Pleiadian Messages ~ 21 December 2011

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~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Greg Giles ~


Pleiadian Messages ~ 21 December 2011


In our time, we have seen so many events transpire in your world. Many have been of death and destruction, sorrow and sadness, but today we see far different events manifesting throughout your planet. We see so many people of so many different races and ethnic backgrounds, ages, and from far distant lands, coming together in common cause for the right to live in a world free of tyranny, corruption, and of moral decay. We see you have taken to your streets in defiance of a system broken so and far beyond repair. We see this, and we are so proud of you all. What a difference you are all making, and if you can only see what we see we know so many more of you would look forward to the days ahead and know that your struggles are nearing an end. You are now in the last quarter-mile home stretch. Soon, all of your third dimensional struggles of separation will be a thing of the past. Soon, all you have ever wished for, dreamed about, and worked for will be yours. There will be no denying this. You have earned all that you are about to receive.

~ Solstice 2011 ~ 21/22 December ~Anrita Melchizedek

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~ Solstice 2011 ~ 21/22 December ~Anrita Melchizedek




As these Solar Beings of Light, and transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, the Solstice energies offer us an opportunity of deeper transformation and manifestation in illuminating the essence of our own magnificence. As we are surrounding in the sacred copper-gold flame of Solar Service, we merge with our I Am Presence and connect through the Sun to the Central Sun and Great Central Sun. From the center of Love, we ground these energies through our bodies, into the Golden Solar Sun disc within our hearts, and from here, into the inner earth sun, as these physical vessels of Divine Love.


Message from the Galactic Federation 12/21/11

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Your new world will be greatly assisted and partially governed by the higher Spiritual Realms. This must be to never allow what has occurred here to happen again. Until such time that the people of Earth clearly demonstrate their honorable and peaceful intent and that all the natural abundance of the planet will always be shared equally, we will oversee such procedures. Think not of our assistance as management or rule, as we have no desire to dictate to others. Instead, try to look at our guidance as a nurturing mother seeing to it that her young are protected and cared for.

We wish to see you, our children, forever safe, happy, and well cared for. In time, you will once again govern yourselves completely, but always keep in mind, that what has occurred here will never be permitted to happen again. Many of you will take this as good news, and indeed you may, as your new world will resemble more a beautiful dream than what you have come to accept as your given reality, and we will never let anyone take what you have earned away from you ever again.


We are your family from the stars.


As channeled through Greg Giles

~A Different Perspective on First Contact~

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~A Different Perspective on First Contact~



I'd like to dispel any preconceptions about what First Contact looks like. Humanity has dreams of enormous Starships flying through the atmosphere, and forever changing the Earth's relationship to the Universe at large. I'm not saying this isn't what it's going to look like, but that's only one aspect. For many people, First Contact has already happened. In fact, for a tiny portion of the population, Contact has been happening for thousands of years.


Transcript of Interview with Jesus on Biblical Mysteries, Dec. 20, 2011

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Transcript of Interview with Jesus on Biblical Mysteries, Dec. 20, 2011

2011 December 21
~ Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Steve Beckow~

For those who prefer a transcript, Ellen has transcribed the Dec. 20 Hour with an Angel interview with Jesus. Many thanks, Ellen.


An Hour with an Angel, December 19, 2011

Graham Dewyea: Well, hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel. And I’m delighted to have joining us some very special guests tonight. Jesus will be joining us, as well as Linda Dillon. Dillon is the channel for the Council of Love and will be channeling him.



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DECEMBER SOLSTICE: Tonight is the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the shortest night in the Southern Hemisphere. The December Solstice, which marks the change of seasons, occurs at 12:30 a.m. on the 22nd EST (9:30 p.m. on the 21st PST) when the Sun reaches its farthest point south on the celestial sphere. Happy Solstice!



THE AMAZING TAIL OF COMET LOVEJOY: Widespread reports of Comet Lovejoy's tail are being received from around the southern hemisphere. The ghostly plume emerges just before sunrise, jutting vertically upward into the eastern sky ahead of the sun.

"I observed the comet with my unaided eye for 55 minutes this morning," says Colin Legg of Mandurah, Western Australia. "I also captured a timelapse sequence of the comet rising as twilight progressed." Click on the image to set the scene in motion:


~In Response to The Dark are Exposing themselves~

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~Galactic Love Reporter And First Contact Team Member Ellion~


~In Response to The Dark are Exposing themselves~



Cheers to you Boo! 


NESARA has been a subject on my mind now for about 13 years and latetly there has been a great resurgence of energy with this matter.  For years we were were bombarded by promises that it was right around the corner, by "the Dove of Oneness", Poof, Casper, Fulford, Nancy Tate, Sheldon Nidle, Salusa, and a host of others.  It got to be downright antithetic to it even being real.


Yet, a glimmer of hope always existed, in the longing soul of this writer!  It is obvious to all informed seekers now, that this financial system is unsustainable.  Indeed, it is becoming the same view of Main Street, even if as they futilly try to remain oblivious.  You can't expect a system built on lies and greed to go on forever can you?  This day has long been foreseen and now, with the  recent abundant reports, it looks like the time draweth nigh.


Rejoice! A Solstice Message from the Angelic Emissaries of the Galactic Councils As directly received December 21, 2011

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~ Galactic Love Reporter 

From the Daily Drawings, 12/12/2011


A Solstice Message from the Angelic Emissaries of the Galactic Councils
As directly received December 21, 2011



12~21~11 I googled "NESARA" this morning and was delighted to see so many of the dark ones exposing themselves

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I googled "NESARA" this morning and was delighted to see so many of the dark ones exposing themselves through fear-generating sights on the topic of NESARA. Here are some of the quick quotes from the search:


* "NESARA is a fraud. NESARA is the political and economic program of the False Prophet and Antichrist"

My THIRD Dream about full UFO contact! ~Preparing for Contact~

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My THIRD Dream about full UFO contact! ~Preparing for Contact~


So tonight I had my Third dream abaut full UFO contact.


I really want to share these dream with you guys because I believe these dreams are a sign.


Always in these dreams I am at my Mom's apartment, it's night and I look out of the windows and I see the sky FULL of HUNDREDS of Spaceships! :D


It's AMAZING! All the Dreams start the same way.


In the first dream I had telepatic contact, and they told me they where always there if/when I needed them.

~ 12 ~21~11 The Fall of the Ego and Out~Breath of Spirit

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The Fall of the Ego and Out~Breath of Spirit 12~21~11



~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Lisa Gawlas~


December has been the most diverse month I have ever seen within the human energy body in all the years I have been looking at and working with the energy system. But what I had seen yesterday just leaves me even more excited for the days and months to come.

I know I have written about expansion and contraction, inhaling and exhaling our new lives, our new way if living life, but until yesterday, it was a concept without images. For me personally, I understand in greater detail when I can "see" what is happening.


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