Health Complaints and Tips for Spiritually Gifted Individuals

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Health Complaints and Tips for Spiritually Gifted Individuals


Health Complaints and Tips for Spiritually Gifted Individuals | in5d.comWhy Doesn’t My Body Respond The Way Other People Do?

Have you ever wondered why your body doesn’t seem to respond to supplements, medicines, or even diets the way other people do? Have you ever been baffled by why you developed a certain symptom or illness since the timing or type of ailment doesn’t seem to fit?


Although our health care system is SLOWLY moving in the direction of more customized and individual “medicine” and practices, we aren’t there yet. So, for people with unusually high frequencies or “gifts,” the current approaches to health and wellness can be even more frustrating, ineffective, and confusing. After decades of personal and professional experience, as well as interviewing many hundreds of people with intuitive, empathic, and other frequency gifts, we share some common complaints or concerns they have reported regarding their health and wellness-- as well as some common and uncommon tips that seem to work for those of higher frequency.


Cleaning House by SophiaLove

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Cleaning House

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By GLRSophiaLove 08 May 2012

We are one and we have no idea what we look like.  Yet, we are surrounded in mirrors.  This intentional separation has been brilliant.  We will have to invent words to speak of our oneness as we have none.  Unity is what we believe and hope is true, yet do not live.  Once we do, we will love with every breath, heal with each touch and adore with our eyes. This is our natural state.

Coming Solar Eclipse/Blood Moon/ Transit of Venus signicant to Mayans!

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Is the May 20th Solar Eclipse, June 4th Blood Moon & the June 5th-6th rare Transit of Venus the real Dec 21st date? How does this comply with Bible Prophecy?

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-8-2012 – Sun's getting ready for the Rock&Roll~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 05-8-2012 – Sun's getting ready for the Rock&Roll~




Greetings Loved Beings,

take your sunglasses out... the Sun's getting higly active and increasing. HUge energy is already heading towards Mother Earth=Heart to help in the Big Uplift and Cleaning of illusions. Remember, there are no seat belts this time, if you're not Focused you'll experience a high grade of Bumping around. 

Though if you keep Focused on the Goal, which is Love Everywhere Present... be happy that all that comes is there to see how easy it can be to let it go.

It's just a veil... 

it's not true...


John Kettler ~ ETs/EDs Hold San Andreas Fault Together ~ No Quakes! ~

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John Kettler ~ ETs/EDs Hold San Andreas Fault Together ~ No Quakes! ~ ETs/EDs Ruin Quakes Forecast By Jack Coles ~ Had 92% Prediction Accuracy Before This ~ 8 May 2012


ETS/EDs (extraterrestrials/ extradimensionals) are starting to make believers from skeptics while confounding conventional scientific investigators. California’s San Andreas Fault, which marks the tectonic boundary between the North American Plate and the northward advancing Pacific Plate has long been locked. Renowned quake predictor Jack Coles (story in three parts) had forecast two big quakes for this  past weekend, (two 6-5-7.5s, one in the San Francisco Bay Area and the other extending “from Santa Barbara to Mexico,” with magnitude one higher if at sea), corresponding with the full Moon and the Super Moon (moon at perigee). The ETs/EDs intervened to prevent this, given the devastation it would’ve caused.



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Dear friends, 

naturally, and especially on the important date of May 5th, which is a 5-5-5 day of great transformation, I connected deeply with Beloved Gaia, feeling Her radiant purity and exquisite beauty in my heart. My connection to Her is very old and leads back to the time when She was in the radiance of Her original Divine State, - many many eons ago. Especially today also the portal to the Galactic Center is open and It is pouring It's Radiant Light of Lights on Her (and all of us), and I can feel Their marriage in my heart and body, while I experience new Light-Codes being implemented into my being. In this moment the intuition that I always had, is confirmed to be true, as I feel directly my own origin in the Galactic Center. I believe that all humanity once came from there. 

Ascension is SELF WORK.

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Ascension is work, work, work, work and more work.  SELF WORK.



In the now wisdom becomes the face of silence. The knowing that which we all know is dropped, the unknown disappears, polarities vanish and stories end. The now is the breath of God. Ascension begins  NOW.” ~Swami Amenai


 "Ascension is the process that is within all the codes in this existence of which it was created, these codes must be acted upon within the body, mind, spirit and soul."-Silvershaman 2012


There are unfortunately many blogs, posts, channelings, false channelings, dreams, visions, thoughts and wishful thinking that allow various groups of people to be pulled into the vacuum of their suffering, and longing to not be on GAIA.  Why would that be if we made a special choice to come here.  Some only want to escape without doing the necessary elements of becoming who they are.


1. Know who you are.

 2. Know to find what your purpose is.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Divine Guidance

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Trust and follow your intuition

The more you learn to trust and act upon your feelings, the more trust you put into the information you are receiving. Take time each day to talk with your guides and angels. Ask them for help, love and reassurance. They require your permission before they can assist in your freewill choices. They cannot do the journey for you, however are so very eager to be your assistants along the way. 
Take time to learn, study and gather information. You have the same access to all of the Divine teachings and ancient wisdom. Enjoy this time of exploration as very soon you will be guided to put all of this knowledge into action and create pathways for others to follow and step into your divine life mission.
Use the power of laughter and music to help you clear and manifest. To manifest your desires more quickly, focus upon what you are wanting to create while you sing, hum, chant, play music or dance. During these sessions your angels can drop in wonderful inspirations to help you along the way.
Affirmation: "I trust and act upon my inner guidance."


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