Ashtar: Our Grand Partnership with You and Mother Gaia

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Ashtar: Our Grand Partnership with
You and Mother Gaia
Ashtar on the Road Teleconference 4/24/12
"Well, Greetings Beloved Family! It is so delightful that once again we are here joined in this wondrous Gathering of Hearts, minds, and indeed the entireties of our energy fields coming together in the High Dimensionality, which is our Divine Birthright, all of us together. And we have much to accomplish in this evening, and with the Joy that we bring to our togetherness, our Oneness. And we will start by making very clear, or shall we say to clarify, that which is our purpose.

In "Love & Unity"

Bluesword's picture

To my brothers &n Sisters,I come to say hello,

Its really feel like home here,


I hope,that we may,be in Honesty and Truth

toward each others,


Remember This,In "Love & Unity"

We can do more,,,


For those,who hearts,is still like stone,

Let them be,Sooner or later,their heart will soften


Their arrogance,s will soon, fade away,into the mist,,,

When you share from your hearts,with no

condition,it will flow back to you,,,


When you love some one,it will never fail,

it will come back to you,when your not looking,,,


Remember this,treat each other with kindness,repect,love

even to those,who do not,do so in kind,


Sooner or later,they will remember that day,that deed,

you have done,


I myself have serve The Galactic Federation,Many life-streams

Marlene Swetlishoff – Archangel Gabriel

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Marlene Swetlishoff – Archangel Gabriel – 27 April 2012

Posted on April 27, 2012 by GLR lucas2012infos 

Beloved Ones,

We wish to have discourse on the quality of Love called kindness. This quality moves within the hearts of people and encourages them to put themselves into the place of the other person thereby feeling empathy for the situation they are in and then, showing these Ones kindness by performing deeds or actions or saying a few words that express this empathy by the act of kindness. This quality has been known to virtually change the lives of people who were in a place in their life’s journey that could have gone in a downward spiral.

Sanat Kumara on Heavenly Blessings with Geoff West Tonight

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Sanat Kumara on Heavenly Blessings with Geoff West Tonight

2012 April 26
Thank You to Steve Beckow

Geoff West hosts Heavenly Blessings tonight with Sanat Kumara, the planetary logos. The format of the show is to allow the guest to set the speaking agenda. However if Geoff is able to suggest a topic at some point, he’ll ask Sanat to comment on how science and religion converge in unity consciousness.


Archangel Michael has clarified that Sanat resides beyond dimensionality, prefers to meet his devotees in the 11th Dimension, and can be found with Sananda Kumara and the other Kumaras on Venus.  Sanat is the force that has been guiding the various NESARA teams along with St. Germaine. He’s known to the religions as Ahuramazda, the Ancient of Days, Subrahmanya, and Dipamkara Buddha and is just generally one of my favorites (along with St. Germaine and Ashtar),  as you may have guessed by now.

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-27-2012 – New Dimension ancored to the New Grid

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~Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04~27~2012 ~ New Dimension ancored to the New Grid~



Eyes are upon Solar activity as it’s Poles are shifting a year in advance adn Solar Wind keeps his speed over 500.


Ice is melting from inside, which meand the heat does not come from the air, maybe from volcano activity?


Torturing Media for a Torturous Period – Be the Light; Be Positive

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Torturing Media for a Torturous Period – Be the Light; Be Positive

by GLR Gregory von Haesler on April 27, 2012



You turn on the Television. You put on, “The News.” Suddenly, you start getting agitated, depressed, self-esteem lowers and you go a little paranoid.

You are getting overwhelmed by a process which cannot be stopped, must not be stopped, and is a healthy crisis unfolding and developing into hard-worked solutions.

The world reflects a tumultuous time in which all predicted structures are falling.

FREEDOM PROJECT:Norwegians Heckle Fear w/Singing not Bombs ... THANKS THOM

AnaShyNa's picture


With this beautiful Rainbow song from Norwegian Free souls, shows US what Norwegian Free spirit has Chosen: 

They Chose forgivnes over anger...

They chose compassion over retribution...

They chose kindness over hate...

They Chose Miracle over misery...


This not free soul, Anders complete failed to put Norway on its knees...

Anders failed to infuse a one ounce of fear in any of the citizens of Norway...


And he gave us greatest oportunity to show the World, what true meaning of FREE HUMAN is...

Pleidian High Council ~ Humanity's Proceedings

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Pleidian High Council ~ Humanity's Proceedings


Photo By Earth Allie Dawn Christine~ In Full Bloom


 27 April 2012 Mogaly

Hello Lightworkers! This is the Pleidian High Council. We report to you today with more wonderful news regarding the proceedings in Earth’s surface society. We would like to inform you that we are getting closer and closer to a position where mass landings would be welcome. This needs much more clarification. Right now, the majority decision of humanity as a whole, is that aliens don’t even exist. However, this is a very very small majority. This is a recent change. Once the majority of human consciousness is inviting towards being a galactic society, it will be so. There are many events that simply must occur upon earth before the end of this year, this age. For those events to occur, you must all succeed in what you were born here to do. That is, to remember.



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