~A Vision for Humanity~

Lia's picture


It is our Intention that we are seeing Humanity in its Highest Light. Accordingly, we intend and envision a world
where our children, no matter where they live, are nurtured and cared for as if they were the most precious gems on the planet - for, indeed, they are;   where the elderly are treated with dignity and the honoring they deserve as their right of birth in this world;  where the sick are comforted and healed, the discouraged find new heart, the downtrodden find new strength, the lonely are befriended, and the lost find their way home;where our leaders are true leaders, worthy of their position, where our teachers prepare others to respect all of life;
and where our businesspeople, everywhere, have taken a stand, firm and strong, for the Highest Good; where soldiers and fighters are a thing of the past because all of Humanity has finally, without any equivocation whatsoever, seen that fighting and violence have never given them the results they were looking for.


We see a world where all debt has been forgiven and we have started over with a new system of exchange that insures equality and a high standard of living for all people everywhere;  and where, as true stewards of the Earth, we have risen up and out of our old ways into the light of a new day where people - each and every one of us - is helping, honoring, loving, and caring, deeply, for everyone else.

3/20/2012 -- Be ALERT -- Global earthquake activity = 7.6M , 7.9M in Mexico PLUS 6.2M in Indonesia

Lia's picture

This is a time to be alert and prepared for eventual sizable compensation movement as a result of this large central america earthquake ... already , we see the movement in south california (a series of 4.0M) and a 6.2M in the west pacific (indonesia).

Be aware that further movement WILL OCCUR as a result of this Mexico earthquake.

New Madrid Seismic Zone, Puerto Rico, South California, Central California, off the coast of Oregon, north to Vancouver Island BC... be prepared just in case !

Website post with links and the screenshots of these events:


glr_Andrea's picture




with Energy Transference to all Planetary Light Servers!

First Transmission ~ New Moon ~ March 22, 2012


During 2012, the Foundation of Children of the Sun is sponsoring Group Expeditions deep into the Amazon Jungle in which group participants will undergo an intense bodily purification program to initiate the greater metamorphic processes of physical body transfiguration.

Serving as prototypes, participants are placing their bodies in service to the collective. At the end of each shamanic program, mass energy transference will be conducted to transmit the experience, together with realizations and self actualizations, to a wider reach and network of Planetary Light Servers.

Each of these journeys will also assist to open a Portal of Light for the upper Amazon region of northern Peru and reaching into Brazil, Columbia and Ecuador.


From now on, see every circumstance as an opportunity. ~ Michael Through Ron Head

Lia's picture

From now on, see every circumstance as an opportunity. ~ Michael Through Ron Head


March 20, 2012

(A personal message to me.  I share it because I see things which probably apply to many.  Namaste.)


Now it is time for us to talk about the best way to process the negative reactions you are bound to encounter as we move forward.  The reach of our messages has begun to expand and they will, as a matter of course, draw comments which are less than salubrious, shall we say.  There is no point in trying to convince the senders of anything.  Their own lives are for the purpose of doing that.  But they can serve a purpose for you if you let them.  Look hard at the reaction they bring up in your emotions.  Ask why you feel the way that you do.  You will find an opportunity to learn about and correct things in yourself that you probably would not have known about. 



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