In 1990 my thyroid became ‘hyper-active’ and I was advised by a specialist doctor to have radio active iodine treatment which he said would help restore it to balance. It was either this treatment or surgery, and I’m allergic to surgery! So I opted for the treatment instead. As it turned out, my specialist doctor miscalculated the dosage of the radio active iodine and I was given too much which destroyed the normal function of my thyroid. I was told that I would have to take chronic meds for the rest of my life. I was still religiously taking the meds when 22 years later Archangel Michael became a conscious part of my life. One day I was guided by him to take less of the meds. He told me that my thyroid had started to function again and that soon I would not need to take the meds at all! I asked him how can that be? He told me that he had protected a small part of my thyroid the day I’d had the radio active iodine and this tiny part had started functioning again. He said that it would grow larger and eventually become 100% fully functional. He said he would guide me as to how to continue to reduce my meds. I was amazed! Sure enough, 3 months later, I no longer needed my meds. This was the first time I’d realized how active he had been in my life without me even knowing it.
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