Heavenletter #4324 From Your Heart to the World, September 26, 2012

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Heavenletter #4324 From Your Heart to the World, September 26, 2012 


God said: 


When you weigh occurrences in life, you weigh yourself down with weight. Your life becomes a matter of scales. When you measure, you are casting a shadow on your life. Life is to be lived not measured. Measuring your life, counting this and that, becomes a weight on you. How can your life be light when you are counting, counting?

When you make comparisons in life, it is like you are in a little dark room, a counting room. Counting, measuring, makes you near-sighted. Vision has to expand. Your vision has to expand. Vision cannot be held in tight places.

Let your vision be like stars high in the sky. Your vision is to reveal light. Light, by its nature, falls wide and far. Expand your vision. Break out from the past. Enter a vaster horizon. Create a vaster world.

Life is not meant to be lived in little snippets. There is a vast expanse for you.

~ The Galactic Free Press Short Update~ Is December 2012 a Real Event?

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~ Greetings Love Beings!


Cloudships Taken By Earth Ally Will Harader


Wow, is it getting intense out there. Energies are flying about and information about the changes underway are also flying everywhere. Who is speaking the truth? What is happening? Is December 2012 a Real Event? Why does it appear the cabal are still in control? Many are Now confused, frustrated, and feeling and experiencing the Intensity of these Latest incoming Energies. Yes, Much is Happening and changing, however, many who are sitting on the fence are now waiting for others to do this for them, and this is not how this works. This requires ALL OF US. If You are one who feels nothing is happening, it requires participation to Know and feel this. Our Council Meetings represent The New Paradigm. If You would like to see change on this Planet, You have to Be the Change, this requires your Participation.



Her car is 82. She’s 102. Both still going strong.

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Ohio.com - Bob Dyer, 9/15/12


Margaret Dunning, 102, of Plymouth, Mi., stands on the running board of her 1930 Packard 740 Roadster at the 2012 Glenmoor Gathering of Significant Automobiles on Saturday in Jackson Township. (Mike Cardew/Akron Beacon Journal)

JACKSON TWP.: Not many folks change their own oil anymore. Fewer still are women.

And I’ll bet you a week’s pay there’s not another woman on the planet who continues to change her own oil at the age of 102.

To read the rest of this story, visit Ohio.com.

Spanish forest fire sees thousands evacuated

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The Telegraph  - 9/25/12

A forest fire in the Spanish region of Valencia has forced authorities to evacuate around 2,000 people from their home.

Smoke from a wildfire engulfs a hillside next to a house in Pedralba near Valencia Photo: REUTERS

The blaze, near the village of Chulilla, approximately 30 miles west of the city of Valencia, destroyed 5,500 hectares of land since it broke out on Sunday afternoon, according to authorities, but was brought under control by last night.

Strong winds and high temperatures saw the fire threaten Chulilla, and five other villages in the region, with around 800 firefighters were used to tackle the blaze and several roads closed.

To read the rest of this story, visit telegraph.co.uk.

Spain Protesters Storm Parliament As They Rage Against Austerity, Many Beaten By Police (VIDEO)

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Huff Post - ALAN CLENDENNING, AP, 9/25/12

MADRID — Spain's government was hit hard by the country's financial crisis on multiple fronts Tuesday as protestors enraged with austerity cutbacks and tax hikes clashed with police near Parliament, a separatist-minded region set elections seen as an independence referendum and the nation's high borrowing costs rose again

Spain Parliament Protest

Police guard the entrance of the Spanish parliament in Madrid, Tuesday Sept. 25, 2012, before some thousands of people are expected to converge on the Spanish Parliament to protest and to demand fresh elections. (AP Photo/Paul White)

More than 1,000 riot police blocked off access to the Parliament building in the heart of Madrid, forcing most protesters to crowd nearby avenues and shutting down traffic at the height of the evening rush hour.

~Change and Recieving what we asked for~

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~Change~ Recieving what we asked for~

~from the Galactic Free Press Files~



For how many generations have We been talking about change upon the Planet? How many times have We overheard or participated in conversations about freedom, equality and peace upon the Planet? Well, the breaking news is that your prayers and wishes are in the process of Being granted. Your getting exactly what you asked for and yet your afraid of these changes. Why We might question ourselves are We so afraid of receiving exactly what We asked for?


Going deep within to the core We find deeply rooted humanities need to be in control of their lives. Most people have a lot of expectations about the way they want to see change occur within their lives. Your illusions are presently Being shattered and your waking upon into the reality of what is occurring. You asked for change, but this isn’t what you wanted. I’ll break it to you easy, you don’t always get what you want, but you always get exactly what you need.


9/25/2012 -- St. Louis MO, EXCESSIVE severe weather in MO IL IN KS OK TX NM CO

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Moving to a downstairs location -- Possible Tornadoes , EXCESSIVE lightning , winds, and flooding rains ... Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico.

Moveing ENE from the southwest USA towards the northeast coast / new england. Be aware in the Midwest, South, Mid Atlantic, and Northeast... Also watch the southwest in New Mexico which just had a possible tornado detected over Albequerque

Sheldon Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation Something is In the Air

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Sheldon Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation  Sept 25

Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ We are going to post this today, not becuase its all truthful, but becuase we know many will be reading this, even if we chose not to post. So, we felt it deserved our commentary as to not cause further confusion. The Ascension, which is well underway, cannot be stopped or halted in any way. Once Creation is in motion, that's It. We have not given a divine decree has he is stating. We have shared since we went through the 9~9 portal those who did not jump onto the Onetimeline where The Highest Possible Outcome would manifest would be cut off from the Higher Information until they released what they needed to release. For many of our trusted sources it seems this is the Case, all around us we are seeing them drop off. Please take what your heart feels is the truth (and we would say that its just the first paragraph where its not in line with the information we are recieiving) from this message as there is truth in here and disregard the rest. We will be discussing More about this in our Upcoming Council Meeting Beginning at 10:30am Pacific tomorrow at this Link: http://tinychat.com/soundofheart

Donald Keyhoe Discusses UFOs on Mike Wallace Show in 1958

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An interview with Donald Keyhoe, a Marine Corp Major who investigated the phenomenon for Military Intelligence during that decade. There's more Disclosure in this brief interview than almost at anytime since.

(Source: YouTube User

UFOS ARE REAL - 1958 Mike Wallace TV Show
Part One

Uploaded by on Dec 29, 2008

Part Two

Part Three

Las Vegas UFO Lecture: George Knapp Recap

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Source: GhostTheory.com - Javier Ortega, 9/25/12

Over the weekend the National Atomic Testing Museum held its first ever UFO lecture.The guest speakers that night included military men who in some way have dealt with unexplained flying objects and the secrecy that goes with such sightings.

Coast to Coast’s George Knapp gives us a nice 10 minute review of what went down at the Atomic Testing Museum.

Source: Youtube.com.

~~ Conversation with us and a Lightworker~

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RLW: thank u for saying so lols







RLW: i dont have any hehehe





Waiting is Boring

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Submitted by ellion on Tue, 09/25/2012 - 13:55.

Can we actually live in the New Earth now, or do we have to wait until it manifest to the whole of society?  Easy question right?  Of course we can!  All it will be is a collective shift of consciousness so that there are more people that understand the New Earth is here, than those that don't. The mind understands, but the heart knows.  Right now the majority of hearts on this earth are focused on fear and confusion.  Once enough understand that Unconditional Love is the cure, fear will take a permanent hike.  Shake off any fears that may slow you down because time is running out for a choice in that field!  Celebration of love is much more enjoyable than the dis-ease of all the fearful suppositions that is the height of discussion.  Fear breeds fear, so a determined divorce from it is advisable.  Yeehaw!!!






Swiss Move to Decriminalize Marijuana Possession

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Source: ActivistPost.com, Philip Smith, 9/21/12

Switzerland is on the verge of decriminalizing the possession of up to 10 grams of marijuana after the lower house of parliament Thursday agreed to align itself with the Senate's version of the legislation, according to the Swiss news portal Swissinfo.ch. A final reading of the bill is expected to happen before the end of the fall session next week.

That would bring Switzerland in line with most of its Western European neighbors, which tolerate small-time marijuana possession. The move comes four years after voters rejected outright legalization in a popular referendum.

Switzerland has an estimated 500,000 pot smokers, with 10% of people in their teens and twenties saying they are consumers, one of the highest figures in the world. Currently, punishment for small-time possession varies from canton to canton, with some having already virtually decriminalized it with a small fine, while in others, violators face criminal penalties. Swiss courts handle 30,000 marijuana possession cases a year.


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