Does it matter to you? Do you care? Or do you wish to “ignore it?”
If you could assist in a major way at no charge to you, would you? To "ignore it" or being “ignor’ant” of something doesn’t make it go away.
The storms of all natures are incoming and will proceed as necessary for disposal and clearing purposes. They are not set in stone and can be altered, but that’s not in the status quo, is it? The more emphasis that the masses, which is just the wider version of you, me and all of us in this "basket," (see the hundred monkey theory) place on “To hell in a hand basket” rather than “Heaven in a Rowboat” how bad it is, and “it comes in threes” and “could it get any worse than this,” is the very kind of thinking that sunk down to where we are to date.
Heres a key for you. When you change you, you change your relationships, which changes the entire status quo of everything on your planet and beyond.
All you have to do to help with the fix is think. It cost nothing, it takes no energy or effort and it produces clean energy if the thoughts are clean. Allow me to elaborate.
Not only does it not require effort, but effort in thought will interfere with it’s implementation and potential manifestation. Thought doesn’t require energy, but attracts it, and directs it for use in forming or moulding the nature of it’s contents. “As a man thinketh in his hear so is he.” It’s so simple, not easy, but simple. It does take repetition. Every time you catch yourself thinking, speaking, acting or even feeling the “hell in the hand basket” scenario, stop right there on the spot and replace it.
Paraphrase it, and or call on the Violet Flame or Jesus, your Guides or your favourite Master, or go direct to God, He’s always on call, thank God. If you do this for a just a few days it will catch on, and after a short while you will find yourself lifting into Higher levels of paradigm, environment, and experiences.
Keep this in mind. The mind doesn’t function on the reverse of a negative idea. When you say, “I want to loose weight.” The subconscious mind of you, says, “no way dude, you want to gain, you don’t want to lose,” you've spent a whole life time gaining, so don't try to fool me now with that "loose" crap." If your fully trained and programmed subconscious mind doesn’t believe what you say, then that thought becomes void.
You cannot make things better by focusing on the negative. By law of attraction, you always magnetize to you what your pre-dominant thoughts consist of because that is where you head is, so to speak. The more you want something, the more it comes, the more you don’t want something, the more it comes. You do recall, don't you, this.....Remember and remember this well, the mind doesn’t function on the reverse of a negative idea.
“You become what you “think” about all day long.”
Shift your thinking and you life will shift, toward the nature of the thoughts. This is an apsolute.
The love relationship or partnership you are in, is the way in which you are being, the other just “your” mirror reflecting “you,” and who you are being. If you hate things about the other or the relationship you are now in, the more of this nature of thought that you send it, the longer you can plan on being in it. This who you are being person bleeds into all other relationships you have including your automobile, cat and living quarters.
If you feel you have limited freedom in your relationship, (relating on your ship) excellent. And the worse it gets the better it is, as this ensures you that you are wanting to learn this lesson, and may finally awaken to the fact that you have been smothering your spouse, your children, your parents and your doggie. Tell me, how does that feel so far? If you ever wish to have freedom, you must first be the contributor of it. And if you would like to see the results of this in rapid real time, then give everyone you know or meet on this Earth absolute, complete and total freedom to do be and have what it is they want without interference to them. This is called, Divine Love or Undonditional Love. The law of it is called, Allowance. You will have to sift through the areas of allowance vs acceptance in concern with children that you raise on this subject as there is not room for that here just now.
Place the emphasis on what it is that you do want not on what you do not want.
Stop nagging your spouse about the things you don’t like in him/her and start recconising, appreciating and praising the qualities you do admire or want to appear. And don't ever nag them again. What would they do if you were not there, and what would you do if they were not there? Do that. Voice to this one what you like about them, not what you don't like. Stop that, and don't go see a counselor because you will bring up nothing more on that coach than what you do not like about them. If the above don't work then serve them papers and let go of what is holding back. Your life here is about YOU not others first, YOU are only good for the other when YOU are good for yourself. Remember the others are just the reflection of what you are being. Love self foremost.
This is your sign, your signal, your clue to see what you have energised into form of your personal life setting. If you would like to enjoy that which is called Heaven on Earth, all you have to do is think like you’re there now. Think like it, speak like it, act like it, make yourself “feel” like it and this will create a Heavenly attitude in your cellular structure, your DNA, your paradigm and "There" you will soon find yourself.
Thought invokes energy, energy creates its master’s thoughts becoming form reality. It is put into motion by e-motion, (energy in motion).
The storms that are with us and are to come are our relationship with Earth and what we “think” of Her, how we speak of, or to Her, act toward Her, feel about Her therefore our attitude to Her. The elements are Her friends, would you like to make them your friends? Befriend Her, She loves you and they Love Her.
When you stop being emotional toward “hell in a hand basket” type thinking, energizing that and start placing your energy in what it is that you DO WANT, getting emotional about going to “Heaven in a little row boat,” you will soon enough find yourself on a stairway to something that words fall far short of description.
Rowing the boat may seem slow, be patient, we have now entered the rapids!!! Thank God that we have God and Her Crew on board of our “ship” to relate to for back-up, I Highly reccomend thanking Him ever single day.
The Lords Prayer is an excellent choice at this time that Heaven is intergrating on Earth.
And Jabez put it in good perspective.
"Oh that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your Hand would be with me, that You would keep me from evil that I may not cause pain"
Don't look back now, everyone will use you in their salt shakers.
David Porter, Author of the series
Remember Who You Are, book one, The Awakening
timing !
You must have been right in the clouds right overhead our home yesterday ! Thank you. Beautiful timing ... copy your comments on all fronts!