"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr.
In a few days the Occupy Movement will be engaging in global actions centered around the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The heart of Dr. King’s vision offers wonderful inspiration for the movement – one that is deeply rooted in love. King’s approach to activism was all about “love in action.”
~I honor the place where you are, when you’re there and I AM WITHIN myself. WE ARE ONE. ONE GOD. ONE LOVE. ONE UNIVERSE.
AND ONLY ONE LANGUAGE, the heart really matters.
We will become one, but only if your EGO dies, WHICH IS THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN GIVE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and you allow your spirit to soar into the infinite.
In this place there is no pride or prejudice, no racial differences, no discrimination, no hatred, no misunderstandings, no disagreements, no envy, just PERFECT LOVE, COMPASSION AND HARMONY.
~All that we are is the result of what we have thought~ ~Buddha~
~ True beauty comes from within, Physical appearance only enhances the reflection of ones conscious perspective.. Because The most beautiful people have an inner light shining through their physical reflection,
~ The beauty of a dream exists in reality only when it is processed through a cause. The completion of task is felt as a gratifying joy within and this reflects to those around us as inspiration. Your beauty inspires many people in many ways, But the most powerful reflection you have to others is that of your happiness and your joy for life ..~~♥~
~ The heart is the conscious souls container, the vessel of the universal energy’s transformation.
Mike Quinsey: The Command Ships of the Ashtar Command
2012 January 14
Commentary through Steve Beckow
Mike Quinsey published this article in 2004, taking the material not from his own channelings but from two books by Tuella and a source called Cloverleaf Connections, with which I’m not familiar.Tuella is a now-transitioned channel of Ashtar. Thanks to Kauila. Below Mike’s article is one on Tuella.
The second OCCUPY UNPLUGGED featured an amazing positive song written for the Occupy movement by Stephan Jenkins, aka Third Eye Blind. Hundreds gathered round to hear the Occupy anthem, "If There Ever Was A Time"
"If There Ever Was a Time" - lyrics
if there ever was a time, it would be now is all I'm saying if there ever was a time to get on your feet and take it to the street cause you're the one who's getting played right now by the game they're playing come on meet me down at Zuccotti park
oh where are the youth, we need you now come speak the truth, come break it down where are the youth, we need you now
if there ever was a time, it would be now to make the masters hear this if there ever was a time to get downtown and get non violent and fearless things only get brighter when you light a spark everywhere you go right now is Zuccotti park
and news corps says you don't have a plan well sit down man, i'll tell you again the plan's to stand together up to greed and a tear gas can in a veteran's face won't change the case
oh where are the youth, we need you now come speak the truth, come break it down where are the youth, we need you now
if there ever was a time, it would be now for the rest of us if there ever was a time it would be now cause money and power are incestuous a moment makes a movement or it fades out in the dark come on meet me down at Zuccotti park
and i saw a sign in the oakland spring it said "occupy everything!" or by and for and of won't mean a thing
oh where are the youth, we need you now come speak the truth, come break it down where are the youth, we need you now
if there ever was a time, it would be now is all I'm saying if there ever was a time to get on your feet and take it to the street
Me again... With utmost unanswerable questions and riddles... Before I start, I would like to tell you all who are reading this: I Love you, just because... I Love you, simply because You know... because You know you are You...
Through last 47 years of my last life here on 3D earth, I experienced such a desire in me, from my close family, from strangers on line, from distant friends to truly meet God...
I felt in me desire to know more... to know it all about 'Who we truly are?... Why we are Here on Earth?... Does God really exists?... Why only priests can talk to Him directly?... Why we have to pay to be 'forgiven'?...
And on and on, my questioning never actually stopped until one beautiful day in September 2010, 11th was exactly... This was a day when all my questioning stopped... dead stopped...
In share instance I went from wondering in wilderness of my existence to pure Knowing... I was Home... I Knew...
My friend, Donn Smith, and I have a continuing conversation about how to clear ourselves of vasanas. I put forward my clearing process and Donn calls me and raises me one. Donn is working on a process of instantaneous transmutation.
The video below is intended for people who are already aware of his discussions of the topic. He simply picks up in the flow of that conversation.
If Donn is successful in developing his process fully, and I see no reason why he won’t be, he aims to make vasanas disappear immediately. I’m happy to trade in my theories for a process that works rapidly. (Providing it does.)
The very first morning I woke up in my new Home, it was as if the feeling, the full on energy of gratitude was alive and spilling out of every pore of my skin. Not in a forced or needing to feel grateful… it was weirdly (and I do mean weirdly) spontaneous and deep.
I gave thanx for the toilet that I sat upon (that alone is simply a weird feeling… new, but weird), the floor I walked upon, the sink I drew water from to start my coffee. There was not a thing… not a single thing my whole body and heart wasn’t truly and deeply thanking.
Can you tell me what life is like on planets other than Earth?
The universe that you know contains an infinite number of planetary systems, stars, planets and galaxies and almost all of them hold life of some sort, have held life or are birthing to be able to hold life. Outside of the universe you know there are infinite numbers of other universes with planetary systems, stars, planets and galaxies that also hold life. Every experience you can think of and many outside of your ability to conceive takes place within this huge matrix of life.
The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine through Magenta Pixie
Images by Stock. Xchng Music by KEVIN MACLEOD Edited by Magenta Pixie and Catzmagick Productions
Your lives have been equated with negative vibrations for 2000 years now. As an Ascended Master of the Tibetan/Indian school, I AM telling you yours lives will change for the better.
Soon the higher vibrations will be Felt from your souls and your hearts will guide your way.
Times ahead are lifting you up to newer dimensional planes, in which we ourselves, found a home.
Rest, Peace, YOUR way, Love, harmony, enjoyment and happiness is the new freedom which is YOU.
Master Yeshua, Sananda through Paschalis Kazakopoulos | Athens, 21 Dec.11
Beloved, allow your hearts to breathe the Christ Light and feel the celebration taking place at the heavenly domes. The Hierarchy of Light has gathered along with the Galactic Federation of the Planets* and head on full action now to planet Earth, transmitting a powerful vibration...
Τhe Star of Birth & Three Wise Truths of the Heart! Beloved, open your hearts to the celebration of Love taking place inside you. Open your hearts to your sacred truth, the Light I seeded in your heart. Beloved ones, you are this Light and you need to let it shine now.
The communities of the Light within you are the ones who ask for it now!