Dana Mrkich ~ Current Energies Summary ~ 25 June 2012

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Dana Mrkich ~ Current Energies Summary ~ 25 June 2012

Current Energies Summary – As Broadcast on Cosmic Vision News
We are experiencing back to back eclipses, transits and alignments this year that are propelling us into unprecedented evolutionary acceleration. As the Earth lines up with these super powerful points in our skies, it is like turning the dial on a safe and when you get the right code, click, the door opens. So, with every alignment this year a doorway has opened, often called a stargate, because it opens the way for a rush of galactic energy from the universe, from other star systems and other dimensions, to flood onto our planet, energy that we haven’t had access to for at least 26,000 years if not longer in this exact same way.  It is not any one alignment on it’s own that is triggering our shift.

Backgrounder from SaLuSa on the Progress of the Cabal Round~Up

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Backgrounder from SaLuSa on the Progress of the Cabal Round~Up

Steve Beckow


Drake, Dragon Lady and Geoff West are coordinating their efforts to provide news coverage should the mass arrests happen today or any day following.


The G20 deliberations on Agenda 21 and the existence of troops in St. Louis have raised thoughts that the Earth allies and the Company of Heaven may respond by initiating the round-up of the cabal.

We are presently taping An Hour with an Angel. Archangel Michael has asked to appear first and the discussion will probably revolve around the achievement of peace on the planet with the mass arrests being the major initiative.


Nancy Detweiler: Drake’s Weekend Update on Mass Arrests with Breaking News

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Nancy Detweiler: Drake’s Weekend Update on Mass Arrests with Breaking News


Nancy Detweiler reports on Drake’s update and reports of troop movements in the U.S. If true, in my view, the development is nothing to fear in the sense that the galactics have the ability to make weapons non-functional and are in charge of events now. We here at this site do not agree with Drake’s estimation of the President or his appeal to people to be ready to take up arms. There is no need to take up arms.


Following the 33:00 mark Drake begins to discuss ETs and one of his sources for his comments and a person he advises us to go listen to is … Geoffrey West ofCosmic Vision News.



Archangel Michael on Our Response to the Looming Mass Arrests

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Archangel Michael on Our Response to the Looming Mass Arrests

Steve Beckow Today on the pre-record of An Hour with an Angel, Archangel Michael advised us not to fall into fear and not to embrace the old dramas and paradigms of the Third Dimension as events unfold.


He did not confirm that the mass arrests would be happening today but instead spoke about how we should respond to them when they do occur.


He said he wished to put the subject into perspective. He reminded us (starseeds) that our proper home is not in the Third Dimension and that we walk the Earth to bring it to peace.


He reminded us that the Company of Heaven seeks to bring the light to everyone, dark and Light alike, and that this is what the Transition is all about. We are all being penetrated by the Light from the source of the Heart of One. He added:


SaLuSa to Me ~ We are All Related and Connected ~ 25 June 2012

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SaLuSa to Me ~ We are All Related and Connected ~ 25 June 2012

Posted by Laura


Dear ones, we are on the verge of great new changes on your world. As guardians and protectors of your planet, the Galactic Federation will closely work with the ones among you who will be welcoming our presence and who have a great understanding of the situation at hand. We have already made a subtle contact with many of you in a position of influence and who are open to spiritual understanding of the unique situation on Earth at the time.


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06-25-2012 ~Mother Earth=Heart is getting into cleaning again~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 06-25-2012 ~Mother Earth=Heart is getting into cleaning again~



Greetings Loved Beings,

After the Solstice Mother Earth=Heart has taken some time to process all the energies, now a new cleaning cicle has begun.

What has to be accomplished has to be done. ou can choose to look at it in fear or to See all the Love that has allowed a smooth transition. Some have lost their earth lives, though not their True Lifes. This has to be kept in mind all the time!

If someone has a contract to leave they will leave. And there area as many reason for this as the amount of being that leave.

All is part of the Divine Plan. No matter if it’s nature or manmade. We’re all One.

One Heart, One Love.

Benjamin Fulford ~ Full Update ~ It Has Become Impossible For The Cabal To Hide The Truth; They Are Being Defeated – 25 June 2012

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Benjamin Fulford ~ Full Update ~ It Has Become Impossible For The Cabal To Hide The Truth; They Are Being Defeated – 25 June 2012


Last week the cabal controlled media in the West tried to pretend the Rio summit was a failure even though $513 billion was pledged by 100 nations to fight poverty and environmental destruction. It was a cabal failure because $513 billion that, in the past, would have been handed over to the rich by the poor is instead being given by middle income countries to the poorest countries. This is undeniable proof the international boycott of the war-mongering, mass murdering leaders of the United States and many European countries is intensifying. The cabalists are trying to pass the pain on to their own slave people and this is why there is a “financial crisis” in the West.


The cornered cabalists are threatening, yet again, to start WW3, this time in Syria, but they know they will all be hunted down and killed if they seriously try to carry out their plan to murder 5 billion people. They have only one choice, and that is to appear in front of a truth and reconciliation committee and ask for forgiveness.

There are no deadlines being given because you cannot give a deadline to a dying monster, you just have to wait for nature to take its course.


A Message from The Earth Allies~Real Love is Simply This...~

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 A Message from The Earth Allies~Real Love is Simply This...~



Real Love Simply is this…..LOVE IS REAL because it is WHOLE…Peace is Real because it is balance…GOD IS REAL because HE~SHE is Eternal…What is not Eternal,Whole, and Balanced is not REAL…It does not exist…and has no consequence at all…Our task is to Reveal what is REAL…As we do this , we Reveal the nature of what isn't…It is that simple..


Spirituality is not an escape….its function is to lead to THE TRUTH…You see even an Ego can use spirituality for its own purposes…just as anything else…Fear is nothing more than a self imposed block to the Experience of Love…In illusion Humanity chose to see themselves contrary to Who They Truly were..NOW THIS IS ALL CHANGING~


..IN TRUTH HUMANITY IS THE EXPERIENCE OF Love, LIGHT, BRILLIANCE AND TRUTH…fear [ the shadow and cave humanity has been hiding in] is an attempt to block the vision of themselves…to not see themselves as they truly are[stepping outside of the cave they will] …


Krishnamurti: To Be Human

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Krishnamurti: To Be Human



Fifth Talk in Poona, 1958

I should think one of our great problems must be to know what is freedom, and the need to understand this problem must be fairly immense and continuous since there is so much propaganda from so many specialists, so many and various forms of outward and inward compulsion, and all the chaotic, contradictory persuasions, influences, and impressions. I am sure we must have asked ourselves the question: What is freedom? As you and I know, everywhere in the world authoritarianism is spreading, not only at the political, social, and economic levels, but also at the so-called spiritual level. 

I am a light worker ~ Part 1

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It has taken weeks and today I finally figured out what has been gnawing at my heart.  Like many of you I’ve been caught up in watching news and messages from on and off world, predictions and promises laced with accusations and assurances.  None of us know the precise timing or events because all of us are creating them with our thoughts and beliefs.  Somehow we’ve morphed into light waiters rather than light workers.


We are not here to wait for the light.  We are here to work for the light.  If there is some commonality in each message we devour it is this “We will not do this for you.  We stand ready to assist.”


So what are we waiting for?  Maybe it was the most recent influx of light and energy, but I am fairly bursting to share my thoughts this morning. I am beginning a series this week; “I am a light worker”.  There is much to say.


We have been waiting for someone to save us.  They know this and have been saying, “Yes!  We’ll help you as you save yourselves.” So, what does it mean to work for the light?


Our planet has been owned and run by the dark.  We now know this and learn each day about how deep the corruption and control goes.  First, we must act as if this planet is ours.  It is.


The Cabal introduced the concept of ownership.  Consequently, we’ve hoarded money, stuff, land and love.  We’ve lived in fear and fed them with our labor and our loyalty.  In truth, what we need do is take ownership of the one thing that matters in this critical time.  We need to take responsibility for this world, this planet as if we run it.


Dr. Joshua David Stone: The Three Levels of Being Grounded

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Dr. Joshua David Stone: The Three Levels of Being Grounded


Written by 

I AM University


In this book I speak a great deal about the importance of being physically grounded and learning to embody God on Earth. The importance of this is obviously beyond question. What I would like to share in this chapter is that there is another kind of grounding which most lightworkers and people are not aware of which is called being “psychologically grounded.” A great many lightworkers may not only be floating out of their physical bodies, do not have enough energy in their lower chakras and physical body itself, and are not fulfilling their Spiritual mission, purpose, contract and personal blueprint on the Earthly plane, but they are also not grounded psychologically. 


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