Sydney bathing in late season warmth

Silver's picture

Weatherzone, By: Brett Dutschke, 04/28/2013


It has been six years since Sydney has been as warm this late in autumn, bathing in 26 degree sunshine for the third day running. You have to go back to May 2007 to find the last time the city has had three consecutive days this warm this late in the season. It is also only the eighth time in the last 150 years that it has been this warm this late.


A big plus for many people is that the current unseasonable, sunny warmth is falling on their long Anzac weekend. It is also the final weekend of the school holidays. It is also not too bad for those who have had to put up with a standard two-day weekend. This is the warmest weekend this late in autumn in 23 years. For both Saturday and Sunday to reach at least 26 degrees has not occurred this late in autumn since 1990.


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