~An Hour with an Angel ~ Dec. 19 Show Summary and Audio Link Steve Beckow~
2011 December 19
Jesus was our guest on the Dec. 19 Hour with an Angel. Below is the audio link. Ellen is working on a transcript.
Jesus told us that the time to ascend is now and that we have the power to create and bring forward not only Ascension, but what we desire here and now on a soul and personal level. He talked about his life teachings, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam, the Bible, the Trinity, Enlightenment, and Immaculate Conception.
He described how part of the Bible is written in code and looked at some examples, such as the light always burning on the altar (the Christ light or soul), Moses’ journey up Mt. Sinai as a metaphor for the kundalini mounting the spine, and the parables of enlightenment (treasure buried in a field, pearl of great price, etc.).