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Video Shows The Moment A Journalist Was Shot At Standing Rock For No Reason

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

Tensions continue to escalate in Cannon Ball, North Dakota, where protestors attempt to peacefully face off against riot police and the National Guard. In addition to being maced and beaten with batons, activists opposing the four-state Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) have been tased and even shot with rubber bullets.

As the recent incident (below) reveals, violence seems to only be escalating rather than ceasing. Though the UN has called on the U.S. government to halt all construction of the pipeline, its development continues. Desperate and on edge, activists at Standing Rock continue to put their lives on the line, unaware of what will come next – prepared to expect anything. Unfortunately, what recently occurred is a reminder of the danger people protesting corporate greed face.

During an interview with Cantapeta Creek, activist and journalist Erin Schrode was talking when out of nowhere, police shot her with a rubber bullet. She can be heard screaming, “Ow!” before crumbling to the ground.

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Arrests for Cannabis Possession Outnumber Arrests for All Violent Crimes Combined

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times 

As the U.S. government continues to fight its futile war on drugs, marijuana possession arrests have now become more common than arrests for all violent crimes combined, according to a new report focused on showing the human toll of criminalizing drug use and published by Human Rights Watch (HRW.org).

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The Space Between

There may be times, my beloved child, when you will want to go back to a simpler, easier time.  You will long for the connections of your past and wonder why things have changed.  It may be challenging to continue moving forward out of your ‘zone’ because the new space you are in feels foreign, lonely and downright uncomfortable.  Please remember that those moments will not last forever and new connections will come in and take the place of the old.  As you exist in this in-between space know that you are not alone….you are loved beyond measure. ~ Creator


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Daily Message ~ Thursday November 3, 2016

When you decide that you are going to create the life of your dreams, a very interesting thing happens. Your soul sends out a clarion call to your dreams, and your dreams call out to you as well, creating a magnetic pull that can only culminate in the completion of co-creation that honours your truest desires.

The activator for all of this is your decision to live beyond what you have experienced thus far, and your willingness to accept that it, or something even greater, can become your reality. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 11/2/2016

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The scientist counts the whole world; believes, trusts, accepts its existence, except the scientist's own self - that is left unaccounted for.


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Out of Time

God said:

If you, like Me, were free of the burden of the concept of time, you would, like Me, never know impatience. As it is, you know impatience quite well. We can say you are an expert in impatience. The song you sing is Hurry, Hurry. Funny, you believe fully in time as a power, and then you see yourself as running out of time. Out of time, you tap your foot on the ground, and you tap your fingers on the table.

If you were without focus on time, you would be without anxiety or worry. You would not insist on right now. You would not talk in terms of later or late or too late.

Your headaches would disappear. There would not be a column for endurance or suffering or the concept of HAVE TO HAVE. Whatever is would be A-OK. There would not be waiting. There would be Being.

You would never be undone. You would never bite your nails. There would never be the question of When, O God, When?

You would not look around every corner with expectation. There would never be a lack of expectation either. Expectation would not be a question, for all would be yours, not in good time, yet always here and available. All would be open to you. There would be no keys to close locks.

Without time, doubt would not exist. There would be no emptiness. There would be no time to contend with. All the coffers would be full, and you would reach in as you willed.

Without the arduous concept of time, you would not age. Oh, My, how powerful are beliefs and concepts.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 2, 2016

Just as our greatest joy is serving you, you can find your greatest, truest, deepest sense of joy by being of service. Simply surrender your day to being of your highest service, and then see how many opportunities present themselves to you to make a difference.

When you surrender into being of your highest service, you become a willing helper, a non-resistant and loving aspect of Source energy, a guide on earth, available to be aligned to help, whether it be through a simple, loving act of service such as a smile or a helping hand, or a beautiful intervention to something more serious.

You do not need to run around looking for opportunities or people to save. All that is required is to surrender into the flow of your day with a willingness to help, and the universe will line up those intersections in whatever way is most appropriate.

Your actions do not need to be grandiose to make a difference, Dear Ones. The simplest act of kindness sends ripples across the universe. And even if your day seemed to offer no opportunities to be of service at all, you can rest assured that your BEingness was your contribution, and that, always, is more than enough. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 11/1/2016

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Politicians need division - without divisions politicians have no function. Priests also need divisions, because they are a spiritual kind of politician. Without divisions the priest also disappears.

So there are people who are tremendously interested in keeping divisions, and they go on dividing everything - even to the extent of stupidity. Now, dividing religion into Eastern and Western is just inconceivable. A little intelligence is enough to understand that love cannot be Eastern or Western - or do you think it can be? Can silence be Eastern and Western? Can meditativeness be divided according to geographical divisions?

A man meditating in Tibet or a man meditating in Europe or America will have the same quality of consciousness; there will be no difference at all, because the man in Tibet, when in meditation, disappears. He is no longer Tibetan, he is no longer even man; he is just pure silence, awareness.

The same is true for anybody meditating anywhere.

Meditation is universal, just as love is, compassion is, intelligence is.


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What You’re Not Told: 90% Of American Media Is Controlled By Six Corporations

by True Activist

The majority of America’s mainline media is owned and controlled by a mere 6 corporations, but few in the U.S. are aware of this…

Unless you go out of your way to seek truthful news from reputable sources, chances are you – like the majority of the populace – are fed regurgitated current events received from a small pool of corporate sources. Indeed, the majority of popular news channels – including FOX, CNN, and ABC – are owned by just six companies which more often than not deliver propaganda, social programming and perpetuate crisis narratives to the public.

The main conglomerates are General Electric, News Corp., Disney, Viacom, Time Warner and CBS, and each has their own shady history… Like Vic Bishop of Waking Times points out, the corporations have the power to influence the public’s mind with subliminal messaging, so-called ‘reality’ television, and bombardment of negative happenings. And if you tune into mainstream media often, that’s the gist of what’s usually offered.

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Reaching Heaven While You Are Still on Earth

God said:

"Beloved God, will You give me energy in abundance to serve You? Will You give me the clarity to free all my Love and Responsibility to the Universe that you have already bequeathed to all of us?

"Clear my mind. Fill me with overflowing energy. Help me to be clear. Help me to let go of my focus on needs. Let me not pay attention to the slings and arrows and errors of my Life.

"If I want love in my heart – and, oh, how I do want love in my heart instead of the chatter that goes on and on over and over again. I am tired of being meager in heart and vitality. My mind will not stay still. It races all over the place. Give me tranquility.

"I am tired of challenges. I am tired of incidents here and there. I am tired of how I react to so much of life. Help me to climb the ladder to You. Help me to reach Heaven while I am still on Earth.

"I am grateful for the Life You have given me. You have given me great happiness, and, yet, I am not happy. I feel sullen and overlooked. I do not know what would make me happy. I am disjointed. I hover over life and cannot seem to settle down. I read every word You say, God. I agree with You with everything You point out, and, yet, here I am feeling rag-tail instead of inspired and inspiring. Oh, yes, dear God, please give me strength and inspiration. Fill me and everyone with the grace to receive.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 1, 2016

If you find yourself feeling an emotion that is uncomfortable, we advise that you stop and ask what about this situation is making me feel unsafe? Is that true? Is it related to this lifetime? Does it come from this experience or something that has happened before? Emotions always carry a wealth of information for you. If you stop and examine the emotion, you may be surprised by what it has to tell you.

Once you have stopped and explored the emotion, ask yourself what can I do to make myself feel safe in this right now moment? What do I need that I can give myself? Assume the role of being your own loving parent, best friend, and guide. Take all the time you need to fully process the emotion and love yourself in the process.

We understand you have had many hurts and have many energies coming up for acknowledgment, release, and healing. We wish for you to know that there is not one thing that you do not have the skill to handle. If things are coming up, it is because they are ready to be loved and let go, once and for all, and that is a wonderful thing!

What is left behind is you - sparkling, vibrant, divine you that you had trouble seeing under all those old layers. Finally allowing that you to shine brightly and lead the way is true freedom and is a glorious thing to behold and experience. ~Archangel Gabriel


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My lovely one, sometimes it is best to release the need to overthink.  Overthinking is like worry; it distracts you from the true work you need to be doing and becomes a prison for and of the mind.
When you begin to trust yourself and the information you are receiving from The Universe, there will be no need for you to overthink anything.  Yes, there may be mistakes along the way….that is a part of the process.  Listening is the key. ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 10/31/2016

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I am just a common-sense man. I am not a scientist I am not a religious prophet. I am just a common-sense man, but I have tried to sharpen my common sense to its utmost.



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