Beloved, there is an easy way you can personally help to bring about the world of Our dreams. The more citizens of the world who will do this, the merrier. There is a simple way to remove blockages to the enlightenment of every Human Being on Earth. I am amazed that you haven’t already caught onto this. Perhaps you haven't been looking.
All decisions come from the heart. The mind is never decisive, it cannot be. If you want to decide through the mind, you never can. And I am not talking about great things like enlightenment and the existence of God or the existence of life after death. I am not talking about great things, just small things -- whether to purchase this soap or that, or which toothpaste -- and you will find the same difficulty. Mind is fragmentary, divided.
Hence my consistent insistence that you get out of the mind and start living. The mind only thinks and never lives. It thinks beautiful thoughts, but they are thoughts all the same, just dreams.
Stepping forward into the unknown can be fear-inducing. The primal part of human may kick in, making it challenging to move forward. “What is out there? Will it hurt me? Am I safe?” are very valid questions. One of the things you must remember; The Universe is by your side every step of the way. Your entire world is moving forward in a way that has never happened before and it is time to step forward with it. Take a deep breath…..and go! ~ Creator
If you would consciously choose to find something to appreciate in every person or situation you come across, you would shift from the wariness you have been conditioned to approach life from that perpetuates resistance and separation, to a positive focus that nurtures acceptance and inclusion. If you understand that your focus is your blessing of continuation, you can see how this approach has the ability to create a profound shift in your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Beloved, you don’t always want to be porous to new advice. You can well be fiercely independent, and, yet, at the same time, being fiercely independent may well be much like being fiercely dependent and unable to let go of the premises from which you have come.
Clarity is not part of the mind at all; clarity is the absence of the mind, confusion is the presence of the mind. Confusion and mind are synonymous.
You can't have a clear mind. If you have clarity, you cannot have the mind; if you have the mind, you can't have clarity. The mind is always divided against itself, it lives in conflict. Divisibility is its nature. Hence those who live in the mind never become individuals, indivisibles. They remain divided: one part wants this, another part wants that.
Mind is a crowd of many desires; it is not a single desire. Mind is multi-psychic, and all the fragments are falling apart in different directions. It is a miracle how we go on keeping ourselves together; it is a hard struggle to keep oneself together. Somehow we manage, but that togetherness remains only on the surface. Deep down there is turmoil.
If you find yourself being ‘cast out’ because you choose to voice your opinions, feelings and thoughts, do not let it bother you. Some may feel you are spreading negativity. You may have people in your circle that look to you to be the bright light you have always been to them, therefore, it is your ‘job’ to quell the flames, do the opposite of what you are feeling in the moment…keep it quiet, keep it private, do not let anyone know. Does that sound familiar?!
Yet another gentle reminder; it is important to express negative emotions so you can get back to the good ones. The Universe does not bemoan this. It is a release, it can be necessary and you may not be able to fully recognize your light without also acknowledging the dark. The important part is to move through the moment and do not let it linger! Respect each of your emotions and feelings regardless of how they present themselves. This is one of the reasons you chose to be human…to express yourself! ~ Creator
Do you find yourself secretly wishing to be rescued in some way? The desire to be rescued from yourself is letting you know two things. First, that is an area of your life that is inviting you to step into your authentic power. It is also a cry from your inner child for healing, safety, reassurance, and guidance from you in that area. (The desire to be rescued in some way is what makes people seek authoritarian leaders. Authoritarian leaders know this, so they will often feed fear or people’s illusion of powerlessness in order to maintain their position. As people shift into being willing to embrace their own authentic power, you will see your world leaders change as a reflection of this change in consciousness.)
As you have learned from your journey thus far, the whole process is about coming Home to yourself, to your love, to your truth, and embracing your divine capability. The good news is, you have done so much work the areas still looking for your love and attention are becoming rarer, and when they come up it is more informative than it is triggering. You are all doing an outstanding job, moving and growing in these unprecedented energies! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Beloved, We as One emanate from a spiral. Your spine resembles a spiral. What are spirals made of but connected circles winding and unwinding? Spirals are flexible and bounce. My children take joy in bouncing. Nowhere does nature toss around flat right angles.
Nature certainly does seem to have ideas of its own that you become used to and favor. You love nature landscapes, and you love color. On occasion you admire a monotone landscape enormously as though its uniqueness speaks to your soul.
Reality is a mystery, it is not a question to be asked. It is a mystery to be lived, a mystery to be experienced, a mystery to be loved, a mystery to be dissolved in, to be drowned in.
I am answering you, not to answer but to simply destroy the question. I am not a teacher.
The teacher teaches you; the master does not teach you, he helps you unlearn.
During this unprecedented time of change, you may feel as if every decision you make is wrong. It feels as if you are doing everything right; the decision feels good to your heart and mind, it resonates with your body and beliefs but, the reactions coming from the world sometimes tell a different story. The Universe would like to remind you that, regardless of what you choose, it is okay! (Smiling) You are moving from a time when directions were chosen by the group consciousness into the gentler and softer self-caring mode. This is by no means a turn to ‘selfishness’, that is the old way. Your Earth plane is shifting to a more loving and peaceful space. You will begin to draw and be drawn to those who have made the same decisions and, in concentrating those beautiful thoughts, it will radiate out in ways you cannot imagine. The status quo is fading and bringing in a new reality. ~ Creator
There is incredible power in declaring, “Today I choose a different way” if you become aware you are replaying an old pattern. It does not matter if you do not know what the new way is, it is your choice to try something new that will open up new avenues. It is never too late to change even the oldest habits, Dear Ones, in fact, that is exactly what leads to your healing, expansion, and wonderful new discoveries. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Did you know private sessions with Shelley and Gabriel are available? One hour appointments include energy healing and are $140 USD. They can be so helpful in gaining a fresh sense of clarity, especially during times of energetic intensity. To book just email Shelley at They’d love to connect with you!
Wondering is not questioning, it is feeling mystified by existence. Questioning is an effort to demystify existence; it is an effort not to accept the mystery of life. Hence we reduce every mystery to a question. The question means the mystery is only a problem to be solved, and once solved, there will be no mystery.
My effort in answering you is not to demystify existence but to mystify it more. Hence my contradictions. I cannot be consistent, I am not answering you. I cannot be consistent, because I am not here to make you more knowledgeable. If I am consistent, you will have a body of knowledge -- very satisfying to the mind, nourishing, strengthening, gratifying.
I am deliberately inconsistent, contradictory, so that you cannot make any body of knowledge out of me. So if one day you start gathering something, another day I take it away. I don't allow you to gather anything. Sooner or later, you are bound to be awakened to the fact that something totally different is transpiring here. It is not that I am giving you some dogma to be believed in, some philosophy to be lived by, no, not at all. I am utterly destructive, I am taking everything away from you.