WA roasting in autumn heat

Silver's picture

Weatherzone, By:Mellissa Mackellar, 05/01/2013


May has kicked off with unusually warm weather in southwestern parts of Western Australia, after many parts had record breaking heat during April. Perth had its hottest April in 116 years of records, with an average maximum of 28.5 degrees. This has only happened three times since records began. In terms of minima it was the capital's second hottest April on record, second only to April 1962.


In the Great Southern District Narrogin, Brookton, Corrigin and Pingelly all broke records for minimum and maximum temperatures in April. Elsewhere, Esperance hasn't had a hotter April in at least 20 years, while for Medina you need to go back at least 26 years. It has been nearly a decade since Kalgoorlie had such hot April days.


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