Revealing The Hidden Diamond Within
Dear Readers,
This morning as I was sending out an email to someone Michael sent to me to receive the Trinity of Blessings, I found myself writing more than I usually do. And then I found myself wanting to share some of this with you and perhaps more will come through now, let’s see!
My own history of the Trinity of Blessings began in early 2013 when Michael led me to the website of Theresa Helton, the woman who had worked with Michael on the original attunement. I knew as soon as I found it, that I had found something that would change my life. I felt within me a burning desire to receive the attunement.
At the time I had only $5 in my PayPal account and so I had to wait a couple weeks before I could buy the attunement for $20. As soon as I had the money I went back to her site and purchased the attunement. Since receiving the attunement my life has changed in a profound way. At that time I had no means of an income either so it was through selling the attunement myself that I was able to pay my rent and buy some food. I believe that this is Michael’s way of supporting Lightworkers who are in need of creating a little income as they set themselves upon the pathway of Enlightenment.
In the email this morning I found myself writing these words:
“He wants you to know that rituals are not important, so please just afford him the time and space to work with you and he will help miracles to unfold in your life. He says the more of yourself you give to the energy, the more of the Light within is revealed. It’s like taking off a really heavy coat that you have been wearing for a long, long time!”
As I wrote these words, I felt that the unfoldment he is referring to is like the uncloaking of a beautiful jeweled garment that has been kept hidden for many, many years. The jeweled garment is a metaphor for you, for the Light of your True Self, your magnificence, and the jewels are the Light that is reflecting in and through you.
The heavy coat he is referring to is the human baggage you have accumulated over your many lifetimes on the Earth plane. It is unwanted and unnecessary now. You have taken the first step towards your greatness and slowly but surely, the diamond within is being revealed.
And thus the Trinity of Blessings Attunement is a revelation! It reveals the divinity within, and the purity of your Divine Nature.
Archangel Michael is a most loving Being and he is always willing to partner with you on your Earth journey. He asks that you allow him the time and space to work with you also.
He loves you so very much!
Please do join us for our webinar this coming Saturday the 13th May. Click here or on the image below for more details of the Live event. Thank you for your continued support and the absolute blessing of being a part of your life!
We bless you and wish you a beautiful, sparkling New day!
Deborah Faith ~ Messenger for the Archangels
USUI Reiki Energy Healer & Master Teacher, NLP (SA) Practitioner, Energy Re-Sourcing™ Therapist and Intuitive, Clairsentient, Clairvoyant and Clairaudient Messenger for the Realms of Spirit.