Euphoria~ A Feeling of Great Happiness, and Well Being, Bliss. Example~ In The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, the Experience is A Constant State of Euphoria, as You are Fully Connected into the Higher Grid.
Bliss~ Serene, Happiness, The Ecstasy of salvation and Spiritual Joy, a Cause of Great Delight. Example~ In the Kingdom of Heaven the Experience is Blissful, Always.BLISS BEING LOVE IN SIMPLE SERVICE. MEANING LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT~
Blip~ A spot of Light on a Radar Screen. Example~ Illusion is like a “Blip” in Creation. While Creation is Everything.
Earth~ The Land surface of the Planet, The “Kingdom of Heaven”. Example~ The Earth received the news with Joy! Planet Earth=Heart in Truth is “The Kingdom of Heaven,” The Garden of Eden, and Mother Earth is Returning to this State of Purity and Pristineness. NOW!