Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 16 April 2012

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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa – 16 April 2012

When we speak of our allies we generally refer to those who are Lightworkers, at the front of activities that are occurring with our backing. They are the ones who are preparing the way for the greater advancement of our programs, that are restoring your sovereignty and opening up the way to Ascension. Yet in essence every Lightworker unbeknowingly or not is part of the Divine Plan, ensuring that it is successful. What our coming will do is enable us to provide the details of why we are here, and reveal that we will speed up the changes to complete all tasks as quickly as possible. We believe that will put peoples minds at rest as to our intent, and clearly indicate that we come in peace.

Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 16 April 2012

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Angela Peregoff – The Week Ahead – 16 April 2012

In this reality and at this particular time all Earth entities are choosing between remaining in the energetic system of gravity and density, or moving up inside the newly established crystalline matrix of Earth. All of us have been in the midst of transformative changes and many have awakened to claim and unite with the wholeness of the Divine Self. After functioning for eons on decreased resources from our Higher Selves we are finally getting down to brass tacks and regaining direct connection with a stream of consciousness that is super luminal. Now is the best time to be enjoying the adventure of our earthly existence since the last few months have been energetically hyper. A nobility of Soul and Spirit has sprung forth at the atomic levels and is over-lighting our ability to harmonize and retain all knowledge and awareness and still be present in our human realities.

Visionkeeper – Could This Be It? – 16 April 2912

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Visionkeeper – Could This Be It? – 16 April 2912

(picture by www.favim.com)

After reading David Wilcock’s post the other day it left me wondering if this is finally it. If what he spoke of comes to fruition, I would have to say it is GO time for all of us now. Once this news goes main stream and the truth begins pouring out, many people will be in confusion as their reality explodes in their faces and they are left wondering who they are now and what is to become of their lives. We must not lose sight of the fact those still sleeping have not got a clue as to what is coming their way. Heads will spin and people will be scrambling to hold on to what they thought was their life as it deteriorates right before their eyes. The fact that liens will be placed on the 12 Federal Reserve banks and cease and desist orders issued as well will make it necessary for explanations to be forthcoming and as a result, the truth will begin to tumble out of the genie bottle with no way to put it back inside. While this possibility is exciting and finally the proof many of us have been waiting for, chaos could ensue for a short time as the plans for what comes next are set in place and things resume working again. It will be our time at last to spread calm across the planet and instill faith in anxious hearts and minds. People will look for answers and we must be there for them. It is time to walk our talk and be in our hearts.

Heavenletter #4161 You Are Beginning to Wonder

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Heavenletter #4161 You Are Beginning to Wonder, April 16, 2012 

God said: 


I am not hope. I am Truth. I am far more than hope. I am Love, and you are Love, and love meets in a non-space of Oneness. How happy I am to have met you. I met you first in My dream, and then My dream esplanaded into Truth, and so We stand, you the illustrated Truth of Me. How vast is Our relationship. How vast is Our love that it is the very vapor We exist in, or seem to exist in, yet the fact is: We exist.

It seems quite natural to speak of We, does it not? It is much more natural to say We rather than you and I, or I and you, or anything else at all, until a time in non-time appears where the word I alone says it all, and no counterbalance is needed, or thought to be needed. I am I, and there is no you, and, yet, for as long as it suits you, I shall speak of Myself as We, so you will know that you are included in Me.


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