Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 4/28/12

Greg_ Giles's picture



This has truly been a worldwide effort, where beings from many different countries have come together in an effort to bring to your world a better way. We of the Galactic commands have done our part as well to assist those of you who wish to see changes in your world, to make it a better place for all of you to experience the physical realm. All along your journey you have benefited greatly from the assistance of your universal families and friends. Never were you left on your own, and never were you forgotten or denied any assistance that you may have needed.


We have always assured that you would receive the benefits from our assistance, although it has been necessary for us to conceal our helping hand to better allow you to reap the rewards of going it on your own. This has always been a very delicate operation where we needed to conceal our craft from your eyes and needed to camouflage our part in many of your affairs. We feel we have done an adequate job in this sense, and up until very recent times we feel very few of you were even aware of our presence and still more of you were unaware that we took part in so many events and directions that your society has taken.


FREEDOM PROJECT: NORWAY ~ The entire top leadership of the Justice Department with Secretary Morten Ruud resigned Friday 27.4.12...

AnaShyNa's picture


The entire top leadership of the Justice Department takes
Secretary Morten Ruud resigned Friday

GOING OFF: Departmentsråd Morten Ruud in the Justice Ministry announced Friday that he goes off. Now, assistant Secretary Hans Olav Ostgaard the same. Here's Ruud photographed at their temporary office at the Police Academy after 22 July. 


Photo: Robert Oak
Published 27/04/12 - 10:08, edited 04/27/12 - 16:25 (AP)
By Alf Bjarne Johnsen and Anne Stine Saether
  GÅR AV: Departmentsråd Morten Ruud i Justisdepartementet varslet fredag at han går av. Nå gjør assisterende departementsråd Hans Olav Østgaard det samme. Her er Ruud fotografert på sitt midlertidige kontor på Politihøgskolen etter 22. juli. Foto: Robert Eik
(AP) The entire top leadership of the Justice Ministry has sought dismissal.Also assistant secretary Hans Olav Ostgaard goes off before the summer.

This was confirmed by Justice Minister Grete Faremo (AP) to AP this afternoon.

This morning it was announced that the administrative CEO, Secretary Morten Ruud is the day that Secretary of the Justice Ministry, and that the former Hub Manager Tor Saglie take over temporarily.

- Both have sought honorably discharged. I take note of the job cuts, says Defence Minister.


About World Liberation Day

strongwings's picture






My dear friends,


Nowadays almost all of us, even the most blind ones have heard who and how are controlling the world populations, you and me. Few bloodlines called Cabal and their organisation Illuminati and sub organisations such as Bilderberg, CFR, U.N. etc..

DIVINE INTERVENTION: Section I -- Defeating Financial Tyranny

Lia's picture

DIVINE INTERVENTION: Section I -- Defeating Financial Tyranny

 Original Written by David Wilcock Friday, 09 March 2012 18:23



Massive, unprecedented ET interventions are completely disrupting any and all plans to start World War III, according to multiple whistleblowers. This and other fascinating developments suggest that 2012 may live up to many prophets' expectations.



Whether we like it or not, everyone is now being confronted with evidence that the world is being controlled by powerful, occult, negative forces behind the scenes.

The Awakening Man: A Portrait of Possibility For Humankind

Lia's picture

The Awakening Man: A Portrait of Possibility For Humankind

By Jeff Brown, originally posted June 30, 2011 Thank You to Vina


The awakening man is conscious, heartfully defined.

Through his eyes, being conscious is not a cerebral construct, nor an intellectual exercise bereft of feeling.


It is a felt experience, an ever-expanding awareness that moves from the heart outward.

It is feeling God, not thinking God.


The new man is always in process, awakening through a deepening interface with the world of feeling.

He continues to strive for a more heartfelt and inclusive awareness. The awakening man has shifted his focus from a localized and ethnocentric perspective to a world-centric framework of perception.


Start get rid of your beliefs - Earth Is Not Orbiting The Sun

glr_Andrea's picture

Earth Is Not Orbiting The Sun in the way we were taught More to do with Something Wrong With The Sun Moon & Earth series. Here we find an understanding of Why the Earth & our solar system do not actually orbit the Sun as taught, "Rather", We follow or better still, are dragged by the Sun in a Spiral Pattern through the universe & time.

This video offers explanations how, besides spinning on its axis and rotating as if going 'Around' the Sun, the Earth is shown to 'Follow' the Sun's movement through the Milky Way galaxy, in a continuous Spiral, not a Flat elliptical plane, thus we find a 3D universe as opposed to the accepted 2D.

** Believe it or not, there is no empirical evidence that the Earth actually orbits the sun ! **

This compilation of videos runs thus:

"The solar system's motion thru space by The Resonance Project / Nassim Haramein"

This simple animation was created by Nassim Haramein and The Resonance Project Foundation 
This is a video clip that every human should see. 
Many of us have been taught about how the solar system works by viewing a physical model that has the sun in the middle with the planets going around and around in a simple circular orbit without properly accounting for the motion of the sun (aprox. 450,000 miles per hour). 
Because the both sun and the galaxy are moving through space, the Earth spirals an incredible distance through space in a year's time. How far the Earth moves depends on the reference point you are using for something "stationary" or "background" even though all objects in the universe are in motion. 

The Earth rotates at 0-1040 mi/hr (depends on latitude)
The Earth orbits the sun at aprox. 66,629 mi/hr
The sun orbits the galactic centre at aprox. 447,000 mi/hr

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-28-2012 – Walking barefoot~

glr_Andrea's picture


~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 04-28-2012 – Walking barefoot~



WOW... for the first time for a long long time I lookd up the EQs and found only 12 >4.0 Mag, and though we did have a 6.7 in Tonga nothing was damaged. Amazing isn’t it?

Weather keeps riding the rollercoaster... only to tell you where I live, northen hemisphere, Europe, we had snow 48 hours ago, we have 26°C (80°F) today, and as far as I see and read and watch it’s like this all over our Wonderful Planet.

This wonderful Sun today gave us the chance to get our entire body re-charged and to walk on Mother Earth=Heart bearfoot, to ground and release, talking to birds and butterflies. And getting ready for more wilde weather as our Beloved Planet gets through Her most wonderful Path of Ascension.


The Astrology of May 2012 ~ for Everyone

Lia's picture

An amazing month. Tons of mutable energy, several six-pointed stars - including two different kinds, a five pointed star and a solar eclipse. A huge, overwhelming turning point of a month. Do not expect clarity. But you can expect a lot of help. As weird and wild and crazy as the vibes are, May is loaded with positive synchronicity.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Healing

Lia's picture

As you reflect on the past, be sure to see the wisdom and love within the lesson


Then release it and move forward. Sometimes things can't be healed until you release the challenges in your lives, so that then the healing rays can enter. Stop focusing upon "what went wrong" and instead focus on 'what you did that was right.' It is okay to trust that you are on the right path and then decide that it isn't working for you and make a course adjustment. Everyone and everything is put on your path for a purpose, even if you can't see that at this moment.


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