~ Space Weather Update~ EMERGING BLAST SITE:

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MAGNETIC QUIET: The solar wind blowing around Earth is thin and steady, which means it is doing little to rattle our planet's magnetic field. Geomagnetic storms are unlikely during the next 24 hours.

EMERGING BLAST SITE: A farside sunspot that exploded and hurled a bright CME into space on Sept. 23rd is now rotating onto the Earthside of the sun. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the emerging blast site during the early hours of Sept. 26th:


Because the sunspot is still near the sun's eastern horizon, foreshortening prevents a clear view of its core magnetic structure. The events of Sept. 23rd, however, suggest that this could be a potent active region. Stay tuned for updates as the sunspot turns toward Earth. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


Hold all, including self, in love and light. – by Ron Head

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Hold all, including self, in love and light. – by Love Reporter Ron Head

September 26, 2012 


We believe it is time to devote a conversation to your understanding of oneness.  What we will discuss is not new to you, but, apart from your intellects, you have not yet integrated it into your consciousness.

It has been over one hundred years since your science discovered that everything you see consists solely of energy.  You have proved over and over again that what you speak of as matter does, in fact, not actually exist as ‘solid stuff’.  It is easily demonstrated that only fields of energy are real.  Yet your illusion still has a solid grip on your perceptions.

Oracle Report - Wednesday, September 26, 2012

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Gibbous Moon Phase - Moon in Aquarius

All of yesterday's report applies to today also.  Are you receiving messages and information?

Today favors transformative realizations that take our focus away from basic instincts to a more spiritual perception.  This means that kundalini energy is being refined.  Our core fear (which is identified through our natal Black Moon) is going to receive some light today, allowing us to integrate more of this side of us.  This is wonderful because anytime we have the opportunity to bring that unconcscious shadow side into awareness we evolve.  Most of the problems in our lives are sourced in the shadow side.  Since it houses our unconscious fears, it is the place that motivates negative behavior - without us understanding why.  It's our personal weakness or downfall and it causes us a great deal of pain.  But today, the energy is going to evaporate some of that shadow for us without a direct confrontation (usually shadow integration hits hard and heavy).

Also today you may find yourself in a position or feel the prompt to display your skills or talents or advocate for what you are worth and deserve.  Let the facts and the strength of who you are prop you up.  There is no need to show off but there is also no need to minimize.  Remember who you are.

Visionkeeper – How much do you appreciate?

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How much do you appreciate?

Posted on September 26, 2012 


Have you stopped lately and asked yourself how much you appreciate life? The very act of living on auto pilot I so often speak about causes us to live life without thinking consciously of what we are doing. It deadens our appreciation for everything we have in our lives and life itself begins to lose its meaning. There is so much beauty to behold but do we really notice it? Take the dew drops in the picture to the left mirroring the flower beds behind them. What a truly beautiful thing to behold. The colors of fall as they turn their dayglo orange and reds and yellows, the fields of wild flowers blowing in the breezes in summer, the many shades of brilliant new greens as plant life unfolds in early spring and even the stark white pallet of winter against the azure blue skies. There is so much beauty to witness each and everyday, but do we? The new world will be all about appreciation. We will have time to slow down and reconnect with what we appreciate in life, everything will hold new meaning, the old world of materialism will drop away and we will be left with simplicity in life and how wonderful it really is.


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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12

YouTube Video (recommend) 



Dearest Friends!

This morning I woke up, with Nova Terra in my vision and heart, and with a message from Her to you!
I realize that while I visited Her a few days ago, that I was One with Her in Divine Consciousness, meaning She had opened Herself to Me at the Core of Her HEART, so that I experienced Her not as "another" but as the One Subjective Consciousness we all Ultimately Are and therefore Share. I did not experience the creation on Nova Terra therefore as beautiful "objects" but simply as expressions of Herself, direct emanations of Divine Consciousness. I did not "see" Her, I was One with Her while Her creations where not different from me. 

I believe that this is difficult to understand with the linear or conceptual mind, but I must describe it, to convey the Truth of Nova Terra to you. She is not just a nice phantasy of hopeful wishes, but She Is primarily an Emanation of Divine Reality, Who is prior to all Creations. Please follow your heart's intuition when you read this, and allow the seeming impossible to be real. 

The First Time I "Died"

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Reading over this post made me think of an experience to share: 




We (bf at the time and I) decided to go out drinking on New Year's a few years ago. This was after drinking at home all night. We walked. We probably shouldn't have been served anything else to drink, but we were. Walking home that night at a certain point I'm not entirely sure what occurred. 




I woke up on a couch, covered with a blanket and in front of brickwork (fireplace or used to be one, had a mantle still). It was a crochet knit blanket, definitely hand made. I immediately assumed we must have gone to a party after clubbing. I was usually the first to pass out, so I wasn't surprised to be alone. Obviously someone was taking care of me - I was safe, warm and comfortable afterall. A dog, definitely golden colored - possibly a lab or retriever from the size (medium to long hair) was looking at me when I woke up. 


I stood up and looked around the living room (hardwood floor), which was connected to the kitchen and one bedroom. I walked around and didn't see anyone, so I wandered off to find where everyone else had 'crashed' for the night. Downstairs appeared to be deserted to and there was no upstairs. I wandered down to an office/den area and saw a computer. Being a nerd my first instinct was to login to MSN (later confirmed by viewing the messages I sent on a friend's computer that none of this was a 'dream'). I sent some (I'm told, chilling) messages asking for help and asking where I was -- still probably really drunk. I logged off and walked back upstairs.


Tear Gas, Rocks Fly At Anti-Austerity Protest In Athens

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NPR, 9/26/12,by

In Athens today, anti-austerity demonstrations began peacefully. Later, protesters threw rocks and petrol bombs. Police responded with tear gas.

John Kolesidis /Reuters /Landov

In Athens today, anti-austerity demonstrations began peacefully. Later, protesters threw rocks and petrol bombs. Police responded with tear gas.

Riot police in Athens have fired tear gas at protesters who in turn have been lobbing stones and petrol bombs in one of the largest anti-austerity demonstrations to hit the Greek capital in months.

Experts: 301 Million Trees Died in Texas Drought

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Weather.com, AP, 9/25/12

AP Photo/The Daily Sentinel, Andrew D. Brosig

Chris Comer, left, holds one end of a measuring tape as daughter Zoey Comer, 4, unwinds the other end around an oak tree during Nacogdoches Naturally Family Fun Day on Saturday, Sept. 22, 2012, at the Pineywoods Native Plant Center in Nacogdoches, Texas.

COLLEGE STATION, Texas -- An updated ground and aerial survey indicates about 301 million trees have died in rural Texas because of the 2011 drought.

The Texas A&M Forest Service said Tuesday that the figure comes from an examination of hundreds of forested plots statewide.


6.2 Quake Shakes Mexico's Baja California Coast

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ABC News - AP, 9/26/12

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake rattled the southern part of Mexico's Baja California peninsula Tuesday and was felt strongly in the city of La Paz.

State civil defense director Carlos Rincon said there were no immediate reports of damages or injuries in La Paz, a tranquil fishing and resort city. "We are calling on the public to remain calm in case there are aftershocks," Rincon said.

To read the rest of this story, visit ABC News.

The remaining conflicts now in progress are the last to arise on the planet

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The remaining conflicts now in progress are the last to arise on the planet

September 26, 2012 by John Smallman

Love is the antidote to the contagion of pain and suffering in which so many are engaged.  For eons you have tried to bring peace forcefully into being – by authoritarian legislation backed by penalties and punishments, by criminal violence against one another, by conflict between groups, and by wars between nations – and you know from your history and from personal experience that it simply does not work.  The remaining conflicts that are now in progress, even though they may appear insoluble, are the last to arise on the planet, and they will cease because the people who are engaged in them have had enough; and even as they fight they fully understand that violence leads only to further violence and not to solutions.

You will begin to experience strange thoughts or intimations

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You will begin to experience strange thoughts or intimations

09/26/2012 by John Smallman

The field of divine Love enveloping Planet Earth is having an enormous effect on humanity.  Its influence is irresistible and irreversible, and because of it you are all moving towards Love and away from fear.

Wars, terrorist attacks, criminal activity, and political activity in every field – international affairs, corporate, local, educational, health, religious, etc. – are all driven by fear, and have been for eons.  Fear is so ingrained in humanity, in every nation, race, and culture, that it is very difficult to eradicate.  Nevertheless, that is what you have been doing very slowly for a very long time, and in the last few decades your rate of progress has been accelerating.

Love is the divine force field, It is eternal, It is one, It is without opposite, It is that in which all that exists is incorporated and unified.

Fear is unnatural, unreal, an imaginary concept that you invented and about which you then made inordinate assumptions.  You then used those assumptions to build belief systems that drove you into separation and confusion.  Your belief in your unreal reality became very strong as a result of the suffering you experienced, and you found yourselves seemingly trapped in a hostile environment from which there seemed to be no exit.


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