VIsionkeeper-Are you an owl or are you a duck? Does it matter?

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Are you an owl or are you a duck? Does it matter?

Posted on September 15, 2012

Does it really matter if one is a duck or an owl or can we finally all learn to be one together and share our love and compassion? We are so blessed to be here at this time! We were chosen to usher in the new world, to raise humanity’s consciousness and bring the world together as it has never happened before! That is such a tremendous honor and I hope we can all begin to appreciate this gift we have been given. Stop focusing on Dec. 21, 2012 and focus on the journey we are in the middle of. Grasp the power of what is taking place, we are witnessing something that has never happened before in the world, this shift is monumental on so many levels, we must be awake for this and give it our full attention! There are lifetimes of beings who are watching us with bated breath hoping for the best and wishing they had been part of this moment. We must not take this for granted but rather embrace this time fully and drink in the wonder of what we are witnessing.

The dolphin Collective ~~ The new way of communication is telepathy ~

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The dolphin Collective ~~ The new way of communication is telepathy ~~ 15/09/2012  by Love Reporter Méline Lafont

Hello, my lovely ones. Once more we have arrived at a point in time where we bring our collective energy together to share this message with all of you.
Cooperation is of the utmost importance now; the oceans are being purified to a very high degree and much transpires as to the effects of this clean-up. This is our task and our greatest Love that we implement now, as our oceans and Mother Earth are so very dear to our hearts. They fully deserve to once again be rendered into their original purified state and to that end we gladly contribute our big mite. Of course, we are not alone in this and we are supported by many others, including some  specific human souls. During your sleeping hours we may expect this support from specific human souls amongst you and each time it has been a truly pleasant cooperation. We are so grateful for this!
To humanity, and more specifically to those who from their hearts have sent Love to us and to the oceans, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks for the support and assistance that we have received. We were in a position to really sense and observe this; the Love you’ve sent was so astonishingly beautiful and pure of heart. You do so much more than you give yourself credit for and that applies to your Selves as well.

“Operators are standing by.” – Michael by Love Reporter Ron Head

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“Operators are standing by.” – Michael  by Love Reporter Ron Head

September 15, 2012 

We would speak today on your dedication and focus on your ascension.  On first sight, it would appear to be a selfish thing to do.  Allow us to explain why that is not so.  We could give many lines of reasoning to refute that opinion, but let us voice just a few.

First, and most obviously, you are all one.  Each of you affects the state of all others.  As you rise in consciousness, you raise all others.  Every effort you make to embody the love of your Creator in any fashion will increase your light and therefore help all around you.  And could you see it, you would know that your light extends out infinitely into the reaches of universes.

Then, importantly, there is the fact that you cannot help others unless you have first helped yourself.  What could you give them if you have naught to give?  What will you teach if you have not first learned?  How make them happy if you know only sadness and misery?  First you must uncover the joyful, powerful, radiant being that you truly are.  You must discover this and make it your own.  It is not meant to be a monumental trial.  Remember one of the teachings that have not been corrupted down through the ages, “Seek and ye shall find.”  It is only necessary to seek in the right place, inside yourself.  Yes, you may ask us for help.  Yes, you may ask your Creator as well.  Remember also, “Ask and it shall be given.”  It was promised you, and we tell you again, it shall be so.

The manuscript of survival – part 196

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The manuscript of survival – part 196

 •September 15, 2012 • 

These last few days have been more intensive than most. In fact, you have all by now attained a new level of energy in your bodies, and this is one that will leave its mark not only on you, but also on the society in which you live. Let us explain. As we have often times discussed, these injections of energy and information are so much more than the fleeting impression of physical and mental exhaustion and imbalance that they carry with them. In other words, although they might seem overly negative whilst they are being transplanted into your system, they will literally do you the world of good. As you know so well by now, the amount of unpleasantness can very well mask this fact, as you are only aware of the side-effects, not of the real effects they carry with them. To put it more succinctly, you only feel bad from all of these hard labour pains of evolving, as your body and your mind has yet to register the arrival of the ”newborn” to call it that. In other words, you have yet to see the progeny you are all in the midts of bringing forth, as this is mostly obscured in a fog of, for some, intensely physical discomfort and also some very unpleasant mental downturns. But after this, we hope this fog of bewilderment and disillusionment will start to clear somewhat, and you will begin to see what is emerging, literally by help of your own physical bodies. For you are in so many ways literally giving birth to the new world that you are so longing for, as it is through your bodies that the most important parts of these energetic uploads are being carried.

Henry Seltzer – A Powerful And Transformative New Moon

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Henry Seltzer – A Powerful And Transformative New Moon – 15 September 2012

Saturday’s New Moon is another in the long series of intense lunations that we have been experiencing lately. This time is especially so considering that Uranus and Pluto are making an exact hit of their long-running square only a few days later, on the night of the18th – at around midnight PDT, later of course to the East. Saturday’s lunation prefigures this later time, so that this weekend and all next week will be powerful. Pluto is also in the midst of making his September 17th station to direct motion, and is therefore far more poignantly configured, while the New Moon makes a strong declinational set of aspects to his partner in crime, Uranus.

Jafree Ozwald – Enligthened Beings – You Are Powerful, Beautiful And Extraordinary

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Jafree Ozwald – Enligthened Beings – You Are Powerful, Beautiful And Extraordinary – 15 September 2012

No matter what happens to you in life, remember this one sweet understanding. You are powerful beyond measure, beautiful beyond words and truly an extraordinary being who has access to unlimited love, creativity and pleasure! All this is available inside you now. To access it, sit with the investigation of this understanding for a few minutes and see what happens! You might discover some resistance, denial or perhaps the realization that this amazing fact is already true within you all the time.


6.3-Quake Hits Off Indonesia's Sumatra: USGS

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Jakarta Globe - 9/14/12

A 6.3-magnitude quake struck off Indonesia's Sumatra island on Friday, the US Geological Survey said, but no tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.

The epicenter of the quake, which struck at 11:51 am (0451 GMT) at a depth of 25 kilometers (15.5 miles), was 190 kilometers northwest of the town of Bengkulu.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Guatemala’s Fuego volcano erupts, forcing 33,000 to evacuate

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Source: The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond, 9/14/12

September 14, 2012 – GUATEMALA - A long-simmering volcano outside one of the Guatemala’s most famous tourist attractions exploded into a series of powerful eruptions Thursday, hurling thick clouds of ash nearly two miles (three kilometers) high, spewing rivers of lava down its flanks and forcing the evacuation of more than 33,000 people from surrounding communities.


Typhoon Sanba headed for Okinawa, South Korea

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CNN - CNN Wire Staff, 9/15/12

Typhoon Bolaven struck Okinawa and South Korea last month.
Typhoon Bolaven struck Okinawa and South Korea last month.

(CNN) -- A typhoon slinging fierce winds moved toward the Japanese island of Okinawa on Saturday, where dozens of people were killed by a big storm last month.

Tropical cyclone Sanba had winds of 232 kilometers per hour (144 mph), said CNNI Weather Anchor Jenny Harrison. "One expects and assumes that people are beginning to already take serious precautions as to the arrival of this very strong typhoon," she said.

To read the rest of this story, visit

We Want YOU to Be in Our Video!

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This is the Summer of LOVE. Okay, it’s the second Summer of LOVE; the first one was in 1967.

Anyway, WE are making a home movie to mark the occasion and WE want YOU to be in it. The video will feature photos of all of OUR Family members, like ME and YOU, as well as a statement or favorite quote from each of us.

Ian Kagie will be producing the video and has set up a Facebook group for it. Please join here and send Ian your photo and statement: Summer of love #2

If you can’t reach Ian on Facebook, you can message him or me here. If you’re having trouble reaching us, please comment below and WE will get in touch with you.

When you send your statement, please sign it the way you want your name to appear in the video. I put my statement below as an example.

Heavenletter #4313 Now, Look to the Light, September 15, 2012

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Heavenletter #4313 Now, Look to the Light, September 15, 2012 

God said: 


It is the light that you must look to. You must because this is the only way to manage life in the world. Look, you have in the past done plenty of looking at the darkness that you see before you. Now, look to the light. Even in tremendous darkness, there is light. If you can’t see it, look for it. You can conjure the light. However dark the world may seem to be for you at a given point in time, then imagine the brightness that is waiting to shine on you and the world.

You are essential to the world. It is you who has to shine light on the world. You cannot wait for the world to shine light on you. Your mind is a like a magic brush, and your mind can paint the picture you would like to see. Your mind will paint the picture in your heart, and then your heart will take over. Your heart is, of course, the key to light. So then you must light up your heart.


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