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Did you ever try to analyze what is 'fear'?... Not the word 'fear', but what bring this sensation of pain in your stomach, this grip around your chest, this sharp pain in your head?...


What is fear?... But simple reminder that we are still paying attention what others will think about our own actions... that we still judge self not being up to other standards...


What is fear?... but gripping tool of others who want so badly to control your thoughts, your feelings, your actions [or better nonactions...]


What is fear?... but illusion that others, and society wants to enforce upon your beautiful being, not to remember who you truly are...


What is fear?... but distraction from true meaning of life, that lays not in your possessions, your powers over others, your covers of your physical body...

~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-30-2012 – Stop waiting ~

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~ Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-30-2012 – Stop waiting ~




by ANdReA


Did you ever feel, deep in your heart, you should take part to all of this in a different way... did you ever feel that feeling in your Heart, in your stomac, saying “tha’s me, I want to do this as well, I am supposed to be there, in the front line” and then step back... for lack of self confidence... “what if it’s all fake... what if what I feel is not real... and with all those outside there right now... why should it be me?” Well, because it is YOU! You came here for a Mission. You signed a Divine Contract... and can’t get out of fear! And wait to see what others do... how they move... how they behave, think, write... You were not reading this message if you were not supposed to be here now. So what is keeping you back? You came to awaken Humanity and fall asleep yourself, so deep asleep that for as hard as you get slapped, you prefere to stay in the backlines... and watch.


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The BRICS countries' leaders are preparing for their annual meeting. These countries make up 42 percent of the world's population and a quarter of its landmass. They are also responsible for 20 percent of the Global GDP and
own a whopping 75 percent of the foreign reserve worldwide. In these tough
times for world economics these countries are trying to find a solution for the situation. RT's Priya Sridhar gives us a sneak peak of the summit from India

Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs Report - ARE WE REALLY HERE? 03-30-12

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Daily Blue Star Planet UFOs  Report… ARE WE REALLY HERE?




I aplologise for not posting the update yesterday but so much is unfolding all over the Planet I had to give it priority. And so far I saw that many started doing similar posts which I'm really happy about... this is the way infromation can spread! YEEEHAWWW!

Just a hint: if they are made of metal... the're not OUR ships. It's unot UFOs... it's IFO. Human made. Our Ships are Light Ships. Just a hint...




‪UFO Strange Lights or Saucer over MOON?.mp4

COMPTE DE SAINT GERMAIN ~Changes You Can Have NOW ... ~ 30.03.12 ~ by Aruna

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Friday, March 30, 2012


Changes You Can Have NOW

My message today cancels the dross the majority of dear ones are carrying. It means that they are ready to leave their desires behind. Many are clearing dross to be in alignment with heart led callings, and daring to do this has been courageous and dangerous in some situations. But today, we of the Great White Brotherhood are able to lead more clearing to you with only your agreement.

The Beautiful Smiles - by Boo

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The Beautiful Smiles
by GLR Boo Walker
Perhaps it was spending time sitting at FatherGod's feet as he regailed us with fast-paced stories of Love. Perhaps it was the energy waves buffeting our home from the Central Sun. Perhaps it was something in me. It may have been all of this; it may have been none of this.
As I moved about my world yesterday I began noticing the most beautiful smiles radiating from people. The guy at Burger King who gave me my orange juice, the lady in the car next to me at the stoplight. Everything began moving in slow motion, I so wanted to preserve every milisecond of this miracle!
People on the street were talking and smiling at each other, neighbors were gathering to have coffee together in the warm sunshine.


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