For so Long, 13 Millenia, Humanity has been given very little. Very little Truth, and a whole lot of nothing. Most of Humanity has based their lives on nothing, thus receiving nothing. We Are Going to Share with You an Example of this.
They did a Study on rats. They wanted to see if they could get a rat to push a lever. Every time the Rat pushed the lever they received Food, and pretty soon the rat became bored with this. So they decided to have the lever without any food.
All of society's problems have spiritual roots. One might think that since we have so many religions, we have plenty of spirituality, but that's far from the truth. Religions arise from a lack of spirituality, not an abundance of it. Religions put God outside of the individual instead of telling people to look within, which is the core of spirituality. Putting God without leaves a person feeling empty.
As the moment to your planetary Ascension draws closer, there is a need to explain to many about the new higher laws, the ones that in truth are about your freedom, freedom of expression and ability to live without interference from others.
It is about living in complete honesty with who you are in this exact moment of time, in a heart centred- non ego way.
One that ecapsulates your essence into the everyday things.
These UNIVERSAL laws are Intergalactically known across many universes and dimensional planes of existence, but for so long have been kept from you. Yet in truth your highest selves know this.
So lets all step aside from ego and live via our spiritual essence and truth, for it is here we find our truths and inner peace.
A Love Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
Greetings, I am Mira. I greet you from the Pleiadian High council.
We are as close as ever to you. We are present in your skies. We stand by your shores. We watch you and breathe your atmosphere. Your wishes are our command. We modulate as much as possible the chaos of these times on the Earth. Present are we and shall be. Some of you are aware of our presence and others would wish us away. I am pleased to say that we are here for the duration. The direction that the Earth is taking requires us to be of assistance. There is more need than ever for direction and guidance. This is a new type of ascension that is happening. It will be a bold venture for all of you. It is now becoming more obvious that the Earth and all of you are proceeding forward and towards a new way of living.
The present moment is more than the moment in which you are aware of yourself in your reality, it is also the total of all moments before it and the beginning of the next moment. In each moment you bring in the energies of all lifetimes, the knowing of all experiences and the highest energetic vibration that you can be at in that moment. In each moment you are the best that you can be, you do the most that you are capable of and you are at the only energetic vibration you can be at. When you feel you can do more, it is because you have connected with a different vibration whose potential is inviting you to step into transformation.
The moment of your awakening draws inexorably closer; be joyful and open your hearts in acceptance of the abundant Love that your Father is offering you constantly to embrace and share. As His Love flows and envelops the planet, all can and are encouraged to open in acceptance of It. It is what you all seek, regardless of what you may think you desire, and It is there within you waiting for you to become aware and accepting of It so that you may enjoy the exhilarating experience of being completely at one with your Father in a constant ecstasy of delight.
By Love Reporter and First Contact Memeber John Smallman
The old ways are finished! 12/28/2011 by John Smallman
The moment of your awakening draws inexorably closer; be joyful and open your hearts in acceptance of the abundant Love that your Father is offering you constantly to embrace and share. As His Love flows and envelops the planet, all can and are encouraged to open in acceptance of It. It is what you all seek, regardless of what you may think you desire, and It is there within you waiting for you to become aware and accepting of It so that you may enjoy the exhilarating experience of being completely at one with your Father in a constant ecstasy of delight.
Posted by Love Reporter and First Contact Member Wes Annac
Note: This is a short story and is fictional. Though I throw in relevant elements of my Life, very little to none of this story actually applies to me personally. In this story, I fully immerse myself in the point of view of this young Sirian adventurer, who dearly wishes for his Elder Guide to show him one of the realms of Earth. Again, I am not sharing a personal story or experience, and the main soul in this story is not meant to be interpreted as myself. Enjoy