Hope: Crossing the Financial Heart Line

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Hope: Crossing the Financial Heart Line


Hope: Crossing the Financial Heart Line

By GLR Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

March 2012


As we all collectively enter a new grade of the school of creative financing we find that we stand at a point in-between what we believe in our hearts to be possible and what we see in our world.

BEN FULFORD: Status of Japan in Regards to New BRICS Financial System

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Status of Japan in Regards
 to New BRICS Financial System



Ben Fulford Blog Post

RE: BRICS and the new financial system

Hi Ben,

Recently I saw a conference by Alfredo Jalife-Rahme (teacher of political and Social Science at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)), where explains that BRICS are creating a new international Bank and a new financial system to fight against the power of FMI and the World Bank So my question is the following:? Is this the new financial system you have been talking about If the answer is yes, could you clarify which is the role that Japan is going to have in all this stuff and how BRICS will help to free humanity from the cabal?

Thanks in advance,

PS As I Know You Have a Good Spanish, I Add your Review for the conference link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=IWF3IkyG2j4 


Oneness: Leading? Following? It's All Good

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Oneness: Leading? Following? It's All Good
Please watch this short video (1:17)
This represents a visual metaphor for what we are all experiencing; finding our way out of the darkness, out of fear. 
Are you leading or following? It does not matter. You simply trust your heart and move out when the time "feels" right. Keep your eyes on the road no matter what else is going on around you, no matter how frightened others around you become. If there is a trusted friend ahead of you -follow them! What you cannot see in the darkness you are leaving behind are the others who are looking to YOU to help them find the calmness of Light once more.
This is Oneness, it's how we all help eachother~
All my Love, Boo

LightsOn Entertainment

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LightsOn Entertainment 




by GLR  Kidd Icemusic Element



* Project Chronos * Going into motion soon. ~ The revealing of age old mysteries while opening the doors to new ones. In sync with the initiation of this E.T.T will also be launched
( Elemental Tools & Technology ) We will be creating technological tools as well as natural tools that will be able to aid in everyday life. As well as the video documenting of step by step revelations experienced by brothers on the path as many of the places where the mysteries of time began, are visited. Tapping into the eternal memories that are already in place only waiting to be triggered by perhaps a familiar scene where long forgotten memories have taken place.



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Yes, I listened to all 3 hours; and I resonated greatly with almost everything that was said. There was one glaring exception. Drake made it clear that he was not part of the Republic (RuSA) or associated with Tim Turner. The first time I heard Drake a week or two ago, I felt he was working with some of Tim Turner's detractors; yet almost everything he said was exactly what I have learned during my own association with the Republic. Today, I hope to clear up some of the confusion, since many people asked about it yesterday.

April 2 - 8, Doreen's Weekly Oracle Card Reading

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This week will be intense, which could bring up fears. The angel cards guide you to use all of your spiritual resources, especially prayer, surrender, and shielding, to deal with the changes that are quickly occuring. Trust your intuition, and give all fears or worries to God.


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