~Light is getting intense~ We got banned again!!!!

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, Unfortuantly we got banned for the 3rd time on Facebook due to others who complained to fb about our Name. Now, we really need to step up the informational flow to others and We Need YOUR Help. Thank You for sharing to all your groups and pages, to keep the energy Love Flowing. This requires all of us. Thank You for Particpating. Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

woman wins lawsuit over internet privacy!


U.K. Police Officer Uses Fake Facebook Profiles to Disparage “X-Factor” Fan

September 5, 2012

in Creeps of the Week

U.K. Facebook user Nicola Brooks had some strong opinions about a contestant on the singing competition reality show “X-Factor” and made some comments on Facebook that another fan, a police officer, did not agree with. Instead of participating in a civil discussion like everyone else on the Internet does (kidding, of course), this police officer created fake Facebook accounts to disparage Brookes, calling her everything from a child abuser to a prostitute.


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Visionkeeper ~ Fighting Within ~ 5 September 2012


(picture www.favim.com)

Seems like there is a great deal of scraping and infighting going in Washington these days. Ugly is the word of the day with negative campaigning, the blame game on others. It is like watching a bunch of third graders at recess. Pretty pathetic really. They are falling apart, they all know the game is just about up and life in Washington will soon be unlike anything they have ever known.


The end of corruption and getting their way will be nothing but a memory. It is rather embarrassing to watch our supposed leaders acting like children. Let this be a good lesson for all of us! We must stay strong and keep focused on where we are headed and not turn on one another in moments of panic! I have always lived my life doing the complete opposite of what Washington tell me I should be doing, somehow my soul knew it was not the correct path to go down. No, we must do the opposite and stay cohesive and loving.



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Hurricane LESLIE is sixth hurricane of 2012


Hurricane Leslie is sixth hurricane of 2012...


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GaiaPortal 9-5-12…”Cosmic Alignments Proceed in Harmony with Gaia Illumination



Commentary from Kauilapele's Blog :I noticed this post on several other sites, so I will join in on the party. There is one thing that rather goes along with the statement made along with the last Cobra post, namely, “…stay attuned to the Higher Brotherhoods (the Higher “Light-hoods”, or Higher “Light Neighborhoods”, if you will). Attuning to those frequencies will keep each of us aligned to our Higher Paths, and separate us from any 3D-4D type turmoil that we might be observing or encounter during the next several days.”

This GaiaPortal says, “Gaia based Hue-mans aligned to Cosmic communications flourish during this time as such communications clarify.”




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MAG 3.7 Yellowstone National Park, WY


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Ann Albers ~ Messages From The Angels ~ Releasing Past Patterns


5 September 2012



There is upon your earth at this time a great deal of movement both within your planet and within human hearts. There is great release of pressure that has been building up within. As a result many of you are experiencing feelings coming to the surface that you thought you had already dealt with. Many of you are experiencing physical symptoms that result from bottled-up emotional energy. Many of you at e experiencing life changes you didn’t consciously ask for and yet dear ones, your souls are always in charge.


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~ Brilliant Heart Felt Speech from First Lady Michelle Obama~


Published on Sep 4, 2012 by BigSupremeDaddy


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2MIN News Sept 5, 2012: Spaceweather, Quakes, Global Update


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Heavenletter #4304 Starlight Star Bright , September 6, 2012


Heavenletter #4304 Starlight Star Bright , September 6, 2012 


God said: 


In My light are you made. Therefore, are you light. Therefore, you are My light, and in My light, you shine. What a dull life it would be without you in it. You are a star I picked from the Heavens. I left you up in the Night Sky, and I also parceled you out on the Earth. Your heart is named Star. You shall shine on Earth as a star in Heaven. Never forget, you star in My heart.

Picture My heart with a star inside it. Heart Star. Five points of a star inside a bursting heart, bursting into every heart and bursting from every heart as well, until bursting hearts like comets swirling the Earth, implanted in every heart, until the world itself becomes a bursting heart, bursting with stars of light, lighting the world, inside and out, and bursting through the past like a shooting star.

Stars will ignite each other until hearts and stars dazzle one another, and they stand still in the light of all hearts blended into one viable heart, with love on the inside, and love on the outside and good hearts are everywhere embraced and embracing in love, hearts demonstrating that love is, and love is all there is.


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Akashic Message for September 2012 – Jen Eramith, MA



Akashic Message for September 2012 – Jen Eramith, MA

September 2012 Message

Posted by Wes Annac


From the Akashic Records: An Excerpt from the Channeling of September 2012 Channeler: Jen Eramith, MA

What energy and experiences can we expect this month?

What activities would most greatly benefit us during this month?

What energy and experiences can we expect during September, 2012?

The energy this month has a sunny, optimistic feeling. There will be a sense of ease available for you if you will make space for it in your life. Making space for it in your life will happen if you will actively choose to simplify and slow down. So far in 2012 you have undergone drastic change. Much of the change may be evident to you now, but even more of it is not evident yet. You have not even noticed how fast you have been moving. You have not even noticed how deeply you have changed. This month it is really important that you choose to slow down catch up with yourself.


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You are my Sunshine



“The LIGHT of the body is the EYE, therefore if thyn EYE be single, thy whole body shall be filled with LIGHT”


The light (Christ Consciousness) of the body is the eye (Pineal Gland) therefore if thyn eye be single (focused on) thy whole body VIA your Crown Chakra and DNA/RNA shall be integrated with Christ Consciousness.


Each day fit in some of the minutes you are blessed with to sit in a room alone and simply and gently focus your attention on the center of your brain while thinking loving thoughts. You are increasing you Light capacity, now when you go out in public or your home “think” loving thoughts as you gaze into the eyes of others. Remember to think, speak, act, feel and emote (energy in motion) like God.


Unless you can think of some’One that you would rather mimic that may know more than He? Know that with each Being that you send Light and Love to you increase your reserve, you cannot deplete this commodity, you can only increase it by use of it.


Science is perplexed by what they are calling “charged particles.” Negative ions, positive electrons, neutrons, atoms, protons, ozone’s, bozon’s, quarks etc, etc. In the book “Remember Who You Are” The Awakening written in 1998, references the Photon Belt and that Earth and all on, in and near Her including the Solar Logos (solar system) itself, would be fully in this Belt of Light particles (photonic energy) by the end of the year 2012.



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 , ,  I am forwarding this because I am knowing who Barack is to the Earth, and the Divine Plan at this exact moment.
 , ,  He is about to be a part of something no one else has the poise and savvy Grace to enact correctly for us, ( the US and the World)
 , ,  whether he’s way ahead or way behind in the late October polls. +  Joanna puts the other reasons for our Calls in perfect perspective. , Yoj


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Valerie Donner ~ The Groundcrew ~ A Message Form Mira From The Pleiadian High Council


Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council, currently on mission with the Earth Council.


As you can well imagine, we are monitoring the Earth’s situation diligently. So much is happening that you don’t know about. You are not being told much of what is actually occurring because those that control the media do not want you to be informed. They continue to want to create a semblance of fear so they can keep you under control. At some point there will be a resounding change in this behavior for what is needed for you to know will be told. They will not be able to prevent the truth from coming out.


In the way of life, truth is a natural outflow of the energies of life. In the third dimension on the Earth these natural energies have been tampered with, however, on an energetic and soul level all is known even if it cannot be expressed. When you are in the higher dimensions you will be telepathic and so your communication will be improved. You will always be tuned into what you need for your life, love, safety and protection. This also explains why you are being gifted with increased empathy. It helps your awareness levels and is teaching you to follow more of the God within.



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September Energy Forecast with Lee Harris


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CNN and the business of state-sponsored TV news


Today I reported on the refusal of CNN International (CNNi) to broadcast an award-winning documentary, "iRevolution", that was produced in early 2011 as the Arab Spring engulfed the region and which was highly critical of the regime in Bahrain. The documentary, featuring CNN's on-air correspondent Amber Lyon, viscerally documented the brutality and violence the regime was using against its own citizens who were peacefully protesting for democracy. Commenting on why the documentary did not air on CNNi, CNN's spokesman cited "purely editorial reasons".

Even so, the network's relationships with governments must bear closer examination. CNNi has aggressively pursued a business strategy of extensive, multifaceted financial arrangements between the network and several of the most repressive regimes around the world which the network purports to cover. Its financial dealings with Bahrain are deep and longstanding.

Full Story... (TheGuardian)


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President Obama Supports Undoing Citizens United


GFP Note: For those that don't know, the Citizens United ruling that recently happened basically meant that the richest people and corporations could spend unlimited amounts of money on political campaigns without any need to disclose their identities. This represented an enormous step backwards in campaign finance reform and a shift in power away from the people and to the very wealthy. We a very pleased to see Obama talking about overturning the Citizens United ruling.

The movement to undo the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United picked up a big endorsement as President Barack Obama stated his support for a constitutional amendment to overturn the decision.

President Obama threw his weight behind the movement to address the decision that granted corporations the ability to spend unlimited dollars in the name of “political speech” in an answer to a constituent question posed to him in a Reddit chat. It was the first time that the president voiced this support himself.

The president’s statement about a potential constitutional amendment was part of a larger answer to a question about the role of money in American politics: “What are you going to do to end the corrupting influence of money in politics during your second term?” Reddit user Suzmerk asked.


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The energy and unexpected validation


Two days ago I was at work and someone who is there briefly once a week and who I had met casually came in and we started chatting. He brought up issues relating to helping others. It evolved quickly into an area I was not expecting and at some point said "You are an enlightened being" This blew me away and we both looked into each others eyes and immediately understood. Not only that but I immediately felt the love there. It was an amazing validation that I was being watched and I am still digesting this. I can't wait til next week. On top of that the energy has been amazing and I am feeling incredible downloads! What a great week. Synchronicities seem to be happening quickly.


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Use It Or Lose It...


The mind governed by ego is on trial right now, and we are our own judge.  The ego is undegoing a global dismanteling, and only the realization that we are One will survive.  It may take a while, or maybe not, but it is becoming increasingly clear  that we are going in that direction.  This video points out some helpful information that may aid us to see that...








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Peggy Black: Life Is An Inside Job


Morning Messages by Peggy Black

September 2012


Emotional spins, as you call them, are usually the results of your reality not meeting your expectations.

There is usually an old mental program running. When this happens, you are looking outside yourself for validation, as well as satisfaction. The picture of what you want in your life and the actual reality of your life are not a match. Remember this is an illusion. Everything is created within and then projected out.

So the key is to look within and see the unfulfilled expectation within.
Life is always an inside job. You are always the key … you are the creator, you are the observer, you are the lover, and you are the loved. So be gentle with yourself and return to that space within where you honor your joy and gratitude. Those are the vibrations, the stepping stones out of the emotional spins.
At this time it is easy to drop into the mass consciousness grid.

There is much chaos and distress happening everywhere, and it can be a fragile emotional path to walk with all the images and the awareness of the death, destruction, loss, and anguish happening in the collective grid. The responsibility of you and other multidimensional starhumans is to anchor a strong vibration of love, joy, gratitude, and appreciation.

Any other emotion only adds to the collective anguish. Copyright © Peggy Black, Transducer, Scribe and Witness. All rights reserved. Share freely, pass along, stay in your joy, gratitude and appreciation.



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Lauren C Gorgo~ Into the Flow of All Good Things


The new (universal 5) energies (9/2012: 9+2+0+1+2=14 = 1+4 = 5) of September are finally here, which begins the wrapping-up cycle of all the changes from the entire year. Can you even recognize who you were when the year began? As if you didn’t notice, this 5 year (2+0+1+2) has been all about breaking thru to new ground…to a new paradigm of freedom…which ultimately means moving beyond the karmic (duality) cycles of our 3D past and entering into the 5D, christed (unity consciousness) energies of the present.

There is the usual, almost melancholic feeling of endings in the air as we wrap up a season and prepare to enter a new one, but this year September feels different than all others because we are bringing a very important phase of human life to completion. We only have a few more months to step fully into our authenticity and say our final goodbyes to a life gone by…a past (3D) life that we created from a split mindset and with less than our full connection to universal LOVE. It’s time now to bring our full attention to the 5D energies starting to ground into the physical dimensions as we continue to break thru the old ways and align with the upgraded version of our new selves/lives.

Simultaneously, while the energies of the past recede, we are all…in one way or another…receiving the “new orders” sent forth from our spiritual blueprints…the information that we need/have been waiting for to get our vessels sailing in the right direction after an entire season of wildly flailing around in the open seas of our limitless potential.

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Cosmic Weather Report: The Great Initiation by Mark Borax


September 2012
Westminster West, VT
Pregnant Earth


The plot thickens as Uranus squares Pluto for the second time this summer. This aspect, which is exact on September 18-19, is the main initiation portal of our time, designed to usher us out of the 2,000 year Piscean Age into the Aquarian Age.

It's a cosmic cervix, a birth canal through which civilization must pass in order to shed obsolete ways and enact the real reason why we're here: To be the love that we are. To pass the initiation and enter the new age, everything blocking this reason has to come up and be dealt with until we clear the past. Over and over.

At such a time of global initiation, outbreaks of both paranoia and miracle mark the approach to the gate. The closer we come to finally living up to our inner purpose, the more retrogressive forces yank back in the opposite direction. The result is that humanity is being pushed and pulled like never before. On both a macrocosmic and microcosmic level, in world politics and personal relations, you've just been tossed into the winepress of the gods. Everything that's not love is being squeezed and the pressure's on.

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Ascension Diary Wednesday 5th September




I figure the easiest way to keep a track on the changes I am feeling is to blog them, and share them with everyone so that we may share the load and the experience. I am not saying these are the only 'symptoms' around nor that anyone not experiencing these are somehow behind or lacking.. My personal take on ascension is that it is as much a personal journey as any 'event', so as always, if this resonates with you I am grateful, and if it does not, I understand that too...


So, last night (I live in Brisbane, Australia) I was sitting on my lounge watching some mindless TV winding down from my 9 - 5 day when I got what I can only describe as a 'bolt' of energy surge down my left arm and go through me to the point where I could hear an internal "whooshing" sound (think waves lapping the beach) as the surges continued. This process went on for maybe 5 minutes... At some point I heard a familiar voice (don't know who's... yet) say "Welcome Home".



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9-5-12 Bill Ballard ~ Sacred Sex ~ The Merging of the Participant's Chakras & Energy Fields


This is a subject that can go deep... Ha, Pun Intended! I have heard so many persons lately speaking of relationships and the changes as we are going through our individual ascension processes. Many of the women are discouraged at their male partners and wanting something far different than what we collectively have experienced. Sacred Sex is a totally new way of relationships and Im thankful I have had experiences of this with several different persons now. Nope, Im no hussy, but I am going to attempt to describe my experiences of Sacred Sex to share with you.. This is a touchy subject... Again, Pun Intended! ha! LOVE!


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press: Real Sacred sex is with the Twin Flame Only!!


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Divine Alchemy...Transforming our Bodies by Patricia Cota-Robles




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09-09-2012 ~ The Ninth Initiatory Gateway of Light


09-09-2012 ~ The Ninth Initiatory Gateway of Light
Mp3 download www.pleiadianlight.net/dl.htm
Transmission by the Elders www.pleiadianlight.net/page2.htm

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light,
the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,
the Chohans of the Rays: El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena,
the Mighty Elohim,
the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light,
Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior,
the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,
and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I now call forth to Mother Mary and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light
to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light,
into the Ascension Seat within Table Mountain,
so I may undergo my ninth initiation as The Servant,
so I may experience passion, purpose, stillness and joy,
so I may experience all my gifts and Highest Potential,
so I may open my heart to my Self and others,
in the knowing of my unique puzzle piece within the collective.

As I enter into this Ascension Seat,
I am surrounded in a beautiful Blue-Green Ray of Light,
greeted and welcomed by Mother Mary as a transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,
I am now placed in a Christed Timeline Chamber of Light.
Through the Christed Timelines I am shown the doorways into the parallel realities in which I have been unforgiving and unloving.
As I now forgive and Love all Souls with whom I have experienced karmic ties in these timelines and in this Now,

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A Message from Gaia


Dear Gaia,
Please repeat what you told me last night.

Dear One who has heard me,
I am pleased to repeat what you heard during your meditative time.
However, first, I will soften the blow.

As more and more of my humans are discovering, they are not alone in this reality. They have seen movies and had vision, dreams and "fantasies" of "little green men", a tittle given to the magestic Galactics to soften the fear of those who are still in denial.

However, that denial must come to an end, or those who refuse to accept the Truth that the Galactics are coming NOW, will miss the most momentous moment I, Gaia, have experienced throughout this entire 2,000 years of Kali Yuga. This darkest, dark before the dawn has been difficult for my SELF and for ALL my inhabitants. My planet has not known such worldwide destruction since the falls of Lemuria and Atlantis.

Fortunately, the time of destruction is ending, and we are poised on the precipice of an entirely New Earth. I want to thank my Beloved ones who toiled through the long dark night, hiding their true identity and presenting the Truth to anyone who would listen. You, my Beloved Leaders, have made this peaceful transition possible.

Yes, my/our transition into New Earth will be peaceful! However, it will not be easy for those who still slumber. For my brave warriors who have fought for Truth through the many years of restriction, my return to SELF will be the most glorious of your myriad lives upon my earth body. Therefore, my dear friends and compagnions through the process of transmutation, I speak to YOU, so that you can best speak to others.


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Dutchsinse – 7.9 Earthquake In Costa Rica 5th September


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Swedish Team Hunts For Ghost Rocket In Lake Nammajaure


Huff Post - Lee Speigel, 9/4/12

While America celebrated the annual end-of-summer rite known as Labor Day weekend, a team of researchers spent the time searching a lake in northern Sweden for a "Ghost Rocket," an object that allegedly crashed there on July 31, 1980.

Bo and Liz Berg, pictured below, reported seeing an elongated, cigar-shaped object with two protrusions on its sides (see main image above), turn 180 degress and perform a controlled landing in the water of Lake Nammajaure, reports TheLocal.se, Sweden's news-in-English website.

To watch the other video and read the rest of this story, visit HuffingtonPost.com.


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World’s Oldest Pyramid Found In Crimea



Aliye Bekir – World’s Oldest Pyramid Found In Crimea – 6 September 2012

SIMFEROPIL/ AQMESCIT (QHA) – A Ukrainian scientist discovered the oldest pyramid in the world. Most interestingly, it was found in the most beautiful corner of the country, in Crimea.

As the ICTV channel reported, the finding was revealed by accident, when during his test alternative methods of finding water Ukrainian scientist Vitalii Goh discovered underground unknown object, which proved to be a giant pyramid of 45 meters in height and a length of about 72 meters. Goh said that the pyramid was built during the time of the dinosaurs.

“Crimean pyramid” has a truncated top, like a Mayan pyramid, but its appearance is more like an Egyptian. It is hollow inside, and a mummy of unknown creature is buried under the foundation.

“Under the foundation is a small body in the form of a mummy long 1.3-1.4 meters with a crown on his head.”

“There is a resonance chamber of so-called Sphinx. The pyramids were built in the era of the dinosaurs,” says the scientist in an interview with ICTV.

It remains unknown who build the pyramid. 


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Message from M T Keshe to the Planet


Message from M T Keshe to the Planet


As we set-out today to change the course of humanity, we ask you all to pray during this day that the ambassadors of your nations come to understand that we are here to unite the mankind in science and religion.

Pray for yourselves and the rest of humanity.

Pray in temple of your hearts and not in the manmade places of brick and water under different banners of nations and religions, then we all shall succeed.

Thank you for your supports and we will do today what we were set to do from the beginning of the time.

M T Keshe


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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Direction Which way to go from here



Thursday, September 6, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Direction

Which way to go from here


It often doesn't matter so much which way you choose, it is most important to just choose. You can always change your path, take a new one or go back the way you came. The most important choice is the one you make today. Indecision and no action are your greatest blocks and by the nature of the law of attraction, bring you more of what you don't want coming your way. Regardless which way you go, you are on the right path for the now, and that is really the most important part. 




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Banned from FaceBook Again~


If everyone could assist us in Posting to Facebook this would be helpful. This is now our 3rd acccount which has been banned. This is becuase there are those in fb who were coming after us, and must have complained. We have alot of compassion for these Beings, who think they can stop the light and nothing will change. All Our Love Mother and Father God


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Sky Portal Appears Over Arctic Facility 2012 HD



Pubblicato in data 06/set/2012 da StephenHannardADGUK

Strange event reported this week about a possible portal or wormhole, appearing over an Arctic Facility. Phenomena was witnessed by multiple people, who seem unshaken by the event, as they claim this kind of thing happens all the time in that region. 

Some claim its a natural event, while others have stated they believe it to be a military weapon of some kind, possibly HAARP related. Phenomena lasted about an hour before disappearing. This is the only information I was sent by a subscriber, if you have any info then please private message me and I will add it to the description, include links if you can. Thanks.



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38,000 Australian Bank Customers Win Largest Class Action Over Fees



38,000 Australian Bank Customers Win Largest Class Action Over Fees

Posted by Stephen Cook



By Nicola Berkovic, The Australian – September 6, 2012


BANK customers involved in the nation’s largest class action, against ANZ Bank, have claimed a victory in the High Court, which today declared the bank’s over-limit fees could be characterised as a penalty or punishment.

This means the bank’s $29.95 over-limit fee – charged on top of 4 per cent interest on the amount overdrawn by the customer – could be illegal.

ANZ now faces an uphill battle to convince the Federal Court the fee is a genuine estimate of its costs and not a penalty.

Justin Gleeson SC, representing 38,000 ANZ customers, had argued that fees charged by banks when customers exceeded their limits did not provide any service and were in fact a punishment.

He argued the bank already recovered its costs by charging the customer 4 per cent interest on the amount overdrawn, and that the $29.95 fee was “unjust enrichment of the bank”.


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Brenda Hoffman: You’ve Cleared Your Fears, Move On



Brenda Hoffman: You’ve Cleared Your Fears, Move On

2012 SEPTEMBER 6 Posted by Vina


You’ve Cleared Your Fears, Move On

by Brenda Hoffman

September 5, 2012



The phrase “Today is the first day of your life” has an altogether different meaning than when it was first penned years ago.

You are you and will remain so as long as you are of earth.

But the you of today is different from the you of tomorrow, next month or next year. Not that your center core will change, but you will have different interests and skills.

Perhaps you wonder what new skills will become part of your everyday repertoire. This we cannot tell you. You are the entity who created your skill set in conjunction with the many other entities who felt the need to explore the New Age on earth at this time.

No other entity can complete your role. That thought is not to frighten you, but to inform you of your importance in this wondrous event. Of course, there are substitutes for your role – perhaps even a different path for all if you decide not to use your new skill set. But the path, the map, the grand plan created by you and others eons ago will not move forward as planned without your input.


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Lisa Galwas: The New Enhanced Brain Energy and the Energy of Matter Transforming!!




This sharing is inspired from my own brain intensity of yesterday (Sept. 6th) and looking inside of myself while cruising the internet to really understand what science understands (more or less) about each section of our brain.  I wanted to know why I felt like my forehead was bulging 3 inches from my skull and constantly moving the energy thru the vast network of the rest of my brain when in a reading.  Actually stinging some areas for a minute or two.  I knew something bigger was taking place within my brain and I wanted to know what!!  The universe was actually happy to let me understand it!!  That alone is a shock!! lol

So lets first get a good visual of the brain:



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Nazis Used Flying Saucers in Antarctica in WWII—Check it Out for Yourself



Nazis Used Flying Saucers in Antarctica in WWII—Check it Out for Yourself

Image courtesy of laesieworks.com

This isn’t “news”, but it’s interesting history that seems to relax quietly in the back seat behind all the more dramatic recent “in-your-face” UFO activity in our skies—whether holographic, military issue or our Galactic families.

Since Antarctica is at the forefront this week with pyramids suddenly uncloaked, as SaLuSa says, I thought this a timely piece.

Back in WWII, the Nazis flew BMW flügelrad saucers, among others, in air combat in Antarctica. Flügelrad means wing wheel. Imagine the prestige of a pilot of the Luftwaffe chosen to fly the latest “Beemer”!

See a catalog of images, first, second generation, etc. The one above mildly resembles a Pleiadian beam ship, doesn’t it?

Here’s a little history from that same website:

A visitor of my site wrote me this:

“In London in 1970 or thereabouts I met an elderly woman at a meeting of the Aetherius society to which I had a chance invitation. She claimed to be the daughter of one of the scientists who originated the German flying disk program. I talked to her for about half an hour and she showed me a book in German, with pictures that illustrated a flying disk model on the ground and in flight.

We talked about the mechanics of the disk and she told me that the propulsion system was based on a Tesla turbine. This turbine she explained had a central core, to which fuel was supplied. Around the central core was a stack of thin disks and the whole was surrounded by a combustion chamber that vented underneath the craft in the same way that a rocket engine vents (with venturi etc).


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47 officers hurt during Belfast riot over parade


Daily News/AP - 9/4/12

Police clashed with Protestant extremists angry after Irish republicans from the Catholic side of the community paraded near British Protestant districts of north Belfast

Why didn't CNN's international arm air its own documentary on Bahrain's Arab Spring repression?


The Guardian - Glenn Greenwald, 9/4/12

A former CNN correspondent defies threats from her former employer to speak out about self-censorship at the network

'US system fails to represent citizens'


Published on Sep 4, 2012 by PressTVGlobalNews

Anti-corruption and Anti-war demonstrations swell streets ahead of the 2012 Democratic National Convention for President Obama's reelection standing.

Charlotte, America's second largest banking arena outside of New York is visited by street protests against corporate and political corruption and warmongering policies.

Press TV has interviewed Sara Flounders, Co-Director International Action Center in Charlotte about the movement and its demands.

Source: YouTube.com


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Brutal dictator funds UK military academy


Press TV - 9/3/12

Bahraini dictator Hamad bin Essa Al Khalifa has donated £3 million to Britain’s internationally-renowned elite officer training academy, Sandhurst, local media reported.

Bahraini dictator Hamad bin Essa Al Khalifa

Bahraini dictator Hamad bin Essa Al Khalifa
Despite global denouncement of the Bahraini regime following a brutal crackdown on ongoing pro-democracy protests in the tiny Persian Gulf island country, the academy accepted the donation honorably in January, British media reported.

Bahrain has been in crisis since a revolt led by mainly Shi'ite Muslims began 18 months ago to demand democracy in the Sunni-ruled dictatorship.

More: PressTV.ir.


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How beautiful Mother Earth-Heart Is



Geological Wonders You Didn’t Know About




If you are adventurous and love to travel, especially to explore under-explored regions, then you already traveled a lot and seen a lot certainly. But I believe that you just haven’t seen the wonders of the world, that we have now prepared. Our planet is truly a wonderful place to live. We should be maintained with, as possible as we can. Look at the next 15 Geological  Wonders and love your planet!

1.Danxia Landform (China)

This unique geological phenomenon, known as a ‘Danxia Landform‘, can be seen in several places inChina. This example is located in Zhangye, Gansu Province. Danxia, which means “rosy cloud”, is a special landform formed from reddish sandstone that has been eroded over time into a series of mountains surrounded by curvaceous cliffs and many unusual rock formations.


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Oracle Report - Thursday, September 6, 2012



Thursday, September 6, 2012


Disseminating Moon Phase - Moon in Taurus/Gemini


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Massive Solar Eruption - Sep 4, 2012


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3MIN News Sept 6, 2012: Starwater, Earthquakes, Gamma Burst



Pubblicato in data 06/set/2012 da Suspicious0bservers


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~ An Important Message from The Earth Allies~ There is no Going Back~


taken from astronomologer.com


Planet Earth is Transforming and So are all inhabitants, this is inevitibale. We entered this year with the Chinese New Year in the Year of the dragon. There is no denying that an increased amount of transforming Love Energy has indeed arrived to us these past 8 Months and will continue intensifying. This is a Powerful Energy, which has truly blessed Humanity with the arrival of Several Strong Cme Impacts almost Monthly, which are adjusting everyone and the Planet's energetic systems.


Humanity has been getting the Cleansing of the water, and the Fiery Transforming Energies of the Fire~Sun Dragon. Aware or unaware everyone is being affected. There is no going back from Here!


 Through this transformation a The New Earth is Manifesting. This Year was about all of Humanity coming together in Each of Thier Unique Grandness with Love and Compassion and building the bridges that connect and Unify. The New Earth that is Manifesting, is Humanity making the Choice, to choose Love in every moment.



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Autism Mom Tells Her Story Using MMS On Her Child


Source: Stranger in a Strange Land - 9/2/12


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~THE ESSENCE OF THE ALL WHICH IS DIVINE~ How We Got to The Milky Way Galaxy~



~How We Got to The Milky Way Galaxy~












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Commentary from The GFP~ She Mentions below that there would be no mass awakening. This statement is not true as we are already in a Mass awakenening as the energies continue to build towards the December 2012 alignment. Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies


  Dear Divine Friends ~

  Nothing can prepare you for your own experience of spiritually awakening to your true-self, your divine Self.
  There are many messages telling you that you are a divine being, you have unlimited spiritual abilities, you
  can manifest your needs through various techniques, there are 'alien disclosures' that will awaken humanity,
  and the list goes on.   



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European Commission Recommends Banning Mercury Fillings


Source: ActivistPost.com - Elizabeth Renter, 9/1/12

Just a few decades ago, it was completely common to go to the dentist with a cavity or two and leave with several silver-colored fillings. And while these fillings were frequently referred to as “silver,” dental professionals were referring to the color, and certainly not the contents. Those fillings are mercury, and they are highly toxic. Now, about half of American dentists are mercury-free and the general population is starting to take note on the dangers of the dental amalgam mercury fillings in their mouths.

Mercury Fillings to be Banned Due to Health Hazards

The European Commission has paved the way, in recent weeks, for phasing out dental mercury, but it seems the United States is not ready.

According to the Commission:


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Clearing of the lower bodies: mental, emotional & physical


Dear Ascension Pioneers!

This is an intense week, as there was more Solar activity today, on September 6th. The fact is that this is always directly connected to our own feeling and experiencing, because "as above, so below". So whatever is going on with our Sun, is also going on with our planet Earth (major earthquakes and volcano eruptions) and us who are embodied here. This also triggers immense cleansing of the lower bodies: emotional, mental and physical. These are powerful times of healing and transformation!

We also have to learn to flow with Life. Sometimes things don't turn out the way we would expect them to. Sometimes things take a completely different turn. In the end, it's about learning to adjust to everything that Life offers us and allow it to teach us through patience, allowance and observance. In this way, we can see that change is the only constant there is, and that embracing this simple Truth can shift our awareness in an instant!

A simple affirmation: I AM in constant flow with Life, and I allow Life to show me the Way! I live and love only in the Now!

Within Divine Love, Polona


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~Space Weather Update~ MAGNETIC UNREST


SDO ECLIPSE SEASON: Twice every year, around the time of the equinoxes, Earth can pass directly between the Sun and NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), producing a series of beautiful eclipses from the point of view of the spacecraft. SDO's autumnal eclipse season begins on Sept. 6th. Stay tuned for some rare blackouts of the sun.


MAGNETIC UNREST: Earth's magnetic field is still reverberating from a pair of CME impacts--a relatively strong blow on Sept 3rd followed by a lesser hit on Sept. 4th. The double strike ignited auroras around the Arctic Circle that are only slowly fading. Olivier Du Tré photographed this apparition over Red Deer, Alberta, on Sept. 5th:


"For the second night this week, the Northern Lights put on an awesome show over Alberta," says Du Tré. "At one point about 65%-70% of the sky above the farmlands to the NE of Calgary were lit up. It was incredible."



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Weekly LightBlast



Weekly LightBlast






More Allowing.  It comes up a lot.  It’s an important part of being a collective. As Lightworkers we realize that our collective goes far beyond our gradations of groupings like community, country and even humanity.  We know clearly that our collective includes all life on Earth and the universe itself.  We are not so different from the stars in our sky, yet we are unique. As we align with our full nature of galactic citizenship, we are appreciating our unique time/space and actively choosing to shape it as our blessing of free will in form Allows.  Your powerful, open, flowing energetic field that basks in All Is Well, is a waystation of information – the form unformed informing.  From this open space of Allowing, choice directs flow and form is informed. 

“The Window”…9-6 through 9-12…2012… and The Mission



“The Window”…9-6 through 9-12…2012… and The Mission…

Posted on 2012/09/05


posted by kauilapele


Why I am calling this period of days, “The Window”? It has felt to me, for some time now (weeks, months?) that this 9-9 window was the most potent of the three windows, 9-9, 10-10, 11-11, prior to the 12-12. There is no “evidence” I can present to you about this. There is nothing I can say to prove it. This is simply what I have been “feeling”. And it’s been a pretty deep “feel”.

Also I have been getting this “in your face” passion calling, or desire, to go to a particular place for this 9-9 window, for some time as well. This “going to a particular place” deal is what I often call a “mission”. To BE in that place… to DO something in that place… and/or to LIGHT UP something within or around or via that place. It’s always a very deep calling. And it’s always a very deep Joy that does the “calling”. So I have made arrangements to BE, DO, LIGHT UP… in that place. There. Wherever “There” is. And that will be revealed only after I am “There”.

(Most likely. Unless Guidance tells otherwise.)

I’ll just list a few Highlights about what has come to me about this window.

  • 9-6 through 9-12… a 7 day period.
  • 9-9-2012 = 18+5 = 23 = 2+3 = 5. That number has a strong Andromedan connection (to me).
  • The 9-11-12 is the 11th anniversary of 9-11-01. 9-11… the 11 anniversary. To me it stood out that we have 9, and 1111.
  • 9 = completion. 1111 = a Grand New Beginning. A Grand Apocalypse (unveiling, uncovering) beginning. About the 9-11-01 events.
  • So here we have the 9-9, which opens a portal, a window of opportunity, shall we say. Followed by the 9-11 11th anniversary. A perfect time to close the past (9) and to begin (1111) to unveil the actual events, and what was behind the events, of that day.
  • 12-12 to 12-21… a 9 day difference. Another 9. And both “12-12-2012″ and “12-21-2012″ add to 11. A 9 and 11 again.
  • This is a worldwide “New Portal Opening” period. A bunch of new ones, whose locations have been veiled, will be activated and start doing their “thing”. Whatever that “thing” is.

Okay, a lot of that up there may just seem like “playing with numbers”, but these connections have kept coming up (several times) again and again during the past couple weeks.

11 Points of Connection throughout the Planet

Some of you may recall that I spoke earlier about this 9-9 mission, in this post. And here are a couple points from that message.

“If you thought it was intense these past ten days, just wait… It’s only just begun, and it will get more and more and more… Intense, that is. During the buildup to, and through, the 9-9-2012 portal.”

“More of this message, was that I was given a mission… I am not to unveil any details of this until it is finished, but it will be a connecting mission meaning it connects with several other points throughout the world.

“A few of you to whom I’ve been guided, will be sent something to assist in this mission. I know of a couple of you, but I’m not sure who the rest are… yet.


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