Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves

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Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves

The Vatican-Led Illuminati Matrix and U.S. Constitution

The hidden truth behind the formation of America

Anonymous Judge Blows the Whistle: America is nothing more than a large Plantation and 'We the People' are the Slaves | in5d newsThe following article presented in three parts, starting today, was written by a former judge.

He doesn’t reveal his full name, but the information contained within the writing is well-worth reading and digesting anyway.

It is worth reading because it should stimulate your pursuit to understand the truth behind the formation of America.

This is important since Americans have long been deceived by the likes of men who followed in the footsteps of despicable characters like Ben Franklin, men who have hidden their Illuminati and Vatican connections behind a false veil of freedom and Christianity.


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Indeed, you will excuse me for very short and dry report for today, as no major news and Universe changing events are transpiring...


Not much is happening in our Universe, if you watch MSMedia... Really nothing... even rallies on Markets are so predictable and 'boring', that investors are simply taking all their money in Las Vegas or simply buying real-estate in California or New York...


Not much is happening in our Galaxy from our very earthly point of view.... Not much from point of couch view...

Yet, there are some indices if you watch RT Today, Max and Stacey Keiser Show, there is something fishy with our 'wondrous' markets and fixing price of gold and silver markets... Yet, who cares for US who do not need any gold... for US who only need some food on table and some compassion from Government...

Who cares that Obama issued executive order and that He will arrest and remove 3/4 of Congress and Senate with big Top 500 Corporate executives.... Who really cares...


Melchizedek: Stay True to Your Heart Promptings Follow Your Inner Guidance

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Melchizedek: Stay True to Your Heart Promptings Follow Your Inner Guidance

 Through Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana



March 20, 2012

Beloved Ones,

At this juncture, it is very important to stay focused on your ultimate destination and to remember that for which you are incarnated on the Earth. Let the Love that you are prevail over all else. Go deep within if necessary and practice chanting, mantras or whatever method works best for you.


Connect each day to the Earth by your grounding cord and send your Love and your light to her crystalline core. There is much movement taking place and all is moving deep within. Your energy of Love at this time will help the Earth tremendously.

Remember too, those around you, who require your utmost patience and forbearance, for many are experiencing the changes taking place within them without conscious understanding of what is occurring.



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