When you were a baby, you were unconscious and incompetent. At least, to the outer 3D environment that was new to you.
Your consciousness that, of the Higher Planes from where you just departed for your Earthly jouney was still very much with you. Not only did the “blessing” of amnesia slowly begin to set in, but other means to challenge your intellect and intuition became a major part of your exoteric circumstances as well.
There is much that is not allowed to accompany us on our Earth sojourn. There are valid reasons for this, for now, another interference of our ability to acquire and then sustain conscious living came into to the picture. Here we call it parents. And then came the in-laws, the outlaws and the teachers and all the rest of the mostly well meaning ones that did a thorough job of making you comply to their belief systems and what they thought you should do, the way you should act, the words you should use, and not use, what you should have, and not have, and the way you should present yourself in the public eye.
Back to you the baby. Dad gets up, gets ready, ties his shoes and off to work he goes. You have no idea what he’s doing, but the child always watches everything. Mommy ties your shoes every day, but so far you are an unconscious incompetent.
You grow. At around the terrific twos you have been watching this shoe-tie thing now for some time. One day you try it, whoops no good, can’t do it yet but you become conscious of it being done. You have become a conscious incompetent.
You grow. You’re now about 3, 4, you know the shoe needs to be tied, and by now you can tie a sloppy bow. You have become a conscious competent.
You grow. Now at 6 or 7, you become good at it, you tie your shoes quickly and proficiently. Not long now until you are tying your shoes, grabbing your lunch and running out and to catch the school bus. You have become an unconscious competent. You have entered the “DANGER ZONE.”
The danger of living most of your entire visit to Earth on defult (automatic pilot).
And soon enough you will be capable of driving a 4,000LB vehicle down the road at high speeds while blasting load music, drinking coffee and stuffing dogs and donates down, texting while changing your shirt, putting on make up, and complaining about how pothtetic everyone else around you is driving. And you call them idiots?
You are so multi task. We can be proud of you as long as we make it home alive. And you believe this to way of saving time. Time is the same for you and me and the rest of us, no matter how many task, deeds and dangers that you can fit into it. No matter what, or how many things you accomplished in the minute, when the minute has passed, it is spent. The important question is, how did you spend it?
We are arriving at the bottom line.
Next to the applacation of LOVE, one of the most important phychologies that the more advanced Beings have offered us in Their wisdom, is to be ever present in the presence of the present time. Sounds like a gift to me. Don’t look this Gift Horse in the mouth as It will soon be riding in just behind the sound off of 7 trumpets.
A balanced life comes from focus harnessed concentration which comes from meditation.
I won’t continue more codes on the now moment, as Dr. Wayne Dwyer, Depak Chopra, Jesus Christ and many, many others have continually impressed this upon us.
“The Kingdom is at hand.”
Is there any part of this simple yet powerful statement that hints at, “later?”
I rest my case and I'll see you later………………….in another minute of the ever present, NOW.
insightful name !
The time of kings is indeed here. with love and great respect.