SophiaLove - It Starts Today

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It Starts Today




We wake up each day, holding within us the keys to the kingdom.  A force, if unleashed, which could alter our world.  We’ve been unaware.  No longer.

Those that have held us in their grasp have minimized, sentimentalized, diminished and sexualized love.  In an intentional effort to hide from us our most powerful asset, they’ve crafted a heart shaped emotion used only on special days or with certain people.  They would have us believe the love of power surpasses the power of love.  

In our very dense, 3D existence, they’ve created an illusion that in all appearances looks true.  The kings, presidents, banksters and power elite have all the money and wield all the control.  We’ve allowed that to happen because we’ve been asleep.  The few of us that woke up and tried to warn us were gone before we knew it.  Not today.  Many of us are rousing from our slumber.  We are paying attention now.

What we are here to do is love fiercely and completely and absolutely.  Love is not a greeting card.  Love is a force.

Work continues on foul-smelling sink hole in Brooklyn

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GFP Note: There are an astounding number of sinkholes opening all over the world. To get some idea of what I AM talking about, do a Google search for "sinkholes." You will be amazed at the results you get. If you find something you think is really interesting, please send me a link. Thank you.

**************************************** - Dan Bowens, 9/15/12

The NYC Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) says it continues to update residents on the progress of ongoing repair work to a large sink hole in Brooklyn that is stinking up the neighborhood.

The sink hole, on 92nd Street in Bay Ridge, opened up on June 28th and crews have been working nearly around the clock to get it fixed. Despite the DEP's efforts – there's still plenty of work to do and some residents are getting fed up.

Volcanic activity world-wide 15 September 2012: Lokon, Fuego, El Hierro, San Cristobal, Santiaguito, Little Sitkin, Mt Rainier, Batu Tara, Sakura-jima

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Source: - T, 9/15/12

Volcan de Fuego or Volcano of Fire blows outs a thick cloud of ash as seen from Antigua Guatemala, Friday. The volcano spewed rivers of bright orange lava down its flanks on Thursday. Authorities ordered more than 33,000 people from nearby communities evacuated. Moises Castillo/AP

Santorini Bulges as Magma Balloons Underneath

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National Geographic - Brian Handwerk, 9/12/12


Greece's Santorini was created by a volcanic blast 3,600 years ago.
Photograph by Scott Stulberg, Corbis

Santorini locals began to suspect last year that something was afoot with the volcano under their Greek island group. Wine glasses occasionally vibrated and clinked in cafes, suggesting tiny tremors, and tour guides smelled strange gasses.

China braces for super typhoon Sanba

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The Hindu - Xinhua, 9/16/12

In this photo released by China's Xinhua News Agency, fishing boats are anchored in Shitang Port in Wenling City, east China's Zhejiang Province on Saturday. Typhoon Sanba approaches waters of the eastern part of the East China Sea on Saturday.
(AP) In this photo released by China's Xinhua News Agency, fishing boats are anchored in Shitang Port in Wenling City, east China's Zhejiang Province on Saturday. Typhoon Sanba approaches waters of the eastern part of the East China Sea on Saturday.

China’s meteorological authority said on Sunday, the super typhoon Sanba will bring strong wind to regions along its course and rainstorms to north-eastern China over the next few days.

Ascension? Really? With All of This Mess Around Us (and Within)? Some Thoughts to Consider

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by Love Reporter Angela 


Have you looked around lately – within your own life and/or in those around you and the world in general and asked, “What IS this mess, anyway? How is THIS evolution and progression?!” Have you had hours, days, and/or weeks where you’ve started feeling extremely angry, fearful,  listless, like you want to crawl out of your skin… and yet have no specific cause for it? And what about being weighted down… have you had moments when you’ve felt as if you’re completely filled with lead, like you’re wearing a suit that makes you feel like you’re carrying an extra hundred pounds or so, and all you want to do is sleep, alternating with spurts of energy that you can’t seem to alleviate?

Yep… I gotcha. Been there, done that… and I do this EVERY DAY; I meditate, I clear, I heal… and I help others do the same, so I’m in the “heightened awareness” place most of the time. I do know how to observe the collective consciousness without becoming lost in it – I’ve become quite adept at it – and yet, a few weeks ago, POW! I didn’t know what hit me!


First a Moment About the Earth
The mind says, OK… we’re “supposed to be” evolving… progressing… getting ready for “Earth 2.0,” ascending… whatever you want to call it. Yet, on the surface, it seems we’re more of a mess than ever: extreme polarities in belief systems, politics, and many other areas; shootings in movie theaters, temples, and consulates; and drugs that produce zombie-like behavior, at the top of the list. Individually, many have the lives they worked so hard to create  just crumbling away no matter how hard they fight to preserve it… losing jobs, severing long-standing ties and relationships, succumbing to debt, and releasing much of the “picture” of the life many had thought was their dream. Earth herself has been tumultuous: global extremes in weather, earthquakes rumbling around the world, volcanoes that haven’t been active for decades or more coming back to life, tsunamis, polar ice caps melting away.

So, you might ask, “What’s THAT about?”


Several months back, I was shown the bigger picture related to the evolution of Earth – of Gaia herself – and what that entails, as we stand on the ground, here, right now. As within our bodies, our skin, liver, heart, lungs, and all other organs and cells are a part of us (with their own consciousness as well), we are a part of the whole organism of the Earth. I was shown how throughout this existence, part of the exploration and experience of the lessons of duality and the ego have caused us to bleed, at one time or another, into every land of this world. We’ve had wars, we’ve hurt ourselves, we’ve hurt each other, we’ve hurt the other beings here, as well as played with creating imbalance in the organism as a whole. The result: This “blood” – both literal and metaphorical – has seeped into Earth, as so much seeps into our bodies through the skin and then incorporates into our systems.


Through all of this, she has adjusted as well as she could, realigned herself, so she could continue on. So WE could continue on, in some way, shape, or form…. to do the same thing again and again, over and over. To REALLY learn those lessons!

When our bodies do this – forget the unity, forget that all the cells, all the organs have to work together to function optimally – what happens? Disease; malfunctions and sometimes failure of entire organic systems within us. Cancer. Auto-immune disease. Allergies (“irritations”). Many other chronic conditions. And, as a collective part of the Earth organism, “as above, so below”… why do you think we have an overabundance of these types of diseases within our own bodies today?

When we get an overabundance of toxins within the body, what does our body naturally do to rebalance itself? Detoxify; it tries to push all of the dangerous toxins that have become embedded in the system to the surface… to release them and regain balance.


Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – Community Follows You Throughout Your Life Experience

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Larry Larson – Twelve – Twelve Insight Journal – Community Follows You Throughout Your Life Experience – 16 September 2012

Guest: I’m interested in creating as a form of community – what is the importance of close relationships in creating our experience?

You each have a sort of community that follows you about throughout your life experience that is comprised of your thoughts, beliefs, and the accumulation of events, people, places, things that make up that experience. And each element of this entourage is alive, at least in a spiritual sense, if not actually showing signs of physical life…like your car, for example. The same process that brings you your living co-creators brings all the elements of your life experience to you. So it’s really fair, in the Native American sense, to look at all things as living expressions of spirit.

DL Zeta – Our Vibrational Frequency Activates Fifth-Dimensional Timelines

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DL Zeta – Our Vibrational Frequency Activates Fifth-Dimensional Timelines – 16 September 2012

Your vibrational frequency is what determines your ability to access and experience fifth-dimensional timelines where unconditional love, limitless abundance, radiant health and boundless creativity are the norm.

There are many different means by which one can raise their vibration. These include diet, exercise, belief system adjustments, meditation, intention, stilling your mind and focusing on unconditional love. Anything you do that liberates you from being overly-enmeshed in physical reality will help you expand your consciousness into higher-dimensional realities.

Higher vs. Lower-Vibrational Frequencies

You might be walking down the same street, dressed the same way and by all outer appearances virtually the same, but varying rates of vibration will give you a very different experience of an identical set of outer circumstances.

At a lower-vibrational frequency, you might be seething with anger that the light for the crosswalk changed as you approached the intersection. Your anger might trigger memories of other instances when things didn’t go your way and soon you are feeling the whole world is against you. By the time the light changes, you are so worked up you stumble and land face-first on the concrete, breaking a tooth. Now, in pain, you call your dentist for an emergency appointment only to discover he is on vacation. All of this now reaffirms your feeling that you are a hapless victim in a dark and unkind world.

Heaven is the destination towards which all are heading

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Heaven is the destination towards which all are heading

09/16/2012 by John Smallman

The moment for humanity’s mass awakening draws ever closer.  The divine Love field enveloping the planet is continuing to intensify and strengthen as more and more of you open to it and allow it to change your perspective on life and its meaning.  The flame of love that is eternally alight within each one of you is growing and spreading its influence ever further afield as you empower it with your intent to release all that is unloving within you and offer only love, whatever the situation may be in which you find yourself.  This spiritual evolution, in which you are all so intimately involved, is a magnificent creative venture whose purpose is to wash away once and for all the pain and suffering that you have been experiencing and which makes the illusion seem so real to you.

When you awaken, the activities in which you can take part will be limitless

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When you awaken, the activities in which you can take part will be limitless

September 16, 2012 by John Smallman

Enthusiasm and excitement are powerful motivators, so as you look forward to awakening, elicit those feelings to strengthen and empower your intent to do so. You are powerful beings, and you are on Earth to engage with your power and use it to bring in a completely new manner of communicating, a new way of relating to one another, a new mode of living that is always accepting and honoring of others, and respectful of the differing ideas that you present to one another for discussion.

It is through ideas that new creative ventures can be envisioned and embarked upon.  When you awaken, the prospects available, the directions in which you can move, the activities in which you can take part will be limitless.  Anything you can think of you will be able to bring forth and develop – a poem, a symphony, a universe – and the joy of doing so will cause you unalloyed satisfaction.  Your Father’s Will for you is eternal joy, satisfaction, and happiness, and His Will is always accomplished, so your future, at one with Him, will be glorious, brilliant, and utterly fulfilling.

Heavenletter #4314 The Harbor of God, September 16, 2012

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Heavenletter #4314 The Harbor of God, September 16, 2012 

God said: 


It is an idea that you have that anything is yours to own. When you have a sense of ownership, that’s when a sense of loss can creep in and make itself known. A sense of lack follows ownership. Self-righteousness follows ownership. A sense of ownership becomes a block.

Think about it a moment. Without a sense of ownership, what can you lose? Only when you hold tight to something can it slip out of your grasp. Own nothing, lose nothing.

Only a proprietor of a store can lose the store. Ownership and loss are both ideas. They seem sequential, yet they are harnessed together. Heartache also seems to go along with proprietorship and loss of what you thought you owned.


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