The Bull in the China Shop

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The Bull in the China Shop
by SophiaLove

  It is raining here.  All morning we could feel the skies rumble with this approaching storm.  The house shook and our cat moaned.  It was dark and we could not see the clouds move in.  But we knew.  When it broke at daybreak, we all relaxed.  The cat curled up and finally slept, calm again.  We all settled comfortably in to another day of familiar.

Nassim Haramein - "I Believe"

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User Breakz23's interpretation of the words of scientist Nassim Haramein from his "Crossing The Event Horizon 'Rise To The Equation'" DVD, available at his website: . Mixed to the sound of Sasha's "Wavy Gravy" (Airdrawndagger, 2003, BMG)

3-28-12 David Wilcock Interview of Drake, “an Insider specifically asked by the Pentagon ‘good guys’ to come forward”

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3-28-12 David Wilcock Interview of Drake, “an Insider specifically asked by the Pentagon ‘good guys’ to come forward”

[UPDATE 3-29-12 2210 HST: Added topics (approximate) to each part below] [UPDATE 3-29-12 1934 HST: After listening to David's interview of Drake, both mention the failure of guns to work in the field, and the likely intervention of "Higher Ups" in this. Sounds like this will be detailed more in Sections II & III of David's latest article. Just a heads up.]


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Do this meditation, with or without the soundtrack, every day possible in the lead-up to the 12.12.12! I channelled the meditation at the request of one of my Light tribe, Ka't Mandu, who is manifesting 144,000 Light tribe to be doing a planetary meditation for cleansing all negativity within Earth and Her energetic body at at midnight Eastern Standard Time to give impetus to the Earth's Ascension for 2012.

It turned out to be a process in which we all connect with the Core Crystal of Gaia, energising Her and speeding up the process of clearing the 2nd, 3rd and 4th dimensions so that we are more easily able to connect with the fifth dimension.

Love and thank you thank you to my Pleiadian friends for this meditation!

Love love love,
Solara An-Ra Goddess of the Light

Suzy Ward and Mike Quinsey on “Seismic Upheavals”

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Suzy Ward and Mike Quinsey on “Seismic Upheavals”

2012 MARCH 30
Posted by GLR Steve Beckow

Suzy Ward


Translator Luisa Vasconcellos asked Suzy Ward and Mike Quinsey to comment on the two messages from Greg Giles predicting seismic upheavals and removal of people to safe zones. Here are Suzy and Mike’s answers.

Happiness is not a thing which comes from without yourself, YOU create it with the thoughts you think!

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Happiness is not a thing which comes from without yourself, YOU create it with the thoughts you think!

NMP3815 The American Falls photographed from Prospect Point - Niagara Falls New York USA Natural Moments Photography LTD
by GLR Ralf Arthur Fritzinger 30 march 2012 

Namaste dear spiritual brothers and sisters!

Greetings on this wonderful day of our Lord!



Wes Annac – When Channeled Predictions Come True

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Wes Annac – When Channeled Predictions Come True – 30 March 2012

At this time, I would like to take a look at the ‘taboo’ subject of predictions made by channelings actually coming true. I say taboo in a humorous way because indeed, why not employ humor when it comes to this subject! Many have experienced endless heartbreak over such predictions made through sources that haven’t come true, and as a result much of what we collectively think about when it comes to channelings and predictions, are in relation to when predictions do not come true.

Why not look at the rare instances that predictions given through channelings has come true? I’m not going to say there are many examples, but for starters perhaps one can look to the many prophecies given to us from countless civilizations, that predict the coming of a marvelous Golden Age.


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Amazing Ashtar Command Sighting over Mission B.C. 3/2712

An Ashtar Command lightship videotaped by a twelve year old over Mission, British Columbia, Canada on 3/27/12. The lightship diplayed its brilliant lights for approximately ten full minutes over a populated neighborhood, just days after the command, along with the Galactic Federation of Light, stated that they would now increase the number and quality of the sightings of their ships. The red lights on the bottom of the screen are a reflection of the lights on the video camera on a window, but the lights in the sky are not a reflection. The Ashtar Command has said that their ships would appear only as lights to us from our 3rd dimensional perspective, as their command exists within the higher dimensions. 


The Magnetic Pull of Life Leading to May 2012!!

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The Magnetic Pull of Life Leading to May 2012!!



My goodness gracious, my poor little ole mind has been on one hellofa ride since my crystal made its way home from Mexico.  I am as much grateful for it as I am exhausted from it!  My mind just completely fell apart yesterday, too much in too small a space!!  I owe so many people email replies, facebook replies and replies on this blog.  I promise, I will catch up…. I hope!


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Most people are not even aware that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is actually a corporation, although the nation itself was founded as a republic. Well, even though it laid dormant for over a century, there has been an on-going movement for nearly 20 years to re-establish the government provided by the forefathers in the 18th Century. In 2010, that government was reseated. Here's how I see it in 2012.


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