"Well Greetings Everyone! We are so pleased to be here with all of you, and this is such a special time for all of us! We are seeing more and more the coming to fruition of all of the different kinds of events, and even conversations, which have taken place, and which are culminating now in all of these wondrous changes that you're hearing about. The financial changes alone, are spectacular. They are huge. They have never happened before on this Planet!
Light Streamings ~ It’s all About Aligned Creation Now
Galactic Love Reporter Carol Lynn Fitzpatrick, 01~13~2012
The energy shifts these past few days are still taking my breath away. The body adjusts to the frequency bursts, which opens the light body to receive increasingly more refined wave forms of light. With every wave, pods of light implode within the mind and show me what is anchoring into my life and the over-arching probability that will revolutionize our world. Each vision is beautiful and so familiar.
Like a soft rainfall, the frequency is landing in everywhere. There is no chosen one. We each have the same calling, and safe passage to the other side of polarity. As we are willing to listen to our heart so completely, nothing can shake us away from this knowing of oneness.
The ability to activate what is inherently within us calls us to trust our knowing by listening and accepting the wisdom of the heart as shifts in our awareness keep showing up and challenging us to let go of any internal resistance to change.
Update – Knowledge – 14 January 2012 Posted on January 14, 2012
(Benjamin Fulford comments on The committee of 300 documents with the signature of Queen Elizbeth II that I have earlier published on this blog: Lucas)
This is his statement:
Many people involved at the high end of the financial system and members of the committee of 300 are telling me the documents I posted with Queen Elizabeth’s signature on them are forgeries by Wilfredo Sauren. Other sources also involved at a high level tell me they are genuine. I do not know, but even if they are forgeries, forgeries are usually copies of something real. Even if they are fake, there is still a huge gap between the amount of money that supposedly exists in the off-ledger financial system and the amount that is on the books. That means a lot of zeros will have to be erased before the off-ledger and on-ledger financial systems can be reconciled and reconnected with the real world.
Dragons are the embodiment of primordial power – the ultimate ruler of all elements. The Dragon is the master of: Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind. As a totem, the Dragon serves as a powerful guardian and guide. Dragons are also messengers of balance, and magic – encouraging us to tap into our psychic nature and see the world through the eyes of mystery and wonder. A Dragon can be a powerful ally in our daily effort to live our lives.
The early Chinese believed in four magical, spiritual, and benevolent animals; the Dragon, the Tortoise, the Unicorn and the Phoenix. The Dragon was the most revered of all. In its claws, it holds an enormous magical pearl-like egg, which has the power to multiply whatever it touches. The ancients believed the “egg” symbolized the most precious treasure, which was Wisdom. Dragon eggs are said to share their magical energies with their owners. Invariably accompanied by thunder and rain, dragons move like lightning and whirlwinds – – all powerful yet totally unpredictable.
A member of the 2012 Scenario discussion group asked what the high-pitched ringing sound is she hears in her ears.
Paramhansa Yogananda says that the high-pitched sound you hear in your ears is the first physical manifestation of Aum, the cosmic motor, the music of the spheres.
Unfortunately I no longer have the quote in which he makes that connection (which was in the SRF Lessons) but I have a near quote:
“The Aum vibration … reverberates throughout the universe (the ‘Word’ or ‘voice of many waters’ of the Bible).” (1)
M-FLARE: Today at 1318 UT, Earth-orbiting satellites detected an M1-class solar flare (SDO movie). The source is a new sunspot emerging over the sun's northeastern limb.
RE-THINKING AN ALIEN WORLD: A distant super-Earth named "55 Cancri e" is wetter and weirder than astronomers thought possible. The discovery has researchers re-thinking the nature of alien worlds. [full story] [video]
CORONAL HOLE: NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is monitoring a dark gash in the sun's atmosphere--a coronal hole. It's the dark vertical feature in this extreme UV image taken on Jan. 13th:
Coronal holes are places where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows the solar wind to escape. This yawning hole is about 120,000 km wide and more than a million km long. Solar wind flowing from its UV-dark abyss will reach Earth on Jan. 16th or 17th, possibly sparking auroras for high-latitude sky watchers.
As Prophet Noah warned people in his time of the forthcoming flood, and Prophet Jonah warned the people ofNineveh of the coming disaster to their city, this is a warning from the Prophet of God (Maitreya) to humanity of the imminent disasters predicted to come at the end time!
At the time of Noah, people did not listen to the warning of the Prophet, and they bore the consequence of their decision. At the time of Jonah, people listened to the warning, and the disaster which was predicted to come to them was stopped!