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What we are experiencing in these wonderful times is greatest shift in Humanity… Not shift in 1500’s when people shifted from One continent to many… Not some shift from classical physics to quantum physics… But Shift in Human Conciseness….from unaware and unawake to fully Aware and completely Awaken Human…



Please, make small test on your progress… Check the Progress of your awareness and awakening… I use very often following test asking this question: Do I still live for Power?... Do I still need Power?... Do I recognize what Power brought in my life to this point?...


And by answering these simple questions, You with ease become aware that powers you were chasing praying to it, putting over others, hoarding… You realize these are not so important to your well being any longer…


Fran Zepeda ~ May You Be a Kaleidoscope of Oneness ~ 4 June 2012

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Fran Zepeda ~ May You Be a Kaleidoscope of Oneness ~ 4 June 2012



No matter where you are in the energy spiral, you are all rising in frequency. The energy surge accompanying the present alignments now occurring will cause massive jumps in your consciousness. It is only necessary for you to open your hearts to a degree you have not yet attained, dear Ones.  The energies will assist you; you must only allow the awakening to occur.


All across the universes a massive domino effect is occurring, and will continue to occur as you open and lead with your hearts. By now you are becoming quite adept at this and the question is only how much you desire to embrace the unprecedented surge of Light and Love energies being poured into your hearts as we speak.


AnaShyNa's picture
Used Google Traslator with minor adjustements from GFP...


GFP: This is major news for this South Europe regions... After March 2012 new Coalition Government was succesfuly established, and brought major political and economical changes in Croatia... So, next and very expected step was resignation/removal of Governor of CNB [Croatian National Bank...] on June 4, 2012... Where this happy event does fits so perfectly for major governemts changes on the world scale and their Central Banks and Federal Reserve, as this Croatian National Bank was in tight ties with Federal Reserve Bank and EBC...


Enjoy the change... change is all around US... we only need to become aware... 

WIth Love and Change, PSG

Venus Transit~Eclipse 2012

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Today and tomorrow are very powerful configurations in the heavens. We will be experiencing the second of two eclipses (lunar) early Monday morning around sunrise as the moon is setting (around 6:00 am CDT). It will be visible in North America. It is called the strawberry moon because this is the full moon when the strawberries on earth ripen. Then on Tuesday, June 5 at sunset we will be experiencing the Venus Transit, a celestial event that occurs only every 120 years when Venus the planet of harmony and beauty travels in front of our sun in its orbit and is visible at a time when she is normally in the "underworld(not visible). This will also be visible in North America.
The last time the Venus Transit occurred in 1892 and that was the year that the transatlantic cable was completed connecting two continents instantaneously and bringing about the beginning of the communications expansion. Now we not only communicate instantly any where in the world but we can see each other too! I see this Venus Transit awakening the instant communication with. Instantly accessing our I Am Presence or God selves and lighting up the Christ conscious grid like a pin ball wizard. Prepare to be amazed.
There is LOTS about these two events on the internet so have fun exploring. I have two great links below for you to enjoy. I am not an astrologer so I am not approaching these next several days from that lens. I tend to experience these shifts on a energy level and I am always affected by the cascade of vibrations I usually experiences with each one, so having two of these influences on top of each other is powerful.

FREEDOM PROJECT: Eurozone falling apart-The Real Deal-06-03-2012...

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Andy Coulson; David Cameron's former spin doctor was detained at his London home early on Tuesday. Police has announced that he had been arrested and charged with perjury.

Not so long ago Spain seemed to be the epitome of European cool; from football to food and architecture, but alas not anymore. Spain has the highest jobless rate in the European Union at more than 24 percent and its banks seemed to be trembling on the point of collapse. This is while economies like Germany and Austria are doing well.

The Euro was once supposed to unite the European economies, so what has happened that the currency is tumbling, the unemployment is spiraling and the leaders cannot figure out a way to get out of the mess.

London awaiting the Olympic Games next month, propaganda over Obama's birth place, an interview with the former Olympic legend; Joan Calos, these and much more stories are all reviewed in this edition of The Real Deal with George Galloway MP.

Read this article on our website:

Earth Allie: I see only the past.

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Earth Allie: I see only the past.  


To truly live in the Present Moment of Now it is essential to let go of the past, all belief systems based on an unconscious way of looking at things, people, situations... Letting go the past does not mean letting go who One Is, it actually means the opposite, BEcomeing again the true Self, for the past keeps all the illusion alive; and feelings, beliefs, situations, realtionships and values are given using past -unreal- experieces. In the Present Moment of Now all is eternally New and re-created as it's the only Moment that exists. And in the Moment Love, Miracles and Joy can freely express as there's nothing left that says "it cannot happen". Only by living based on the past, be it last year or last hour, Miracles and Joy cannot happen, as you cannot create Now if you live then

I hope this part of the "Course in Miracles" may help understand more deeply this most important concept.

~A Message from The Earth Allies~ The Invocation for the Incoming Energies

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~A Message from The Earth Allies~


~The Invocation For Our Full Moon and Partial Eclipse Event Followed by the Venus Transit~


The Following words are actually encoded into your DNA as Activation points for Manifestation. As you read or state outloud you are bringing forth these creative energies.~



AS Above So Below




As above so within, with the deepest Gratitude, Highest, and Purest intent for the GRANDEST AND HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL.


On this day Love, we release everything that no longer serves Us for the Greater Good of the ALL, So the Grandest~Highest Outcome for the Betterment of All Humanity May Manifest.


Earth Ally Will Harader Speaks about the ~Spiritual Ego~

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~ Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member WILL HARADER~



~Spiritual Ego~

~Very Brilliant Reshare Article for the Current Moments~


Eventually a person has a moment of clarity. In this moment, they see the inherent emptiness of all the things they thought were so important. This causes a person to reevaluate their whole existence and look for a deeper meaning in Life.


This is the beginning of spiritual Awakening, when a person realizes the life they've been assigned by society isn't who they really are and decides to recreate himself to reflect his expanded understandings. At this point there's an enormous pitfall that most do not notice which causes spiritual growth to halt almost as fast as it began. This is spiritual ego, when a person recreates herself but then gets attached to their new "spiritual" identity.


What a Time to Be Alive | The 2012 Scenario

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What a Time to Be Alive | The 2012 Scenario

by Steve Beckow


Matthew’s welcome monthly message explains so much that we’ve all been wondering about. He tells us, for instance, that we are indeed correct in thinking that nothing conclusive has yet occurred and that matters will be somewhat rushed in the unfoldment of the rest of the year.


He reassures us that we are correct in believing that the Illuminati still retain some power to work harm, that the galactics are helping us with Fukushima, and that they’re neutralizing the remaining chemtrails.


He reveals that the Vatican is a “cesspool of darkness” and the heart of Satan worship, which must be shocking to many people to hear and may be one of the disturbing things that SaLuSa told us we’d learn. He informs us that that Vatican is also a vast storehouse of stolen art treasures. Added to the Vatican’s dismal history of not protecting young people from sexual predation, these revelations will dismay a lot of people.


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Visualize

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Focus upon your dreams

Whatever you desire and allow you will experience. It is in the allowing where there is often lack or negative thoughts about those unmanifested dreams and desires. Look to see if perhaps your thoughts or even your more powerful words are blocking your way. Ask your angels to help you if you are not sure what patterns you would like to transform and we are so very honoured and ready to assist you. Be receptive to new thoughts and ideas that pop into your head that feel good and right in your heart. When your mind is clear and open, we are better able to connect with your light.


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