SUPER TYPHOON JELAWAT, gusts up to 300 km/h

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Published on Sep 27, 2012 by

Super Typhoon Jelawat in the Western Pacific is forecast to curve across Okinawa and the Japan mainland....

by: Chillymanjaro

CREDIT: The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Terra satellite captured this natural-color image on September 25, 2012 (NASA image courtesy Jeff Schmaltz, LANCE MODIS Rapid Response Team at NASA GSFC. Caption by Michon Scott.)

NASA's AIRS instrument that flies aboard NASA's Aqua satellite captured this infrared image of Super Typhoon Jelawat on Sept. 25 at 1:23 p.m. EDT. The clear 28 mile wide eye is seen surrounded by strong thunderstorms with very cold cloud top temperatures (purple) exceeding -63F/-52C. (Credit: NASA/JPL, Ed Olsen)


There you are!

SophiaLove's picture

We are completing our Quest right now.  Today is the last day of this journey and we can see our destination.


Although it’s always been there, it may well have been invisible.  Wrapped in blinders of shoulds and judgments, you could not see Agape.  It is obvious to you now.  Clear vision is available to us always, yet it sometimes shows up in surprising ways.



“Hook” (2003) is a story of finding yourself again, after a long time of loss.  The three clips here illustrate the journey.  Peter Pan has forgotten how to fly.  What he needs is simple; he must find his happy thought.  What is your happy thought?


From Agape flows a constant stream of smiles.  The point of this Quest was to find an eternal source of love.  It has been here always, right there in your heart.


Love yourself.  Robin Williams took on a persona that was not his true nature; he left Never Land to become a Pirate.  It took the smallest of the Lost Boys to see the truth; Peter Pan was still there, only hiding.



First Called ‘US Enemy of State’, Now Julian Assange Makes UN Appearance

Rain's picture

Source: The 2012 Scenario - Stephen Cook, 9/26/12

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange addresses the UN via videolink from Ecuador’s London embassy. Photo: AP

First Called ‘US Enemy of State’, Now Julian Assange Makes UN Appearance

First this morning, my time in Australia, he has been called an ‘enemy of the state’ by the US  (see second story below) and now he’s at the UN!

There is so much more – much, much more – to the whole Julian Assange saga than many of us realise… as we will soon know.

Inner Change Ultimately More Important than Outer Change

Lia's picture
by Steve Beckow

I did want to make sure everyone saw two recent items – one the message from the Arcturian Group from Sept. 23, 2012 (which I repost in part) and the second a column from Wes Annac from Sept. 24, 2012.

In the first, the Arcturian Group gives us warning of a new wave of Light energy that is causing a great deal of emotional upheaval, designed to shake up profound layers of old belief systems and raise old wounds to the surface for healing. The answer with all of these events is to experience them through completely and let them go.

In the second, Wes discusses his own openings and expansion. I post a portion of Wes’s article and the URL to read the rest.

On a conference call this morning one psychic friend predicted a coming release of energy on the planet that could prove shocking to many and may resemble a chiropractic adjustment in people, with some pain and then much relief. This may be what the Arcturian Group is referring to or it may not.

Stephen Cook plans to interview Marilyn Raffaele, channel for the Arcturian Group, on The Light Agenda next week – Wednesday October 3, 2012.

Hospital Food on Target for Ascension

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One of the hallmarks of energy healing is to create balance and harmony in the vibration. Anyone who has worked in a hospital, and who is serious about having a healthy lifestyle, is not going to eat at the hospital cafeteria. A vegan plastic surgeon I adore went into the CEO's office to request perhaps a local school could grow food for us to eat in the hospital? It would be a community program for health. The idea didn't fly in the boardroom. However, administration has removed the ice cream freezer and the deep fat fryer from the facility, as well as standard snack chips. Here is what Mayor Bloomberg has on the agenda for New York City: I applaud this movement on behalf of patient, visitor, and employee health. When I was admitted for surgery this past June, I found nothing that would sit well with me. It was too sugary, with high fructose corn syrup, and too much salt. Here is more: I also assessed the obesity problem of actual workers in health care due to the nature of the work, and the lack of time and opportunity to make healthier choices: Food is essential to our well-being in so many ways. If you desire to have the highest Vibration possible going into Ascension, avoid meat, avoid cruelty, eat organic and fresh, locally grown every day! It is my hope that thie above articles shall encourage you that no matter what has happened to you with your health care experiences in the past, change is taking place for the better. You have a new bright future to look forward to. And one day, when the light boxes come along, everyone will have full return to perfect health to enjoy forever!

SaLuSa on the Starseed Family Reunion ~ by Laura

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Dear friends, we are so glad to watch your daily growth. Your light is bringing much joy to our hearts. The universe is rejoicing at the thought of your upcoming Ascension. Many of you have many concerns, doubts and questions about Ascension. Dear ones, many of you have undergone this process before, and others have been fully briefed on this major event during your life planning. Deep within yourself lies all the knowledge that you need about this event. We wish to remind you that this will be a most joyous event.


At the present time your inner cleansing process is still taking place. This is an on-going process and we trust that the final result will please you greatly. We send you our continuous love and support. Many of you come visit us during your sleep, and others are also coming on board while you are awake, some even come on board consciously while awake, alone or with others as groups. This is a process of the higher dimensions of course. We hope that soon we will welcome you on board our more material crafts, this will be possible for all to do, as soon as we will be allowed decloaking and when trusting relationships between our species will be the norm.

Kelly Rosano: Aries Full Moon ~ Luck, Chance and Destiney

Lia's picture

September closes amid the powerful Aries Full Moon on September 29-30 challenging Pluto and Uranus. This could be the most intense Full Moon of 2012. Major changes are to be expected. The secret to our success in a shifting environment is our willingness to experience rapid evolution. While our growth can be swift and painful at times, our rewards too can be great.

A Full Moon is an opposition between the Sun and the Moon. Oppositions are awareness’s that come to us externally through people, places, situations and events. The Libra Sun centers on relationships, partnerships, love, balance, harmony and justice. The Aries Moon symbolizes action, independence, inspiration, courage, enthusiasm and originality. The Aries Moon is coupled with erratic Uranus opposing the Sun in Libra. All are T-squaring (intensely challenged) by calculating Pluto. We can expect the unexpected. We can experience sudden surprises. Drama and anger could be at an all time high. Be calm. Act from a place of calmness. We are moving from breakdown to breakthrough.

♦ What self-limiting patterns/beliefs do you need to release?

♦ Does your inner critic hold you back from taking chances?

♦ What needs to change for you to experience greater freedom and Joy?

Lisa Gawlas ~ Zero Point, Divine Counterparts, Kundaline And The Magic Of Now!!

Lia's picture

~ 27 September 2012


It seems these last several days within readings as well as my own meditation, spirit seemed to be baking us a cake (we being the ingredients needed) and yesterday, it felt like the icing on the cake with understanding.  The synchronicitic  back to back flow of information unfolding is like nothing I can remember experiencing before.  There seems to be an adamancy thru each of our own higher selves, and life itself, for us to really understand not only this profound moment in time/shift we are in, but how to utilize the change in fullness!  Of course, just typing that sentence out really says, we already know (from the soul mind) now all we have to do is remember that we know!

I am going to do my very best to take all the information that has been given to us over the last couple months and with the topping of understanding yesterday, I think we have a full story now.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Harmony

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Live in harmony with your world

Find your balance and sure footing as you go about day, regardless as to what is happening around you. When you are balanced and centered, you are at your best and in service to all that is. It is an energy that allows you to manifest all of your desires and feel the enchantment of a joyful life. Change is always happening and nothing ever remains the same. Let yourself blossom and grow, just like the world around. If you resist change, you are going against the natural order and flow.

The manuscript of survival ~ part 201 aisha north

Lia's picture


Once again, the sun is shining down upon your little world. But today, so much has changed since the last time she shed her benevolent rays on your part of this planet. For now, the quickening has begun in earnest, and there are millions out there starting to hear this call to stand up and take their rightful place in this battle. For a battle it is, and it has been carried out on many fronts for a very, very long time. But now, the end of all of these skirmishes is coming to hand, and as such, now we call to you all to put every man on deck as it were. This will sound dramatic, but we are not heralding in a mayhem of blood and carnage when we sound this clarion call. That is not your role in this, but doubt not, there are those who do have that role, but they are indeed already engaged in it, and have been so for a long time. But they fight in quite another realm than the one you currently inhabit.


Visionkeeper ~ Change Approaches… ~ 27 September 2012

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We are heading into a new season now, the days are growing shorter and the light is fading quicker at the end of the day. Fall is upon us and winter is not far off.  The approaching date in December is quickly approaching as well.

I am sure it is on everybody’s mind as the days tick by. I know many are tired and frustrated that we seem to linger in 3D and so little seems to change, to the visible eye anyway. Changes are happening however, many we are not aware of, some in the works, some still on hold until a certain time frame, but change is taking place. It is slow and we still seem quick to judge, but could not things be actually going along at the correct speed in Creators plan allowing us the necessary time to adjust slowly rather than being thrown into a new way of being unprepared?

Oracle Report | Gibbous Moon Phase ~ Moon in Pisces

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by Gillian

Oracle Report | Gibbous Moon Phase ~ Moon in Pisces

The keywords for today are crystal and crystallization. If you have had trouble tuning in and communicating with the Mother energy of the planet, break out one of your crystals and go outside. Crystals amplify and carry signals, so the boost may be just what you need. The message may not come through right at that time, but it will enact resonance so that communication is easier.

Keep in mind that we are all receiving messages directly from the planet this month, but what we are really doing is tuning in to the open channel of participation in her dreaming – her creative vision for humanity, which is an ongoing conversation. This isn’t just about saying a prayer of thanks and asking for what you want in your life. We are not interested in that here, although it sometimes plays a part. It’s about recognizing and integrating the fact that your life is not solely your own. Your life is part of the dynamic of the whole of what she has envisioned for our collective and how we can each contribute as individual artists in the creation. It is a living, evolving piece of art.


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