Why So Fantastic?

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Why So Fantastic?

2012 March 19
Posted by Steve Beckow

Why is it so fantastic for Stephen Cook to say that the National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order may be used by the Obama Administration to beat back and round up the cabal?


We heard SaLuSa say on March 19, 2012:

“It is clear now to many people that a big shake up is about to occur in the halls of power, and that will enable more far reaching changes to go ahead. It is important that those who block progress and vital changes necessary to free you from control, are totally removed. That process is well underway and those standing in our way are well aware that their time is up. There is no way out for them and their crimes are well documented, with absolute proof of their involvement. We are talking about a measure of weeks rather than months before our actions begin to bite.


~Spring cleaning at the summit~

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The spring equinox is coming in on a strong surge of cosmic energy. The scintillating energies will be flowing down to us in the next 2 weeks to help us bring our bodies, minds and spirits back into balance. The energies are here to remind us where we still need to come back into alignment with source. It will be very clear for those who are on this path to awakening what work still remains to get our houses (bodies, minds and spirits) cleaned. These energies are giving us the opportunity to jog our cellular memories in order to help reawaken to our wholeness. We can not come back into wholeness without first seeing where we are lopsided. Take notes- because these gifts of insight will allow us to prepare for the increase in powerful energetic transmissions from the spiritual hierarchy that are in store for us for the rest of the year.

Power Path: Spring Equinox~New Moon Update 3~19~12 with Pat Liles

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Dear Friends,

Spring Equinox is Monday, March 19 at 11:15 PM Mountain Daylight Time. This is a solid and earthy time for grounding your intentions and setting things up for the next few months. Be sure you take some time to honor the spring equinox as a powerful time of birth and renewal,and to think about what you want as opposed to what you think you should want or you think others expect you to want. Revisit your life at this point and ask yourself whether you are just going through the motions of your life day to day without truly being present or enjoying the experience, or whether you are present, engaged, grateful and inspired. You may get some practical clarity that will manifest in positive change.


Veronica ~ Appreciate The Journey

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Veronica ~ Appreciate The Journey



Posted on March 20, 2012 by GLR Gillian

April Crawford March 20  2012

In the decision to incarnate, it is important to maintain the ability to “like” yourself.

Everyone has moments in their lives that they are not extremely proud of. Learning to be aware of the impact those moments have upn your soul defines who you are.

Angela Peregoff ~ What You Do Today Can Improve All Your Tomorrows

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Angela Peregoff ~ What You Do Today Can Improve All Your Tomorrows




The Morning Blessing | March 20 2012


Do you get that your environment comes in response to your thoughts? So often people play it backwards and their thoughts come in response to their environment. That’s why we are quite often wanting to control everything in our world. The basis of life is freedom; you are so free that you can choose to direct your thought anywhere! And your freedom will truly come when you learn to exercise the power of your own focus. Reorient yourself with the consciousness that is individually best for self! And remember you cannot NOT stay connected to Source, and to the Whole. Well-being abounds and it is simply your joy to focus on it. Become the path that allows….the thought path, the words, the imagery, the picture, the memory, the projection of thought, the process, the tool, the operation of the Universe!

Ohhh yeah,

Oracle Report ~ Tuesday March 20 2012 First Day Of Spring

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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday March 20 2012

Posted on


March 20, 2012

by Gillian



Oracle Report | Balsamic Moon Phase

On this first day of Spring, the Sun moves into Aries and brings new energy to move forward. Aries rushes headfirst, so we need to counter this by thinking things through before we take action. The position of Venus adds an element of conflict to the day’s blend. This energy is called “might versus light.” Forces are in contrast, with old structures, beliefs, and mindsets struggling mightily to hang on, and new structures, beliefs, and mindsets trying to burst out.


Space Weather Update~ Quiet~ First Day Of Spring~ Wind Speed 434

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ELECTRON STORM: The number of energetic electrons in Earth's outer radiation belt is significantly elevated. According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the enhancement is caused by the aftermath of recent geomagnetic storms mixed with a high-speed solar wind stream. "Spacecraft at GEO, MEO and other orbits passing through or in the vicinity of the Earth's outer radiation belt can be impacted," they say.


FIRST DAY OF NORTHERN SPRING: The seasons are changing. Today, March 20th, the sun crossed the celestial equator heading north. This marks the beginning of Spring in the northern hemisphere and Autumn in the southern hemisphere. At this time of year, day and night are of nearly equal length, hence the name "equinox" (equal night).


Good news for sky watchers: Spring is aurora season. For reasons not fully understood by researchers, the weeks around equinoxes are prone to Northern Lights. "With the exception of one cloudy night we have now seen the auroras 16 nights in a row," reports aurora tour guide Chad Blakley from the Abisko National Park in Sweden. "What a season!" He snapped this picture on March 19th:

3/20/2012 -- Severe Weather Continues = Damaging Winds, Possible Tornadoes, large Hail

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Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri are currently under the thumb of this current system--- which is slowly heading north by northeast from Texas.

Currently -- 415am CDT 3/20/2012 -- tornado WARNINGS issued for south texas .. heading towards the general vicinity of Houston Texas... coming from just West of Victoria TX.

Damaging winds extending all the way from South Texas to Central Missouri.

Expect the southern states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee to receive severe outbreaks from this current storm.

Also Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and possibly Michigan again..

Borderline on the east coast as the system presses northeast . Another day yet before we see the east coast major action from this storm.

Out west... pacific northwest states --- Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and Montana -- another system will be making a push from the PNW to the SE (towards the midwest USA sometime over the next 2-3 days).

Use this link to dozens of weather monitoring sites I have assembled together for easy Global status updates:


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