It is true. Everything unto its season. And, yet, love is always in season. Love is never out of season. Love in your heart is already given, you understand. Love has its own rules, and one is that it gives of itself without effort. Love is there in your heart. If you haven't squished the love in your heart, it is ready to go. The more you let love issue from your heart, the more your heart gets a refill.
Allendale to Tots ~ The World is About to Have an Unprecedented Announcement ~ 1~6~2012
January 6, 2012
[Hi Al.] Hi Tots, let’s begin with a message you can put on the blog. [Sounds great.]
Tonight I would like to discuss the plans for universal preparation for the Earth’s ascension. More than ever your planet is prepared to take the leap of all frogs (a wee bit of humor there). Not to make light but it is a leap year, aye? [Yes, it is!] Very good, so in this year you will have an extra day. And in this year you will have an extra dimension open to allow your energetic bodies to ascend, if you so wish.
~ Commentary from Galactic Love Reporter Lena Stevens
Dear Friends,
Full Moon is Sunday, January 9 at 12:32 AM Mountain Standard Time (the night of Saturday the 8th). Make sure you are doing something expansive, perhaps a bit out of character or eccentric, and allow for something out of the ordinary to happen even if it is be a bit disruptive. The disruption can be positive in the long run. See anything that happens around this time as a gift that is setting you up for growth and evolution. Focus on the artisan spirit and contemplate what creativity is to you. Are you being as creative as you want to be? How can you be more creative in your life right now? Do something small to insert just a bit more creativity into your day. Stay positive no matter what.
ASTROLOGICAL NOTES: Written by Patricia Liles Contact her at
Cancer Full Moon 180 ~ Sun in Capricorn 180 Sunday, January 9, 2012 12:30 AM MST
Right now, what we are observing are the last throes of those in the illusion, in their imaginary control. The pain and suffering of Humanity is coming to an end, this is inevitable for those Choosing Love. Change is Inevitable on this Planet as Love is Here. Heaven on Earth is Manifesting with or without the Knowledge of the Rest of those in illusion.
The Lower vibrations are equal to the ego mind...By Simply Being Present in the Moment of Now and Choosing Love for the Greater Good of all, in those Moments Humanity plays their Role and Part in the Divine Plan, this is how Everyone aligns to the Higher Grid.SIMPLE~
~Together as One Love, WE ~Humanity will carry the Grand task of Building a new way of living together in Cooperation, Peace, and Unconditional Gods and Goddesses, a True spiritual life in abundance and True Equality in Perfect Balanced Harmonics is The New Earth=Heart. In Truth, the KIngdom of Heaven On Earth!
~From Now On, All that Supports the Highest good of ALL Moments Of Creation is all That Exists NOW!! and from Now on, it IS ALWAYS THE PRESENT MOMENT OF NOW~
Sometimes, mankind makes a leap into the unknown, and this year, the time has come to do just such a leap of faith. To many, these next few months will be more than daunting, and rightly so, as they will entail so much change in such a short amount of time. You have in many ways been very well prepared for this, but as soon as this show gets on the road for real, many will regress and turn back into fear.
~ Council Of Twelve ~ Benefit From 2012′s Opportunities ~ 1~6~11
The year 2012 will be full of opportunities and options you didn’t have before. After all, you are living during the planet’s most radical paradigm shift to date. This means that changes you and others began seeding long ago are now beginning to take form, one right after the other.
Portions of the birthing process will be messy. Some dreams that you hold dear will stir anger in others holding different views. You will sometimes doubt that you can keep up with the dance of change; other times it will feel like what you want is taking an eternity to materialize.
The following are some tips for moving through this year in the highest possible way, benefiting fully from the opportunities.
Five Tips to Make the Most of 2012′s Opportunities
You are certain that no one, and certainly not you, would ever want to suffer. And yet there is something you get from suffering that seems to compensate for all your suffering. Have you ever felt: "Look at me. Look at how much I suffer. Look at me. Look at all this unfairness. Look at what happened to me. Look at what the world has done to me. Look at what God has allowed."
Know this. You may know better than someone else. Science can tell you that you are mistaken and that science knows better. And, yet, what is in your heart may be right and what other upright ones feel or believe may not be right, or it may, and yet everyone has to go by his own heart. No one has to go by yours. You have to go by yours and let others go by theirs.
You are so innocent that you think you are sophisticated. You think you are wise to the ways of the world. That is not such a wise thing. It is not a great accomplishment. Better to be wise in the ways of innocence, beloveds. Be open to all that I offer you and that stands before you. What is superficial upon Earth is superficial. There is more to life than superficiality.