Humanity is on the verge of incredible opportunity and excitement

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Humanity is on the verge of incredible opportunity and excitement



05~09~2012 by John Smallman


When you all awaken into the amazing brilliance of Realty your joy will be ecstatic.  It truly is your natural state – constant ecstatic joy – and it will be as though you had never left, which of course you never did.  Your memories of pain, fear, betrayal, scarcity, and suffering of any kind, which are such heavy burdens for you now, will be no more — because they were completely illusory and dissolved with the illusion.


While you are experiencing the illusion as real, this is very difficult for you to understand, and many of you might think that not to have memories of these bad times would be a loss, something that would detract from the joy of awakening into Reality and finding that they had dissolved.  But this is not the case.  To be in joy with absolutely no memory of the illusion is to be completely released from that unhappy state and from any shadow it could cast on your present enjoyment.


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~8~12 ~ Huge Wave's of Love Hitting The Planet~

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~5~8~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ Huge Wave's of Love Hitting The Planet~



~ Fractal Art  By Earth Allie Will Harader The Train Station Into Love Everywhere Present ~



Greetings Love Beings, We arrive with a Short update as we Prepare for Huge waves of Love to begin penetrating the Planet in deep ways! With a Little help from The Sun. We have Entered into the last day of releasing the old energies of separation and integrating the Love Energy which arrived on Our 5~5 Love Event. This Energy is to assist Humanity to free themselves from the chains of the illusion forever. This is per Love's Request. All Events unfolding are per Divine Decree, as Mother Earth=Heart Requested and Prayed for on behalf of herself and all of Humanity. This Must Be Honored By The Galactic Federation of Light backed

up by the Creator.



Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Shine Your Light ~ 8 May 2012

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Fran Zepeda ~ Sananda ~ Shine Your Light ~ 8 May 2012





Your world is changing dear ones. You are changing. Your world is transforming, heart-by-heart, soul-by-soul, due to the light penetration equaling no other at any other time in the history of duality. Mark my words, dear ones.


Let us look at what has transpired. Many souls have made the leap of faith and love into the “wild blue yonder”, as they say. That is a saying, but it has credence for what is transpiring, for many sayings have their roots in Truths. It is your choice whether you see it as wild or yonder, or even blue, for that matter; however, this merely points out that a huge opening is occurring and you are seeing things as you have never seen them before. 


Heaven has only One Floor~

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Heaven has only One Floor~



We’re not up there, we’re not down here, we’re everywhere.

For millenina icons have been made of all that came to say “You are Love, you are God, what I can do, you can do.” Thus, these same icons have been put somewhere “up there”, and have become something to look up at, and the Real Message forgotten.

There’s no such thing as “up there” or “down here”, the only thing that Is, Is Now. And Now is something you can only find inside, where All Is.

If you identify yourself with your body, you’ll look up to those icons and feel what you’ve been programmed to feel by looking at them: “to high for me”.

David Wilcock ~ Update ~ Arrest Warrants: Liens Filed Against G7 Central Banks ~ 8 May 2012

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David Wilcock ~ Update ~ Arrest Warrants: Liens Filed Against G7 Central Banks ~ 8 May 2012



There has been an exciting new development in this story very recently.


A very high-level international attorney has gotten involved — and is now providing direct assistance to Keenan and the alliance, which now numbers at 143 countries.


Specific advice was given to retract the eight sets of unique signatures that had been included here — as in this form they could have been used by potential fraudsters for various purposes.


Further steps will follow. This is an exciting development — and does not in any way detract from the power of these liens within the admiralty law system.


Kees De Graaff ~ Invitation To The Galactic Federation To Help Us ~ 8 May 2012

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Kees De Graaff ~ Invitation To The Galactic Federation To Help Us ~ 8 May 2012

Invitation to the Galactic Federation to Help Us


Dear friends,

We’re setting up an action that can be done at the speed of light.

We know that our world is ruled by corrupt people, who all work together to keep us under control.


We also know that our world has been visited by benevolent ET species, many of them humanoid, who work together in a huge organization called the Galactic Federation of Light.

Why don’t they help us and free us from this corrupt regime that has so many people suffering and starving to death?

Well, from what we understand this is for karmic reasons partly, but the main reason is a universal law called “The Law of Non-Interference”. This means that a higher civilization cannot just interfere with a lower one, because the natural evolution will be disturbed then.


Message by FatherGod: I'm walking among you.

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  • I have been asked to send you my latest message 

    artwork by FatherGod


    by GLR Ree 

    I am God and I come through now to reassure you all of the reality of my presence upon earth in this moment now. By divine decree and in alignment with the plan that has been in place for eons you are now walking the path of ascension for all. All other destructive/apocalyptic time lines have been avoided.

COMEDY CIRCLE: “Queen Elizabeth II the largest landowner on Earth.” ... ARE YOU READY FOR YET ANOTHER MONOPOLY GAME?...

AnaShyNa's picture


anyway, not for too long...

Does she pay taxes for these properties and to Who'm?...

Does these taxes collected are distributed to citizens of these Nations?...

Does she ever plays Monopoly with these lands and houses, so we could rip out of her claws maybe a state or even a continent?... 


Do they refer here that she owns all of Canada, Australia, GB, New Zealand?... or just some portions?...

I am kind of confused?... Did FMGod gave her this or she simply usurped it under her own accord and queens decrees in king's courts?... 



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