.


The South West copped the heaviest rainfall, with widespread falls of 30-50mm to 9am this morning. Pemberton picked up 50mm, its heaviest rain in four and a half years, and the heaviest for May in eight years. Busselton and Manjimup also saw their heaviest May rain in eight years, picking up 42mm and 37mm respectively. The highest official total was at Paynedale, which recorded 65mm, also the town's heaviest fall in six years.


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