Greetings Love Beings, WOW we currently have intense energetic clearings happening across the Planet as We Prepare for more BIG changes and shifting! Be Gentle On yourselves and with Others during this intense period as we are clearing more of the Collective inbalances, pain, suffering and the wounds from duality. This must occur to assist us in bringing in more of the Higher Energies. Remember its all going to be OK!
If You Need Assistance With All of this, We offer Awakening Sessions and You can Follow this link:
We Love You, Love the Earth Allies
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Table of Contents
- ~ Its time To Let go of duality~
- James Tyberonn ~ The Holylands, Dead Sea & Ark Of The Covenant
- Adrienne Goff ~ Crystal Divination: What Does 2014 Hold In Store For You?
- 2014 New Year Message from the Goddess of Creation
- Bummer: Colorado pot shops will run out of marijuana within days by Scott Kaufman
- 1/5/13 Metatronic Frequency Report: Cosmic Meditation for Healing the Masculine Portion of the Collective Consciousness’ Psyche
- Want Better Sleep? Here are 4 All Natural Sleeping Aids That Actually Work by Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.
- Nurses Across the U.S. are Taking a Stand Against Forced Flu Vaccines by Health Impact News
- The Many Benefits of the Immune-Boosting Root Astragalus by Christina Sarich
- Gratitude’s Vibration by Emily Doyle
- ~ Steve Beckow ~ Spiritual and Relationship Breakthroughs in 2014? – Part 2/2
- ~ Steve Beckow ~ Spiritual and Relationship Breakthroughs in 2014? – Part 1/2
- ~The Awakening is NOW~
- Incense Smudging to Clear Away Negative and Stagnant Energy by Anna Hunt
- ~ Dr. Phil ~ Are You In an Emotionally Abusive Relationship?
- ~ Creator Writings~ Smile
- Straddling A Fine Line Between the Worlds~Caroline Aguiar
- ~Hopi Prophecies~
- ~ Lovely Linda ~ Fanning the Flames of Our Hearts
- ~ Nancy Tate ~ Hatonn and Horus - 5 January
- ~ John Smallman ~ Saul: You are becoming aware that you are not the victims of others, of circumstances, or of God.
- ‘Polar vortex’ to hit US Midwest and Northeast with record freezing temperatures
- ~ Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion 5-12 January
- S0 News January 5, 2014: Deadly Cold, Delta Sunspots
- Alter Your Genes and Cure any Disease
- Edward Snowden's Relationship With WikiLeaks
- ~ Life is ALIVE~
- I’m Ready
- Gaia Portal Update~Consciousness “star bursts” occur within large groups of hu-manity at this moment
~ Its time To Let go of duality~
"All of duality was based on lies, as everyone was running around trying to protect their own ignorance, this is what an id does and what an ego does.”
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James Tyberonn ~ The Holylands, Dead Sea & Ark Of The Covenant
Earth-Keeper Chronicles January 3 2014
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn ~ Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron, Lord of Light and I greet you this moment in a vector of unconditional love.
The Dead Sea : A Liquid of Crystal
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Adrienne Goff ~ Crystal Divination: What Does 2014 Hold In Store For You?
Adrienne Goff January 3 2014
I love the fresh energy of a new year! It reminds us of our power to hit the reset button in our lives–to let go of the old and to reinvent ourselves, moving our personal reality into a lighter expression. What wonderful things are you going to create in this new cycle? Does 2014 hold an energetic pattern or trend that will guide your experiences? After consulting my crystal ball, I was guided to create this fun crystal divination game for my readers. It gives you an energetic forecast of the new year and what is coming your way. Here’s how to play:
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2014 New Year Message from the Goddess of Creation
This video talks about the changes in energy that will be more apparent this year. She spoke of how our alignment with divinity is more powerful than ever. In addition, she encouraged everyone to let go of EVERYTHING from the past. If you're tying to manifest something that hasn't happened, let it go. It stuck in energy that doesn't work. She spoke of how speaking your truth and the truth in business is going to be at the forefront of what we see. Everything is becoming more transparent.
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God Code Matrix of 188 (Facebook) - Posted on January 2nd, 2014
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Bummer: Colorado pot shops will run out of marijuana within days by Scott Kaufman
“We are going to run out,” Toni Fox, owner of the 3D Cannabis Center, told the Colorado Springs Gazette. “It’s insane. This weekend will be just as crazy. If there is a mad rush, we’ll be out by Monday.”
Read more here
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1/5/13 Metatronic Frequency Report: Cosmic Meditation for Healing the Masculine Portion of the Collective Consciousness’ Psyche
Today is a 4 Frequency day with 99 Minor frequency influence.
The I AM Keyword phrases for 4 and 99 are:
4 – I AM Form and Service
99 – I Am Universal Love Shining Forth
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Want Better Sleep? Here are 4 All Natural Sleeping Aids That Actually Work by Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.
Getting a good night’s sleep is critical not only for energy, but also to decrease pain related to muscle overuse, improve authority, and support a healthy immune system.
Read more here
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Nurses Across the U.S. are Taking a Stand Against Forced Flu Vaccines by Health Impact News
Experienced nurses across the United States are choosing to lose their jobs rather than submit to forced mandatory flu vaccinations. This began last flu season, in 2012, and we reported many stories of brave nurses standing up for their rights and refusing to submit to mandatory flu vaccinations as a requirement to keeping their jobs. (See: Brave Nurses Lose Jobs to Stand on Principle and Refuse Forced Vaccinations)
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The Many Benefits of the Immune-Boosting Root Astragalus by Christina Sarich
In a world full of toxins from oil spills, the spoils of war, chemtrails, GMO, and numerous other environmental toxins, it behooves us to boost our immunity in as many ways as possible. Reducing stress levels and getting enough sleep are a great way to start, but there are some great natural herbs that can boost our natural immune response, and one of them is the Chinese herb astragalus.
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Gratitude’s Vibration by Emily Doyle
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~ Steve Beckow ~ Spiritual and Relationship Breakthroughs in 2014? – Part 2/2
Relationship Breakthroughs
We’ve heard the Divine Mother describe how sacred partnerships fit into her Divine Plan for Ascension. Let’s review what she’s said:
“How do you love the unknown stranger across the planet if you have not known any form of union with yourself and with your beloved?
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~ Steve Beckow ~ Spiritual and Relationship Breakthroughs in 2014? – Part 1/2
We’re hearing some of the forecasts for what will happen in 2014. I’d like to concentrate on two: breakthroughs in spirituality and breakthroughs in relationship.
You remember that the Divine Mother said that the way Ascension would be accomplished was that we would fall in love first with ourselves, then with a sacred partner, and then with others until all was unitive consciousness? (1) (We’ll look at exactly what she said when we turn to relationships in the next article in this series.)
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3.1.2014 - Sitting in my sanctuary, I asked for Love, healing and guidance, asking if there were any messages to share.
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~The Awakening is NOW~
It has begun…
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Incense Smudging to Clear Away Negative and Stagnant Energy by Anna Hunt
With the beginning of a new year, many feel like they are given the chance to reset.
2014 started with a new moon, representing an opportunity to start the year with a clean slate and unearth what you find deep within yourself. To make space for new habits, experiences and relationships, you have to clean out what lingers within but no longer serves you.
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~ Dr. Phil ~ Are You In an Emotionally Abusive Relationship?
GFP Commentary: If you are feeling this article resonates with you, Listen to your Heart and IF you Love Yourself Unconditionally you will know there is no way for you to be in SUCH a dysfunctional relationship. We do have tons of articles on the Press about cutting energetic chords with that person and release every attachment, you can always use the Search Engine here, and if you feel it's necessary phyiscally move away from that person as it is draining the energy out of you. Take responsability for yourself and how you choose to spend your Precious Energy. Trust Love every moment, Let go and Be present. Love won't dissapoint you and It's going to be alright.When one door closes, another one Opens. I promise.
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~ Creator Writings~ Smile
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Straddling A Fine Line Between the Worlds~Caroline Aguiar
By Caroline Aguiar
Yesterday, after having read “Communications With My Higher Self”, which mentioned my latest tussle with fear, my good friend Annette D. sent me a lovely email loaded with encouragement.
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~Hopi Prophecies~

Hopi Elders pass warnings and prophecies from generation to generation
through oral traditions and reference to ancient rock pictographs and tablets.
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~ Lovely Linda ~ Fanning the Flames of Our Hearts
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~ Nancy Tate ~ Hatonn and Horus - 5 January
On our way back home from Bisbee today Bob and I saw over the Huachuca Mtns a huge, long cloud that was relatively narrow compared to the length. It stretched the whole length of the mountain range. There were also smaller cloudships in the sky over the whole area, for as far as we could see. After we were home for more than an hour they were still there, and more had come. We felt that this was not just a short occasion and so Bob took pictures and I tuned in again. I got enough info to tell me that a message was in order. You can see the pictures Here.
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~ John Smallman ~ Saul: You are becoming aware that you are not the victims of others, of circumstances, or of God.
The Reality of the Oneness of all of creation is finally dawning on humanity, as is the importance of working harmoniously, creatively, and cooperatively together to heal yourselves from all the suffering that you have inflicted on each other, and to enable you to start healing and repairing the damage that you have collectively caused Planet Earth. This growing and essential awareness is an excellent reason to celebrate because it indicates that over the eons much has been learnt and that from those lessons wisdom is growing. Congratulations!
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‘Polar vortex’ to hit US Midwest and Northeast with record freezing temperatures - January 5, 2014
Quebec City, Canada (Reuters / Mathieu Belanger)
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~ Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion 5-12 January
Beloved Ones,
We are moving into a time of accelerated changes and it will be a time of much information being given that will have humanity reeling from trying to comprehend what is occurring. The mainstream media will be involved in the dissemination of much of this material. It is the wake up call to all the inhabitants of the Earth and many lights will turn on within the hearts and souls of awakening humanity. This is a time for which you have been prepared and your calmness and equilibrium will be very necessary in keeping the balance in Earth’s energy field as the people cope to understand.
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S0 News January 5, 2014: Deadly Cold, Delta Sunspots
Published on Jan 5, 2014
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Alter Your Genes and Cure any Disease
The new age gurus, spiritualists or visionaries talk about the power of thoughts and how it manifests into reality. But when the same theory/concept is affirmed by someone from a scientific background, it helps bridge the gap between science and the spirituality.
Bruce Lipton, a cellular biologist and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, advocates the idea that we have significant control over our biology, and with our intentions and beliefs we can ‘reprogram’ or ‘control’ our genes and our lives. This challenges the traditional scientific belief that genes control life and people attribute their illnesses to genetic dysfunctions.
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Edward Snowden's Relationship With WikiLeaks
Amid calls for the clemency of Edward Snowden, many questions remain about the 30-year-old's flight from America and asylum in Russia.
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~ Life is ALIVE~
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I’m Ready
by Wes Annac
Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm
I’m ready to see a better world where harmony and prosperity flow like water to every sovereign person. Like many of you, I strive to see a time when everybody can live in peace and harmony instead of hating each other and fighting senseless wars.
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Gaia Portal Update~Consciousness “star bursts” occur within large groups of hu-manity at this moment