Treacherous waves and Storm force winds hammer Tasmania

Silver's picture

Sam Brown, Saturday April 27, 2013 - 13:01 EST


Storm force winds and huge seas are battering Tasmania, although the worst is yet to come. At 7:20am this morning the Cape Sorell waverider buoy registered a maximum wave height of 10.5 metres. All recordings so far today have been above 6.9 metres and maximum wave heights have remained above 5.5m since Thursday morning.


Wind gusts of 131 km/h at Maatsuyker Island, 128 km/h at Scotts Peak and 109 km/h on Mt Read have already been recorded today. Winds averaging around 70 km/h with peak gusts of up to 130 km/h are forecast for parts of the Western and South East districts this evening. Gusts may be even stronger at higher elevations.


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