Healing Earth News - What A Busy Day!

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(editor's note: Rather than become disheartened by the negative news of mainstream media, I challenge you to look deeper -to find healing earth heroes in your own community. There are people all over this beautiful jewel we call Gaia working every day to correct the damage we have done. They are doing the physical clean up work, or putting the intellectual thought into solving these problems. Please join me in sending them all energies of love and support. ~All my Love, Boo)


It's a busy reporting day for Gaia! I have not one but FOUR news articles to pass along to you today:




We’ve reached A Billion Acts of Green!


Riding the Intense RollerCoaster of Change! by Lisa

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by GLR Lisa Gawlas

Today, my adventure in Virginia comes to an end.  I will be heading back to New Mexico later today.  This has been the biggest, most intense emotional roller coaster of my recent life!  After I got the elephant off of my heart yesterday, it is amazing how much beauty and perfection you can see in all that has transpired.  All of life is always, constantly conspiring to bring us each to our greatest expression possible.  Most especially when it appears that in an instant, everything has turned to shit!

You are spreading your wings. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

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You are spreading your wings. – Michael by GLR Ron Head


April 25, 2012    

We bring you now encouragement and support for your efforts to awaken and throw off sleep, to realize yourselves as you truly are.  The stirrings in your hearts are now being felt in an ever strengthening manner.  You are spreading your wings.

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-25-2012 ~ No stopping changes

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-25-2012 ~ No stopping changes



As some videos show, those not aware of why these changes are occurring get confused and/or scared. Weather seems to be flipping all over the Planet, snow instead of flowers and flowers where there should be snow. New glaciers where there was grass and ages old ones dissolve... That is why it becomes even more important to spread the message. The Planet is Changing. It is nothing to be scared of, simply be aware and follow your own intuitions as they come from YourSelf.

The changes are for Good... go with the flow and smile whenever you feel like.

Spread your energy of Love, full the Earth’s Heart tank as it had been left empty for so long... and Mother Earth will smile back at you 1000 times.


Love you so

Visionkeeper – Let Life Be A Mirror

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Visionkeeper – Let Life Be A Mirror – 25 April 2012

(picture by www.favim.com)

I spoke yesterday about how our thoughts create our reality. That is such an important thing to understand and if you can’t grasp the meaning of it, then just look around you. We have such a strong attachment to nature and it seems every time we are out in it we see multiple scenes of beauty, often serenity and calm like the picture I chose today. Why is that do you suppose

Wes Annac – SanJAsKa : Imagine Atlantis And Lemuria, Uniting And Ascending Together

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Wes Annac – SanJAsKa : Imagine Atlantis And Lemuria, Uniting And Ascending Together – 25 April 2012

-by Wes Annac-

Honoring the Light that you are is very important in maintaining your own balance and stability. While you are all on Earth you are going to make what you perceive to be mistakes and you are going to seem to act out of alignment with your own Life plans and with your versions of what events in your Lives should be. Honor and Love yourselves when you find yourselves repeating old paradigms and seeming to lack the energies and feelings of the higher realms that you wish so dearly to reignite in yourself.

Heavenletter #4170 Wouldn't You Like to Hear God's Voice

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Heavenletter #4170 Wouldn't You Like to Hear God's Voice, April 25, 2012 

God said: 


I am speaking to you all the time. Hear My Voice. It is in everything. I whisper your name. Your name is Love, and I call you to Me. So, come along. Would you really keep Me waiting?

I am patient, and I can wait. I know not time to wait in. I just AM. I AM sitting still and wondering about all your motion and activity. 

Lee-Anne Peters – Maintaining Balance When There Is So Much To Do! – 25 April 2012

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Lee-Anne Peters – Maintaining Balance When There Is So Much To Do! – 25 April 2012

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by everything you need to do, what needs your attention and the rush of your day?  Maybe you struggle to get everything done and then have time to rest and play as well… maintaining your sense of BALANCE can be a struggle, however, my suggestion is to make it FUN!

UFO Sightings The Man Who Summons UFOs World Exclusive! Multiple Eyewitnesses!

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UFO Sightings The Man Who Summons UFOs World Exclusive! Multiple Eyewitnesses! Robert Bingham claims he can summon UFOs telepathically! On April 17 2012 at the Park Plaza Hotel California Robert Bingham along with many eyewitnesses achieves the impossible! Subscribe for part two of this Incredible Event!


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