Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Positive Energy

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Surrounding yourself with positive people and situations

This allows you to attract and create your intentions and future moments in their highest potentials


Angel wisdom suggests that you use your skills and talents with intention. Eliminate power struggles, conflicts and competition, which come from an ego desire to win. This promotes harmony and joy around you and a magical sense that all things are possible. Appreciate the gifts within each moment and this will allow you to attract and create all that you desire.



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10 April 201


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Blessings from the Zadkiel
Archangel of the Violet Ray of Transmutation

I AM Zadkiel Archangel of the Violet Ray. I come into your awareness to remind you that we, the members of Celestial Service who are aligned with the frequency of transmutation, are here to assist our human brothers and sister serving on the body of Gaia. All of you have prepared for myriad earthly incarnations to perform the role that you are to play in the ensuing process of planetary ascension.

Best Buy CEO steps down ~ 10.4.12... another-one Humpty Dumpty feel of his chair...

AnaShyNa's picture

Commentary from GFP...




another-one Humpty Dumpty feel of his wall [chair...] 

are we going to worry at all?...


I guess he knew, this would not last forever...

Send him regards, maybe some clothes, or a piece of chocolate, or somthing very clever...


Let him go as he had never bee...

do not worry does he have a place to pee...


An example of what we're all about to leave behind~

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While considering how much you could gain by embracing the True Love you are...

while considering if something could or could not change by shifting into a New Reality...

while considering if you're worth something better...

while considering if there is something better at all...

while considering if you want to be an active part of it...

while considering if changes are to occur FROM LOVE or from a psy op...


well, consider this. For this is part of what you've lived in so far, and this is what you'll go on living if you prefer to keep your shoes into the old paradigm. Definetely in a more light way, for these extreemes will not be allowed anymore, thus... still 3d duality consciousness. With all chaos along.


European Markets Just Got DESTROYED, All Major Markets Down Over 2% ~ 10.4.12...

AnaShyNa's picture

Commentary from GFP:


This is small precursor for major event on US markets downstream on waves of panic... The controllers of present status quo are not able to maintain this any longer... First, because all the investors are carefully watching and holding their cash investments out side of any hedge funds... Second... all the derivatives that were created on back of the countries like Greece, Spain, Italy, USA are not holding the veil of needs...


Countries know now that they are not the debt they have been told they carry, but the people of these countries has awaken and they know they are Sovereign... 

They are sovereign beings, they are sovereign state, they are free to deal with their own situation and to find truth... 

Very soon, I feel within next 4-5 days, we will experience massive drops in every stock market place through Europe and US... Yet, please be of no concern as this is anyway only digital money based on fake and very rude slavery technique... where they [banksters and financiers...] were selling you something with no positive value, and charging you an interest... 


~Fleets of UFOs in the Philippines~

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From Earth Allie Lucy

Hi Mother God, much love to you today and everyday. I got this message today and it is in resonance with your daily update here about the decloakings. What ever is happening it is still a little bit too difficult to understand by the majority, as these sightings happen by surprise in different parts of the world and to different type of believers in life beyond this dimension.

Here is what I just received from a group friend



Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels ~ Loving Kindness Is Your Truth ~ 10 April 2012

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Ann Albers ~ Message From The Angels ~ Loving Kindness Is Your Truth ~ 10 April 2012


Treat one another with loving kindness. It will change your reality. What if you knew that everyone you met, everyone you interacted with, and everyone you saw on the street, on the news, and in your neighborhoods was a living, breathing incarnation of God’s love. What if you knew that every person was held close to the heart of God, beloved by angels, and no matter how unthinkable their behavior, good at the core of their being. What if you knew that they, like you, no matter how unconscious they may seem, are really also on a quest for love? How would you treat one another then dear ones? We implore you no matter what actions you take in the physical world, no matter what words you speak, try your best to come from love.


For in truth, the person that cuts you off in traffic is in need of love or they would not be behaving that way. The person that acts in an angry fashion around you requires your prayers. The one who is insensitive and unkind is really a hurting child. Dear ones, we are not asking you to remain around unkind behavior, nor are we asking you to stuff your feelings. We are not asking you to remain silent when you feel compelled to speak. We are simply asking you to be kind to yourself first – to treat yourself with utmost sensitivity and care, and then from that space of loving kindness, to base your words and deeds in love as well.

Blossom Goodchild ~ Feeling The Sound Of Silence ~ 10 April 2012

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Blossom Goodchild ~ Feeling The Sound Of Silence ~ 10 April 2012



Ok , definitely time for a new post … yet what’s new? How is your life progressing? Anything new to report? Do you FEEL change? In You? Around you? I can’t say anything outwardly appears different. Weather may make it seem so, other than that … life goes on living .

Yet what about inwardly … what changes there? Do you feel a change there? Can you say you have grown? We all have to have done … but how does it feel?


I feel more content … amongst all the uprising … I feel with inside of me a deeper understanding of ‘what is‘ and yet I know not ‘what is’ and ‘what is not’. It’s not about the knowing ‘what’ , its ‘what’ the feeling ‘is’.


In my position, and I maybe repeating myself here , people assume that I know a lot more about a lot of things than I actually do. They expect to have deep and meaningful conversations with me … some take quite a journey , or are holidaying from a far off land and take time out to meet me . I laugh quietly as I see them surprised at my lack of this, that and indeed the other !


Steve Beckow ~ Our Future After Ascension ~ 10 April 2012

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Steve Beckow ~ Our Future After Ascension ~ 10 April 2012


The Galactic Federation, SaLuSa tells us, “are assisting you to eventually become Galactic Beings, and that will be by rightfully reclaiming your place with us.” (1) The entire Company of Heaven, according to Archangel Michael, “celebrate that Earth is no longer an ‘infant’ in the keeping of the Sirians, Pleiadians and Arcturians. Now, the Earth is a fully mature and independent Star Being, representing the energy of Solaris in the Golden Rose Galaxy.” (2)


Sheldan Nidle explains what “Solaris” consists of. “Earth-Venus-Mars-Pax will form the nucleus of waterworlds within our future Solaris Star Nation…..and what is to be an [honorable] Galactic Federation of Light member star nation.” (3)


After Ascension, “you will be Beings with a level of superconsciousness, and quite different to what you are now.” (4) Ker-on goes further and says we will “become godlike in your powers and join all other ascended Beings. No more shall you be at the mercy of the dark powers, as they cannot enter the higher dimensions with their lower vibrations.” (5)


The experiences you have gathered are priceless. ~ Michael through Ron Head

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The experiences you have gathered are priceless. ~ Michael through Ron Head

April 10, 2012

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As we speak today, your world is receiving energies from every direction in this universe.  Most of them are channeled through your sun.  Some are reaching you directly from other stars, galaxies, and many millions of friends whom you call ‘aliens’.



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